Childhood Friends 2.

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The school gates flung open and closed. Everytime the gate would open Sai would rush over to see who it was but everytime he went he would come back disappointed. It would be a parent to one of the other kids in his class.

This was Sai's first day of school, he was only a five year old boy who disliked talking or associating with people, he preferred it if people gave him his own space and got annoyed if people tried to talk to him.

Sai was one of those kids who only talked to people he knew and if he didn't like you don't bother talking to him.

Now all the students had gone home leaving only Sai alone. Sai was sad but he didn't cry and waited for his brother to come. The teachers were amazed by it, most students whose parents came late always played a tantrum or started causing problems. But Sai was wellbehaved and didn't cause a single commotion.

The door opened again and this time it was truly Sai's elder brother Li HuaWei. Li Huawei was completely soaked from the rain and he breathed heavily.

Once the teachers saw Li Huawei they stood up to go carry Sai.

However when they tried to carry Sai, Sai refused and walked over to his brother. The teachers were embarrassed by this but they didn't say a word.

Li Huawei bent over to his brother's reach and hugged him. " Sai, I am so sorry I was late. My boss asked me to take the trash out so..."

Before Li Huawei could finish, Sai put his hand on his brother's cheek and said. " Gege don't run in the rain again you will catch a cold."

The teachers who were around blushed from the adorableness. Both, elder brother and younger brother were adorable and watching them show their love was even cuter.

Li Huawei smiled at his brother but then he stood up and bowed to the teachers." I am so sorry I was late."

The teachers immediately asked Li Huawei to raise his head." There is no need! It must be really hard for you having to come back from work and pick your brother... Please, you can take as much time as you need."

The other teacher stepped on the teacher. " Well not that much.."

Li Huawei chuckled and the teachers blushed. He picked up Sai and carried him on his back. " Sai we are going on my motorcycle today."

Sai's eyes flushed. " Motorcycle! Motorcycle!"

Li Huawei waved goodbye to the teachers before heading out with Sai.

When they were outside Li Huawei placed Sai on his bike and drove off... While they were still on. Li Huawei spoke to Sai." Sai i have a surprise for you at home."

Sai stared at his brother. What surprise could his brother have?

They rode on the motorcycle before they finally reached home. When they reached home Sai jumped out of the motorcycle and he saw another motorcycle. The motorcycle was not familiar to him but he could guess Li Huawei's surprise had to do with a person.

Li Huawei got off the bike and opened the gate. Sai was already way ahead of him rushing to the house in no time, but he was stopped again by the door.

Li Huawei smiled." You don't need to rush.. " Li Huawei brought out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

When the door opened Sai rushed over to the living room, he was surprised to see a white fluffy cat but when he saw Kousu. His eyes widened and his cute smile enveloped round his face. " Kousu!"

Kousu was busy petting his cat but when the cat saw Sai running towards Kousu the cat jumped and scratched the sofa. Kousu scolded. " You are so rough, Sai!"

Sai smiled. " I missed you so much..."

They both continued hugging.

Li Huawei came in and saw Huang Ning and Li Chen playing with the cat. He was confused. " When did you guys buy a cat?"

Huang Ning turned over to Li Huawei. " Kousu's dad bought him. During our holiday to america."

Li Huawei," What's his name?"

Huang Ning," Gao Xing."

Li Huawei," Gao Xing?"

At that moment Huang Ning turned over to Kousu but Kousu brought his tongue out. " Da–Da said I could name him so I named him Gao Xing."

Both boys exchanged glances.

Sai questioned. " Gao Xing? You are terrible at naming."

Immediately Kousu slapped the back of Sai's head. " I love the name and you should too..Or..Or..else..I wouldn't go to your school."

Hearing this Sai sniffled. " Hick..I want to my school. I like the name Gao Xing."

Kousu smiled, " Okay stop crying. I will go to your school."

Even with that Sai still continued crying and Kousu had no choice but to apologize.

" I am sw..orry."

Although the issue had been solved, Li Huawei was still confused. Since when was Kousu joining Sai's school?" Kousu is joining Sai's school?"

Huang Ning let go of the cat and answered. " Kousu's dad wants him to make new friends and since him and Sai are already childhood friends then it shouldn't be a problem... And plus Sai is more active with Kousu around."

Well that was true. Whenever Sai was around Kousu. He was a completely different person. He was more free, he talked more and he laughed more. It was nice to see Sai and Kousu were close. Since Sai's father and Kousu's father were friends, Sai and Kousu became friends from birth.

Li Chen asked. " When is mom coming back?"

Li Huawei lied. " I am sure she will be back anytime soon."

Li Chen smiled and continued playing.

Their mother Li YiJie was a prostitute who never stayed with one man. Li Huawei and Sai had the same father but Li Chen was their step brother and there were still many other brothers and sisters they didn't know about. The only reason why they were together was because of their grandpa who was their mother's father. If not for their grandpa they would never have met each other or would have been sent to an orphanage.

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