Female or male?

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Kousu was unsure of where to go. He had managed to get to the location Sai had sent him but now he was lost and alone. He layed back on his motorcycle seat while checking his phone and dialing sai's number but there was no response. Each call gave the same answer' the person you are calling is currently offline' , the words being repeated only annoyed kousu, who wanted to hit his head on a wall at that moment due to frustration.

A few people passed by kousu admiring his beauty, but were surprised to see a girl on a motorcycle. A young boy who noticed kousu whispered " mommy!. That girl has a motorcycle does that mean she is a baddie"

The mother didn't respond, she only dragged the boy further away from kousu to prevent a conflict. Kousu was annoyed by the question–what was so bad about a girl with a motorcycle, his cousin Mei lian had one and she wasn't a baddie.

He let out a sigh, before kicking himself back up from his seat, he decided to do a little survey, maybe he could find sai. After a while of walking he was back to the same spot as before, he had just gone in circles, he thought angrily.

Kousu heard footsteps walking towards him, the footsteps were slow and soft, it didn't sound like an echo which meant the person was wearing slippers. The sound got louder and louder, the person was closer to kousu but kousu still refused to respond. He wasn't ready to make a scene. After all this was the horn gang's territory a little sound would send him straight to death town.

" kousu " sai waved.

Immediately kousu turned to the familiar voice, it was sai.

Kousu shouted " where the hell was your phone"

Sai looked rather confused by the question, he dug his hand into his pocket in search of his lost phone but it wasn't there. In confusion, he looked back up at kousu who was tapping his feet continuously in anger. Sai didn't respond but only smiled to hide his embarrassment.

Kousu wasn't ready to deal with someone as forgetful as Sai, he was freezing from the cold night and his hands had turned pink.

Sai noticed it and walked over to give kousu a hand glove to keep his arm cool.

Kousu looked up at sai although sai was a jerk he was still caring not like other people.

Sai walked kousu to the apartment building and they took the elevator to go to the twentieth floor. Sai couldn't help but continuously stare at kousu. He wondered if he had ever noticed how pretty kousu looked, his long eyelashes and his perfectly faired skin, his chubby cheeks and his crimson red eyes.

Kousu noticed it and warned " what the hell you up to!. Looking at me like that?"

Sai didn't respond, he only turned his gaze to the elevator door. They had reached the twentieth floor, kousu walked closer to Sai, so as not to get lost. The building was massive. Maybe his next conference could be held here, he thought.

They walked to a door with a number twenty five written on it. Sai gently knocked on the door and it was soon opened by a familiar figure.

" demon!" kousu was confused, he didn't expect to see demon there nor did he expect to see Chen Chen behind.

Chen Chen waved at kousu not surprised by his heavy makeup, and his girl-like appearance. Kousu guessed Sai had told them of the plan and that was why seeing him like this wasn't much of a surprise.

Demon smiled." kousu!. You look very pretty "

Demon's smile hadn't gone away at all, it was always there and got larger the more kousu met him. Kousu responded to the compliment " thank you " he forced a smile to play along with the act and not raise suspicions. Sai walked kousu to the living room, where two other girls were seated.

One of the girls noticed kousu, and tapped on her friend's shoulder to notify her of the new friend.

Both girls were pretty kousu admired. But the most beautiful among the two was the one with brown hair, the girl's eyes were orange which matched perfectly with her orange gown and the little bracelets on her hand. Kousu wondered which one was Kai Chu's sister.

The girl's eyes lightened up when she saw kousu. Kousu wondered if it was because of shock or surprise.

He slowly bowed his head like jing hua did to him on the first day they met. Sai was more surprised to see kousu this respectful, he wondered if he had picked up the right girl.

The girl with brown hair walked up to kousu " you don't need to do that "

Kousu raised his head up immediately, the posture was annoying to him afterall it made him feel inferior rather than superior.

" sai. You never mentioned of having a girlfriend" the other girl asked.

Sai looked up at the girl and replied " kou na is not my girlfriend!. She is just my childhood friend"

Kousu wasn't interested in the girl's statement he was rather more interested, in the changed look on the brown haired girl's face, when kousu had come earlier the girl looked both shocked and sad, but when sai mentioned kousu wasn't his girlfriend the girl seemed relieved. Kousu could tell Sai didn't lie about her having a crush on him, kousu now knew which one was Kai chu's sister.

Kousu got in the discussion " me and sai aren't dating. We are just childhood friends"

Kai chu's sister turned to kousu with a huge welcoming smile on her face " thank you for coming !. my name is kai qian "

" My name is Kou Na, " kousu replied, his female name wasn't really bad, in fact sai thought of it pretty well.

The girl from behind walked over to them and smiled at kousu " I am A Qian's best friend. Ni nang.

Kousu glanced at the girl a little before smiling.

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