Dan Hua S.A.G.

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Kousu stared at the old crooked factory. The roof was swaying from side to side and it left Kousu admiring . The factory was built a long time ago and after the owner died it was just abandoned until Big Brother Kuai Jinse took the place as his own and made it a wrestling alley where all kinds of people came to fight. The alley was named ' Crazy Arena'. Most of the people who came to the factory were delinquents, gangsters, serial killers and assassins and sometimes a few politicians would come around just to watch fights. It was a place where crazy people could be as crazy as they desired.

Most of all Kousu and Kuai Jinse were really close. Jinse and Kousu's father were best of friends, they were the ones who created the 'Crazy arena'. And because Kuai Jinse and Kousu's father were friends when Kousu's father died Kuai Jinse always kept Kousu company. Kuai Jinse was more of Kousu's second father.

Kousu turned over to Dang Yingwu But Dang Yingwu avoided Kousu's face, he knew what he had done was wrong but he had thought Kousu would be proud of him.

Kousu sighed before speaking. " You didn't have to tell Dan Hua. You and I both know how crazy he gets when it comes to punishments."

Embarrassed, Dang Yingwu lowered his head a little, accepting his fault.

All this happened because Kousu hadn't kept his mouth shut. Dan Hua was a close friend of Kousu who had a nut loose. Him and Dan Hua met while serving jail terms in america. Dan Hua was transferred to Kousu's prison and since they were both charged with murder they grew close.

Even though Kousu trusted Dan Hua, Dan Hua was still a bull without chains. He never listened and was always doing things his own way. And his punishments were ones that would send you straight to death town.

Kousu," If Dan Hua punishes them then all I can do is watch. But since he isn't punishing Do Jin yet, I guess he is leaving Do Jin's punishment to me."

Dang Yingwu nodded.

They both walked into the old factory. Once they were inside they were greeted by a crowd of delinquents about five hundred in number. This was an average number for the number of delinquents who came to ' Crazy Arena'. The crowd was extremely lively. Mainly because they were going to watch a show performed by assassins. Assassins' shows were the best shows in the Crazy Arena. What was special about them was the fact that assassins would give the audience a pick of how to punish the victim and no matter how demanding the audience were, all their wishes would be granted.

The assassins were crazy forms of serial killers, with nothing but a stone heart and a creepy smile or laugh on.

Kousu walked into the factory with his mask on, he wanted to keep his identity safe and he was unwilling to let any horn gang member find out who Soul Catcher was.

After looking around, Kousu was confused. Dan Hua wasn't there and neither was a show playing out. But then he noticed Kuai Jinse.

Kuai Jinse rushed over to give Kousu a hug. " You have grown so much. You look even more adorable with the cosplay mask."

Kousu," Uncle it's not a cosplay mask."

Kuai Jinse," I can't believe my little pumpkin has grown so much. I still remember when i used to clean your nappies"

Immediately Kousu held Kuai Jinse's mouth. Kuai Jinse was the type to talk without control and the last thing Kousu wanted was anyone finding out about his embarrassing childhood.

Suddenly the light in the arena turned off and everyone turned over to the gigantic wrestling ring in front of them. The light turned back on but the light was only on the wrestling ring.

Dan Hua came out from the darkness and walked into the wrestling ring with three muscular men carrying three men who were tied on hands, legs and eyes. They were obviously kidnapped.

Kousu sighed, there was no stopping Dan Hua at this point. But mostly Kousu was surprised by how fast Dan Hua caught Do Jin's accomplices without even getting a single information about Do Jin.

The crowd was cheering. Not only was there going to be a fight but Dan Hua was the one in charge of the fight. Most epic fights in the Crazy Arena all came from assassins but to be more specific. The S.A.G Serial assassination gang. Their members were all crazy murderers whose hearts had been covered black with no human emotions. One of the ways to know a Serial assassination gang member was to look for a scar on their body. Every member of the gang had a scar placed on different parts of their bodies. Which made them easy to locate and differentiate from other delinquents.

But that couldn't be said about Kousu. Kousu never had a scar given to him because he wasn't a full member of the S.A.G. gang; he was only in it to assist his uncle Meng and find out the killer of his father. He never planned to become a full member and he was sure he would never be.

Dan Hua smiled at the crowd,he shouted. " My dear delinquents and assassins. I am here to present a show to you..he... you see these three men tied here they are members of the horn gang. The gang which has betrayed us.... But not only that, these men are really special, you know why... They had the nerve to hurt Soul Catcher."

There was a sudden murmur amongst the crowd. Everyone turned to each other amazed. They already knew these men were going to be tortured to death. That was what happened to people who dared to hurt Soul Catcher."

Dan Hua smiled at the attention the crowd was given. " But apart from a show. I also have a surprise for you. Our dear soul catcher is here!"

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