Childhood friends.

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All the way home. Neither Kousu nor Sai said anything to each other. Both sides knew they had done something terrible and not even talking could help fix it.

When they reached Kousu's house. Kousu went over to the bed and lay down. Leaving Sai on the ground.

Sai sat on the ground with his head hidden under his arms. He was sure Kai Qian would think of something more and wouldn't believe him so easily. " She is gonna be mad."

Kousu didn't answer, he only hid his head under his pillow. This was his chance to make Sai hate him for good. But even though he wanted Sai to hate him, he was afraid of the consequences.

Sai stood up from the ground and walked over to Kousu. He then sat down and removed the pillow from Kousu's head. " I am sorry if i.."

Kousu," Sai. sorry wouldn't fix anything... Your girlfriend has caught us and now she will think I am the enemy here. "

Sai was surprised by Kousu's reaction. " We both know I am not cheating on her, I will just tell her. We were kissing for a play, that's all."

This time Kousu couldn't hold the anger in him. " A play huh!... Do you just kiss people because of some damn play! You don't just kiss people and expect them to think of it as nothing. Isn't it enough that i get hard when you fucking kiss me!...and now you fucking think it's a play."


Kousu continued with tears flowing down his eyes." Fuck! Now I am crying... Have you ever bothered to know how I feel about you kissing me... Do you know what I think when you do that stuff?.... It's already hard for me to watch some girl with the guy I like. Do you know how jealous I get when I see you with her? Do you really think it's that easy to fall in love and let go.... Fuck her all you want i don't give a shit but don't just kiss me and expect me to act like i am okay..hick.. I am not okay!"

Sai's golden eyes had turned dull as dull as the day his brother died. He never thought Kousu saw him that way. He didn't think Kousu disliked the kissing but neither did he bother to know about how Kousu felt when he did that. " Kousu..i.."

Kousu." I don't want to hear it. Just don't... I don't want to talk to you ever again...hick...just seeing you makes me feel sick..."

When Kousu realized what he said he kept quiet and stared at Sai. " Sai..i.."

Sai didn't let Kousu touch him. He stood up, went to the door and left.

He didn't say anything to Kousu and Kousu didn't say anything to Sai. But once Sai was gone Kousu's cries only increased." It..It's..hick..for the best."

Sai started the engine of his motorcycle and made his way to the playground. After the kissing incident Kai Qian wanted to see Sai. Sai didn't plan on going but now he wanted to get the burden off him.

He stopped his bike and walked over to the playground where Kai Qian was swinging on the swing. She swung around a few times, her orange hair was really obvious and beautiful, but yet when Sai saw Kai Qian's long hair all he saw was Kousu. Sai walked over to Kai Qian and when Kai Qian saw Sai. She jumped off the swing and walked over to meet him. " Sai are you alright your eyes are..."

Kai Qian tried to touch Sai but Sai didn't let her. " I am fine..."

Kai Qian smiled and went over to sit on the swing, she gently pushed herself on the swing and smiled. " Sai why don't you sit.. I will push you."

Sai still didn't answer, but then he finally did. " Kai Qian, do you love me?"

Kai Qian was puzzled by the question but she answered. " Yes."

Sai asked," How long?"

Kai Qian," Since primary...That would be six years."

Sai asked. " If I told you I didn't feel the same, what would you do?"

Kai Qian put on a smile." Sai don't joke with me like that.."

Before she could finish Sai continued with tears in his eyes. " I am sorry. But I was only using you...Let's..break up."

In anger Kai Qian stood up from the swing and slapped Sai. " No!"

She pushed Sai to the ground and began punching him. But her punches didn't hurt Sai at all. What hurt him most was knowing he wouldn't ever be able to see Kousu again.

Kai Qian shouted." It's because of that gay freak right. It's because of Kousu.. What do you see in him? Am I not enough.. Why would you choose such a weirdo over me... Why would you prefer to be weird and gay than to be with me and straight... All gay people are weird."

Kai Qian was about to land another punch but Rue Xuan stopped her with one hand and threw her off Sai.

She shouted. " You bastard! I swear if he doesn't get back with me I will make sure to embarrass Kousu! I swear.."

Rue Xuan glared at her with disgust. " Try me!"

Immediately Kai Qian ran away with anger and rage in her eyes. But Sai didn't care, he just wanted to die at that point.

Rue Xuan glared at Sai disgustedly before he sat next to him. " You met him again but now he wants to run away."

Sai didn't bother to look at Rue Xuan." I have tried over and over again. I thought this time he would want to stay by me but maybe I was wrong... He hates me even more now!" Sai's tears increased; he was unable to hold them anymore.

Rue Xuan sighed. " Huang Xing Kousu... I still remember when we were kids. You used to love being around Kousu. To think now you don't even understand him.."

Sai," He never wants to see me again.. He doesn't even remember who I am.. I thought if I saw him again he would be happy to see me...But I guess not."

Rue Xuan sighed. " I don't get why you wouldn't let him be..."

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