Mei xuan?

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The day had gone by pretty fast. Jie jie had snuck out of class  with jay. They were going to an unknown location. And since Jie jie didn't know were they were going all jay said was they were going to meet some of his friends.

For some reason the word 'Friends' only added to jie jie's troubles after all this so–called friends jay wanted him to meet were delinquents and future criminals. They had walked far away from school and were in a deserted old alley. The sounds of meowing alley cats and fallen drips of water made jie jie shiver. The alley was dark and old, with only little light from the sun. The buildings around were filled with cracks and leaking with water. Jie jie had never seen such a deserted place before. He was afraid and amused but he wanted to know if he was safe. " Jay! Where is this place?"

Jay stopped for a moment to take a look at the confuzzled jie jie, he answered. " This place was abandoned a long time ago. The name of the street was ShiZhun. It wasn't really popular back then but at least it had some people living in it– that was until the bloody moon. The first appearance of the soul catcher in which four hundred people were killed. The police said the dead people were shot. But the survivors who had witnessed the scene kept on saying it was no gun but one man. That was the first time the soul catcher came to existence. And best of all on this ground we are on.. Scary right!"

Jie jie was scared, the place he was standing on was once a place filled with dead bodies. Jie jie moved his legs a little. Afraid he might be standing on someone's death spot.

Jay laughed. " No need to be so frightened. No one has been here in decades. Even the soul catcher and plus what will the soul catcher want to do with us"

Although Jay was right. Jie jie still couldn't help but have the feeling that this place was going to bring him horrible memories. He moved one foot out and continued walking like nothing had happened so as not to annoy jay.

They walked for a while until they could see the other side of the alley which was open to another street but not only a street. A group of tugs who were standing with cigarettes in their mouths and big sized bats in their hands.

Jie jie shook in fear. These men were no joke. Not only were they scary looking but they were covered in blood. Whereas Jay smiled at the sight of his friends, he rushed over to them and took a cigarette from one of them's mouth. " Dao chi. You guys started smoking without your best bud. How is that fair?"

Dao chi's gaze was not on jay but instead was on the boy jay had come with. Jay noticed it and introduced jie jie. " Everyone this is Jie jie my childhood friend"

When the men heard ' Jie Jie ' they bent down and laughed they couldn't contain themselves. " So you are our elder sister huh?" They all laughed loudly.

Jie jie stood there with his hands on his arm. He could already tell that not even in a thousand years would he belong to such a group. He bent his head slightly covering his embarrassed face. When he felt someone's arm on his shoulder.

" Don't be mean to the new kid!" the person shouted.

Jie jie turned over to look at the person. It was a guy. He was five feet tall, black hair with a little dyed white on the bottom. He had lavender eyes and a frown on.

Although he was not very tall his power was all hidden deep down in his eyes.

The other men were annoyed to see him. Dao chi shouted. " Mei Xuan! You shouldn't be in this kind of place. You are part of the Black Phoenix. So you should assume your place. Instead of going around having fun with your enemies. "

Mei xuan chuckled. " Haven't you heard of this statement? Get closer to your enemies and the more you know their weakness"

'Mei xuan' jie jie stood there in shock as he gazed. He could tell these men were afraid of mei xuan. Even Jay hadn't said anything but stared disgustedly at him. How could a man be so terrifying?

Mei Xuan continued. " What's your name kid?"

Jie jie was shocked but he answered " Jie jie"

Mei xuan" Jie jie "

Mei Xuan didn't laugh or even smirked; he just warmly smiled. " Your name is really nice. You know I have a close little cousin and his name is Xing Xing! I always make fun of his name. You seem like a nice kid. If i were you i wouldn't hang out with rusty delinquents like them. They are trash i tell ya. " mei xuan let go of jie jie. He glared at the men who glared back at him. " Well then. I wish you guys goodluck in defeating Soul Catcher. Tch! We will see who will die first"

Mei Xuan took his leave and neither of the men even bothered to fight or attack him.

Jay finally spoke up" We need to deal with sai first. Soul catcher can come back later. Jie jie has volunteered to join sai's gang. He will bring information for us so we don't need to worry anymore."

Jie jie was confused. He didn't remember saying anything about him joining Sai's gang. When it struck him. He realized he had said so. " Yes! I will help you guys!"

The angered men suddenly smiled. They were quite happy that their plan was going the way they wanted. They had been trying to find someone who was willing to join Sai's gang but all their men were too weak and frightened. But now they had found a fish stuck to their hook and this fish wasn't willing to let go.

Dao chi smiled. " You don't need to worry about going to join sai's gang. We have already got the gang uniform and reserved a place for you. You already know you only need to get information about sai? So that wouldn't be a problem right?"

Jie jie nodded." Right!"

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