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This chapter might have some inappropriate language. Viewers discretion is advised 

Just the thought of sai made jie jie's heart skip a bit. He still imagined the way his first gang meeting was, the crowd of boys who looked like men and the founding members' straight face of seriousness. Among all of the members sai was the one who shook him the most. Once he heard all the gang members shout ' Evening president sai' jie jie was left frozen as he stared at sai, sai's confidence and composure was something to be shaken about. The way he moved and kept a straight face made him even more charming. The fact that he acted tough but was just a cheeky child made him even more admirable. All through the gang meeting jie jie's eyes were only on sai. Sai's golden eyes, his silky black hair and his tiger tattoo. It was truly overwhelming.

" Jie jie i am going to the hospital" jie jie's mother called out.

Jie jie stopped his day dreaming and went over to the kitchen to assist his mother in locking the door. His mother looked slightly better after Jay's mother decided to take care of his sister's healthcare. His mother was overwhelmed with joy and smiled even more than before. Jie jie was pleased by this. " I will stay at home"

Jie jie's mom gave him a warm smile " There is food in the pot. Incase you get hungry. Don't get in trouble while i am gone"

Jie jie nodded, he walked his mom out and locked the door. Once his mom was gone he stared back at the empty house. His house had never been so quiet normally at times like this he would hear his sister singing in the shower or his dad making some business phone calls. But now he was alone in this big house that made him feel like a cockroach.

Jie jie walked over to his room and locked his door. He picked up his notebook on the floor and sat down before picking up his pen and writing. Now that he was alone he felt at peace writing this.

Although jie jie's mind pricked him, his horny side wouldn't let him rest. Jie Jie had always been a master of the art of creative writing and poems from middle school. His teachers would repeatedly call his mom telling her of the wonders and talent Jie jie had. Jie jie didn't see it as a talent, he only saw it as something natural and something his body had naturally developed.

During his free time he would write detective stories or science fiction stories with little or no romance but now he was writing a novel with nothing but smut.

The story didn't have a specific name and jie jie had no plans on naming it. Writing this book would bring him troubles and he knew it but he couldn't help but listen to that dark and horny part of him.

Sai and him that was his nickname for the story, the story was mostly about inappropriate things one can do in bed and these stories weren't just normal smut stories the smut was based on him and sai having fun in bed.

Writing this down was entertaining for him but at the same time he felt like a creep. Rather than openly accepting his feelings he was acting like a horny pervert and writing smut scenes between him and sai that he was sure would never happen.

Jie jie's pen was moving at a fast pace and his mind was racing through all kinds of dirty thoughts. Jie jie wasn't surprised he was gay. He was more surprised that he was a pervert. Writing stories about you and your crush doing such a thing was disgusting and outrageous.

But this was the only way to fulfill his pervert desires without anyone getting involved.

Jie jie's mind was racing and his heart was beating faster, he couldn't let anyone find such a book, the things he was writing made him question if he was truly innocent or if it was all a false act....

The school bell rang and jie jie woke up from his nap. He hadn't slept all night, instead he was writing things about him and sai. He felt disgusted and revolted at himself—how could he do something so creepy to a guy who knew nothing about him. And a delinquent in fact.

" What's wrong with you?" Do Jin asked. Jie jie had been sleeping all day and Do Jin knew something was wrong. Jie jie wasn't the type to sleep in class. In fact for some reason all through class he was awake and jie jie was sleeping.

Jie jie answered. " It's nothing. I am just a little tired. "

Do Jin," Did you sleep late?"

Jie jie," Ya! I was busy with my math homework."

Do Jin looked confused," Wait, we have homework?"

Jie jie was unwilling to answer his stupid friend's question, how could he have forgotten their strict teacher's homework. Do Jin was definitely going to be flogged.

Do jin glanced at jie jie with tears in his eyes." Jie jie xiong!"

Jie jie answered rudely." What!"

Do jin cried" Please may I borrow your assignment? I promise I will buy you mooncakes at the cafeteria and Tang Yuan!."

Jie jie sighed he was unwilling to help his lazy friend but seeing the look of sincerity in him, he gave do jin his homework. Do jin smiled." Jie jie xiong is the best! No one is as nice as jie jie xiong!"

Jie jie whispered" Shut up. You are too loud."

Do jin smiled, playing with Jie jie was fun but most of all he wouldn't get in trouble with their ogre looking maths teacher. Do Jin immediately picked his maths book and started writing. He tried his best to make sure his and jie jie's work didn't look alike.

Jie Jie was impressed at how fast Do Jin was. He couldn't write that fast.

Do Jin noticed Jie jie was focused on his writing and so he used it as an opportunity to ask jie jie" Can I come over to your house? You have seen my house so it would only be fair if i see yours"

Jie jie was unsure if he wanted Do Jin to come over. But since he had developed some kind of trust towards do jin he accepted with a sigh. " Fine! Come over."

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