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Kousu went through the manga Renxing had brought, there were all kinds from delinquent manga to fantasy manga and even porn manga. But even with the massive amount of mangas Kousu wasn't focused on reading them. His mind had traveled far. But he was more stressed out on how he was supposed to get rid of Sai. Even though Kousu wasn't the one who killed Li HuaWei, he still knew nothing would change the fact that he only watched Li HuaWei die without doing anything. Most of all he was sure Sai would always hold a grudge on Soul Catcher even if there was enough proof to show Soul Catcher was innocent.

While Kousu was lost in thoughts. Renxing picked one of his gay porn manga from Kousu's hand. He didn't know he mistakenly brought Jing Hua's gay manga. " Ah..Kousu.. You see this manga is for Jing Hua.. I don't read gay stuff.. I promise."

Kousu turned over to Renxing. Even he didn't know he was holding a gay porn manga. But for some reason he wanted to have it." It's for Jing Hua...She reads this stuff?"

Renxing was happy to see Kousu understood him." Yes! She finds it cute... Well I don't blame girls. They think in reality every single muscular guy is gay... There was a time Jing Hua even shipped me with Sai... Such a drama queen."

Kousu took a look at the manga once more. " Can I have it?"

Renxing was surprised. What did Kousu want to do with a gay manga?

Kousu could already tell what Renxing was thinking so he answered his inquisitiveness, " Porn mangas are boring nowadays, might as well try the gay ones... Like they say, ' Don't judge a book by its cover'."

Since Renxing was dumb enough to believe everything Kousu said he handed the book over to Kousu. Renxing went closer to Kousu's ear and whispered." just be careful... If any guy sees you with it they might think you are g..."

Suddenly Renxing stopped and stared at the corner. When Kousu saw this he turned to his right to see what Renxing was looking at. It was Jie Jie. Jie Jie was injured as usual but surprisingly his injuries were not as bad as normal instead they were fair and acceptable.

Kousu was happy to see Jie Jie was getting better. Even though Kousu had not fully ended Jie Jie's enemies he was happy to see the enemies were slowly backing away. " You got bullied again?"

Jie Jie lowered his head in embarrassment.

The students in the class stared at Jie Jie for a while but once Kousu gave them a dirty look, they avoided Jie Jie.

Jie Jie still said shyly. " Yes but it wasn't that bad... Do Jin asked me to entertain them and he even promised if i let them beat me..he...he would give me the book. "

Now Renxing was interested, he wanted to know what was going on. So he asked. " What book?"

Jie Jie and Kousu stared at Renxing, but they ignored his question.

" Jie Jie, can I tell them?"

Jie Jie stared at Renxing for a while, he was unsure of whether to trust Renxing but even with that he still knew Renxing was a good guy. All the time Jie Jie was being bullied Renxing never laid a finger on Jie Jie and sometimes Renxing tried to stop Jie Jie from getting bullied.

Jie Jie nodded and just as he did Jing Hua rushed into the room. " Renxing have you seen my! manga"

Renxing turned over to Kousu and Kousu sighed. " Can I borrow it for a while? I will return it"

Jing Hua's face lightened up." Do you read bl?"

Kousu said. " Just started... But I think Jie Jie does."

Jing Hua turned to Jie Jie and asked with a serious tone. " Do you read bl?"

Jie Jie wasn't quick to answer. He was frightened he would get bullied if he said yes but when he turned to Kousu and saw a smile on his face he sighed and spoke up. " Yes!"

Forgetting there were still students around Jing Hua screamed for joy. " Yes!"

The rest of the class turned over to their table but Kousu glared at them rudely. " You got a problem!."

Everyone turned around and refused to make eye contact with Kousu. They didn't want to annoy a delinquent.

When Kousu knew Jie Jie was ready to talk. He asked Jing Hua and Renxing to follow him to the swimming pool court. Since no one was there it was the best place to talk about Jie Jie.

They all sat down near the swimming pool and Kousu started to tell them about Jie Jie. Renxing and Jing Hua listened attentively and when Kousu was done. They felt pity and grief fill their hearts. Jie Jie had suffered through all of that on his own.

Renxing cried." I am so sorry Jie Jie!"

Jing Hua," Assuming we knew we would have stood up for you! Those bastards are so mean... If you are gay then they should leave you alone.. It's your choice if you want to be gay!"

Although Kousu had told them everything. He made sure to avoid telling them about the Horn gang or Soul Catcher. He did tell them about Jay's death but he didn't mention who killed Jay.

When Jing Hua noticed Kousu was lost in thoughts she called out. " Kousu!"

Kousu didn't hear.

Jing Hua." Kousu!"

This time Kousu heard Jing Hua loud and clear and he responded. " Yes!"

Jing Hua," Why didn't you tell us from the very beginning. We would have supported you and Jie Jie. but instead you prefer to fight those bullies on your own. Even though I am a girl I can still fight."

Kousu smiled. " I know but I didn't want you guys to have anything to do with delinquents. Now that you guys know about this you might become a target."

Jing Hua," We don't mind becoming targets. Me and Renxing promise to make Do Jin pay for hurting you Jie Jie!"

Renxing nodded.

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