Betrayal 3.

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Kousu opened his eyes and sat up from his bed. He didn't expect to suddenly dream about his past; he had hoped to never remember the day when Huang Xin betrayed him but he guessed just remembering Li HuaWei brought back the memories.

Kousu stood up from his bed and made his way to the kitchen. Gao Xing followed from behind, it was time for his breakfast. Kousu picked up the dog food and poured it into Gao Xing's plate when Gao Xing saw the food he wagged his tail and started eating. Kousu poured water into the electric kettle before flicking the switch and waiting for the water to boil.

He stood as his mind surrounded him with thoughts.

Just watching the water boil was really depressing. He didn't expect Sai to be Li HuaWei's brother.

For the rest of the week Kousu avoided Sai at all costs. If Sai walked right Kousu would walk left and if Sai tried to talk to Kousu. Kousu would ignore him or act like he was busy.

The school bell rang and Kousu raced out of class; he didn't want to have to meet Sai on his way home. It was already Friday and if Kousu said he was busy Sai would obviously not believe him.

Kousu rushed past the school gate and started his motorcycle before making his way home. Once he had reached his house, he ran over to his room and locked the door, squatting on the ground and catching his breath.

" Oh! You are here."

Kousu turned over to Sai. Sai was seated calmly on the bed, with a book in his arm and his legs crossed. Kousu snickered. " What are you doing here?"

Sai didn't respond, he only dropped the book and faced Kousu. " Why have you been avoiding me?"

Sai had already caught up with Kousu. It was pretty obvious Kousu was ignoring him from the very beginning but Sai wondered why.

Sighing, Kousu walked over to the bed and lay down. " I am not in a good mood this week that's all..."

Sai, " Well you could have just said so..."

Kousu sighed.

Even if he told Sai it wouldn't change the fact that Sai was a threath to him.

Sai continued," I also wanted to tell you I got us tickets to go visit an amusement park. You wanna go?"

Kousu turned over to Sai. He stared at the tickets but then he looked back down. " Sure"

After a few minutes of silence, Kousu's phone started to ring.

Kousu picked up the phone annoyedly. " What!"

Huang Ning," Kousu come to the hospital Mei Lian..she..fainted."

In no time Kousu was back on his motorbike, Sai also followed him but on his own bike. They both raced round the streets until they made it to the hospital. Kousu didn't even bother to catch his breath. He rushed into the hospital receptions until he saw his brother Huang Ning and his cousin Mei Xuan but they weren't the only ones there for once Kousu's mom had come and Mei Lian and Mei Xuan's parents Uncle Mei Chen and Aunt Mei Ming were there and even Huang Xin.

Ignoring the fact that Huang Xin was there, Kousu walked over to Huang Ning and Sai just stood from a distance.

Kousu asked," Where is Mei Lian? What happened to her?"

Just as Kousu was asking, a doctor came out of the ward. The doctor walked over to Huang Ning and smiled. " Your sister must have been hiding this from you. But she is eight months pregnant. "

Everyone turned to look at each other. All these eight months Mei Lian had been avoiding coming home. So that meant she didn't want them to know about her pregnancy.

The door swung open and Chu Xiongda came in. Once Kousu saw him, Kousu rushed over to meet him. He swung his hand and gave him a mighty punch. It sent his glasses flying.

Chu Xiongda was surprised by this. He staggered and fell to the ground. Kousu sat up on him and no one even tried to intervene. When Kousu was mad he was like a dog without a leash.

Kousu shouted, " You got some nerve huh! You stuck your stuff in my sister! Who gave you fucking permission to do that? But not only that you hid her pregnancy from me and you thought things would go your way. You bastard. You aren't even fucking married to her and you dared to do that bed shit. You disgusting brat..."

Chu Xiongda. " Kousu.. You shouldn't"

Kousu's Mom got into the fight. " Huang Xing if you kill Chu Xiongda who will be the father of the unborn child?"

Kousu turned over to his mom. He had no regard for her whatsoever. " Like I give a shit about your crap. Think i will trust a dog from the Horn Gang. Those bastards only give birth to shit.... I don't care if you love my sister and I don't care if your eggplant has gone into her... always know that I will never accept you. "

Kousu stood up from Chu Xiongda, Sai watched indifferently. Kousu was really overprotective of his sister.

However Kousu wasn't done yet. He walked over to his mom and stared down at her. " How many times have I told you to take that shit away from me!" Kousu pointed at Huang Xin who was at the corner.

Huang Xin gasped when he saw who Kousu was talking about but he soon gave a smirk. " Your boyfriend over there is really hot!"

Kousu brought out a knife and placed it on Huang Xin's neck. " Touch Sai and I will cut your head off!"

Huang Xin backed off. He didn't want to annoy his brother any further. Especially when his brother was angry.

Kousu turned over to Sai. " In a month Mei Lian will give birth to her baby if anything happens or if you can't take responsibility i will take care of the child by myself."

Everyone maintained their silence and Kousu walked out with Sai.

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