Betrayal .

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Even though Huang Xin was suspicious, Kousu still decided to follow him to his so–called bully. Kousu was starting to think Huang Xin was lying about this bully. Afterall Huang Xin was known to be quite crafty and suspicious. Kousu just wanted to deal with things and get back home. He was sure this bully would have no problem if Kousu just asked to have a chat with him.

The Motorcycle engine was loud and fast, Kousu sped through the road. Another thing he was talented at was motorcycle racing. Huang Xin was behind him, holding onto Kousu's waist. His hold was pretty tight and it made Kousu find breathing a little difficult but Kousu didn't mind. Huang Xin was always this clingy.

When Kousu reached the location Huang Xin had given him. He was surprised to see it was a new motorcycle shop. Kousu stared at the shop and stared back down at Huang Xin. He expected Huang Xin's bully to be a teenager, not a full grown adult.

Kousu asked again. " Is this the place?"

Huang Xin stared at the place and answered. " Yes!"

Kousu and Huang Xin got off the bike. Huang Xin dug into his bag and brought out two masks. One had a smile while the other had a frown.

Now Kousu was extremely suspicious about this. Even though it was extremely dark Kousu knew these masks resembled the one Soul Catcher used. But even with his suspicion Kousu hid all the negative thoughts in him and wore the frowning mask while his brother wore the smiling mask. Huang Xin walked over to the back of the shop and opened up the back door with a pin.

The door had opened with the pin Huang Xin used and it only added to Kousu's suspicion. How did Huang Xin know the pin?

Huang Xin turned to Kousu." Come on."

Kousu followed from behind and they walked into the shop. From what Kousu could see, no one was inside the shop. Also there were no cameras. Kousu felt like a burglar in the shop. He didn't know what Huang Xin had planned but he was getting suspicious of Huang Xin.

Huang Xin walked around the shop and looked for any little detail he could find but he was left with nothing but an old rusty pipe.

Kousu had enough of this and so he threw the mask to the ground and turned over to Huang Xin. " Why am I wearing this mask and what exactly is going on!"

Huang Xin had a sudden creepy smile on. " Kousu–Xiong. You are such a great actor you know"

Kousu was confused. " Huang Xin, this is no joke.."

Huang Xin's smile suddenly turned to a frown. " A joke huh! You are pretty dumb you know. It's surprising that you ended up being Soul Catcher...My..My.. What a joke of a world."

Hearing this Kousu shook in fear. How did his brother know about this? He had never told anyone before, not even Huang Ning. " Does..Does it look like I am joking with you! Huang Xin I don't care about your stupid plan I am going home."

Kousu was about to walk out when he heard someone else's voice. He turned around and then he saw Li HuaWei. Li HuaWei glanced at Kousu; he didn't expect to see Kousu in his shop. " Kousu, what are you doing here? Is Huang Ning here?"

Kousu noticed Huang Xin had vanished but when he blinked again it was too late." Li HuaWei watch out."

Li HuaWei turned around but was greeted by a metal pipe that swung to his face. Li HuaWei jerked but he soon came falling down.

Kousu's hand shook rapidly as he saw the pool of blood increase, he turned over to Huang Xin but all Huang Xin did was smile. " Now.. A—Xing you will only be mine." Huang Xin swung the bat once more and the bat landed on his head. Huang Xin fell to the ground and started bleeding.

Kousu ran over to Li Huawei and Huang Xin. Even though he knew he was tricked he still shouted out for help. He didn't mind going to prison but as long as someone saved him and his brother.

But as he was shouting a flash of light appeared from outside to the building.

There was a sudden loud murmur and then a masculine voice called. " Soul Catcher! Raise your hands and come outside or else things might get crazy.."

Kousu raised his hands up. Huang Xin had reported him to the police. Kousu walked out of the building with his hands up and blood all over.

The people who had surrounded the police officer all stared at Kousu disgustedly, some of them looked pitifully while a few looked at him with rage. But there was one person in particular who had no expression on. Kousu turned over and saw a boy about his age, the boy had black hair, fair skin and yellow gold eyes that shone as bright as the sun. The boy had no expression on, he wasn't in rage or fear. His eyes were simply normal and his face resembled that of Li HuaWei.

That was when Kousu realized it. The boy was Li Huawei's brother and Kousu was being blamed for something he didn't do.

The ambulance came in and people rushed in to take the victims to the shop. Kousu was locked up in the police cab and all Kousu did was look at the boy with yellow eyes. Even when the boy saw his brother's dead body the boy still had the same expression on.

Kousu was unsure of what to feel at the moment, was it rage, anger, disbelief or hatred. He had none of those feelings all he felt was the feeling of betrayal covered with pity and hate for himself. He had fallen so stupidly for his brother's trap and now he was going to be hated more than he was ever hated.

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