Dan Hua.

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The loud clitty clack of school shoes awakened jie jie from his troublesome dream. The students were all having their break; they were laughing and commenting on each other. 

Jie jie felt annoyed by the happiness in their eyes. Anytime he looked at them there would be a sudden illusion of him and jay. And if there was something he wanted to forget it was Jay, Jay was worse than before. Ever since he joined the horn gang people have been showing him respect . He would always have fights and hardly ever come to class, and worst of all he was rude to the teachers. None of this was the jay jie jie knew, the jay he knew was nice, smart and respectful but now he was wondering if all their years of friendship was all a lie.

Do Jin walked into the classroom and saw his friend staring at people with detest in his eyes, he called out." jie jie xiong!"

Jie jie had hoped to never speak to Do Jin again but after the embarrassing meltdown he had the other day, he couldn't leave do jin.

However jie jie was starting to see Do Jin as the opposite of what he thought, Do Jin was nice and friendly although he talked a lot he always had the most interesting stories and now jie jie was starting to see do jin as a friend.

Do jin walked up to jie jie and sat in front of him. " jie jie xiong. Your hair is really rough. Do you even take care of yourself? Don't tell me you are depressed because of that–jay of a guy. He is a bastard"

Jie jie grabbed do jin's ear and scolded. " you are really rude you know"

Do jin cried, the pain was unbearable." i am sorry jie jie xiong"

Jie jie let go of do jin, he had way better things to do than to scold do jin. Another bad side of do jin was that he was really stubborn and enjoyed bad mouthing people behind their backs.

Do Jin continued. " jie jie xiong i think jay is getting worse than before. Yesterday on my way home I saw him and his friends smoking cigarettes. I can't believe my innocent nose smelt something so terrible"

How dramatic.

Jay was becoming worse than ever and jie jie was too afraid to even speak to him, jie jie was afraid of that disgusted look jay had given him before and jie jie never wanted jay to look at him like that. Jie jie sighed but spoke. " I am going to talk to him today. My mom is visiting his mom today so i might as well have a chat with him"

Do jin's eyes lightened up, he wanted to get a chance to speak to this jay guy that jie jie worried about so much. Maybe they even had some kind of hidden story, or maybe they were more than friends. Do jin's mind was going through all the disgusting things a mind could ever think of.

Apart from jay, jie jie's mind had been going to someone else and anytime he remembered that person his face would flush or his stomach would flutter. It was really annoying for him and he was unsure of what was wrong. He was sure that he wasn't sick but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Even the name sai made him feel uneasy, sai's black hair and golden eyes was all jie jie thought about all day and all night. He was starting to wonder if he shouldn't have seen sai the other day.

The door to their class opened and two delinquents came in, one was taller and more delinquent like and the other was shorter and adorable. At first when jie jie heard the door open he wasn't interested in who it could be but once he heard sai's voice his heart skipped a beat and he forcefully raised his head up to make sure it was sai.

It was sai. Sai had come to meet one of his friends and with him was his older brother li chen. Sai waved " Dan hua "

Dan hua, jie jie turned his head to see the dan hua sai was calling. Dan Hua was his classmate, a nerd with big rounded glasses on and his hair tied as a yellow and black ponytail.

What would Sai want to do with such a nerd? Jie jie thought.

Dan Hua was the smartest person in their class, always getting all A's and always ending up as class president. He was quiet and rarely associated with people, in fact jie jie thought he was friendless but maybe he was wrong.

Sai ran over to give dan hua a hug. Sai smiled. " You know glasses look awful on you "

Dan Hua smiled, this was the best compliment Sai had ever given him. " Thank you. But why are you being so clingy today"

Sai let go of dan hua and smiled. " We are going to the beach. This weekend "

Dan Hua blinked a few times wondering if it was a joke but Li Chen reassured. " It's no joke. We are going to the beach"

Immediately dan hua jumped on his feet and threw his glasses to the ground. " That's what Rue Xuan gets. He wanted to go to the carnival but look at who won. " Dan Hua laughed for joy ignoring the fact that he was supposed to be the quiet nerd that no one interacted with.

Sai mocked. " I thought you were a nerd dan hua. But you broke your innocent glasses"

Dan hua was still in the celebrating mode. " Who cares about Damn Glasses! I am going to be swimming around with hot chicks"

The students who were in the class watched amazingly was this the nerd and class president they all looked up to. In reality he was a delinquent who wore unrecommended glasses to manipulate people.

Do Jin was even more surprised. The dan hua who hardly ever talked to anyone was a delinquent with a nut loose. How could he have never noticed.

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