Huang Xin.

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Kousu lay on his stomach for the whole night. His head was spinning and his breathing was difficult. He had tried many ways to fall asleep but he found it hard to sleep. Anytime he closed his eyes he would have a nightmare. The nightmares he had were all the same; they were nightmares of the people he had killed. In the dream the souls of his victims would surround him with thick black smoke and choke him while they would cry and curse him for killing them and just when he was about to die. He would suddenly wake up and appear to be on his bed. Ever since he killed the two weak men from the horn gang he had been having continuous dreams about dead people. In fact he didn't recognize any of these dead people but for some reason their target was him.

He sat up from the bed. It was only two at night. Everyone was asleep and he didn't want to wake anyone up. He stood up from his bed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When he got there he was surprised to see his brother Huang Ning. " Huang Ning!"

Huang Ning turned over to Kousu. " A–Xing"

Immediately Kousu rushed over to give Huang Ning a hug. Kousu hadn't seen Huang Ning for three months straight and since he was back from Juvenile prison the best that could happen was to see his favorite brother again.

Huang Ning hugged Kousu tightly, refusing to let go.

Kousu, " A–Ning.. You are choking me. I am not a kid anymore. I am twelve and in a year I will be a teenager... So you don't need to worry about me!"

Huang Ning took a look at Kousu and smiled. He had been so worried about Kousu ever since he was taken to Juvenile detention center. But he was pleased to see Kousu doing well. " Don't ever kill anyone again and stay out of trouble will you!"

Kousu nodded. " I wouldn't get into trouble again. I promise!"

While both brothers were snuggling, Mei Xuan walked into the living room and stared at them. He was happy to see Huang Ning  was back to normal.

 All those three months of Kousu's arrest Huang Ning had become an alcohol addict. He never slept and did nothing but drink. Kousu was truly a treasure in Huang Ning's eyes. In fact Mei Xuan was a little jealous. " Tch! Oi! Love birds! People are trying to sleep okay!"

Kousu," Me and A—Ning are not love birds.. Wait A—Xuan are you jealous that I am snuggling your boyfriend?"

Mei Xuan," What fucking boyfriend!"

They all started laughing except for Mei Xuan whose face was completely red.

Suddenly there was a huge thump from the staircase and everyone rushed to see what had happened. Huang Xin had slipped and fallen down. Huang Xin's face was red and his leg was cut.

Kousu rushed over to his twin brother. " Huang Xin, are you okay!"

Huang Xin cried, " I slipped and fell. I thought you guys were having fun without me. So I came to check and..hick.. I fell!"

Huang Ning carried Huang Xin up and went over to the living room to check if his wound was really bad.

Mei Xuan, " Kousu. You should go back to sleep. Huang Ning will take care of Huang Xin!"

Kousu was unwilling to go but then he went upstairs. He locked the door to his room and sat down, before he took his phone and saw he had fifty missed calls. He checked the numbers and saw it was Uncle Meng. Kousu didn't want to answer. His Uncle had been persuading him to join an assassination gang but Kousu didn't want to. Kousu hated killing people and saw peace as a way to solve conflict. And most of all he didn't want to appear in the news again. After he killed those two horn gang members. There had been strange deaths and everyone kept on blaming it on Soul Catcher. All the time Kousu was in jail someone was out there pretending to be Soul Catcher and killing innocent people and everyone kept on blaming it on him. Kousu was annoyed by it but it wasn't like he could just come outside and say it wasn't him. He was already a murderer and no one would believe him no matter how much proof he had.

There were all kinds of proofs Kousu had discovered. Which showed the person killing wasn't him. For one. Whenever Kousu killed Kousu always gouged out eyes but the fake Soul Catcher never did, For two. Kousu had been in jail for three months so there was no way he escaped from jail and started killing. Three. Soul Catcher wore a mask with a sad face on but this fake Soul Catcher wore a mask with a smile on.

It was unbelievable that Kousu would be blamed for something he knew nothing about. But all Kousu could do was watch and hope the culprit would be found.

Kousu stood up from the bed and went to his closet. He ran his hands around his clothes until he found it. It was a framed picture of his dad and him. His dad was on the right hand side and Kousu was seated on him.

Kousu didn't remember anything about his father but he was told his father died when he was five. And from what he heard his father was murdered. Kousu had looked for many ways to find the accomplices of his father's death but he found no information whatsoever. Which reduced his chances of finding the culprit.

Kousu's phone rang again and this time Kousu picked the call. When he picked the call he found out it was an unknown number.

Kousu, " Hello!"
The person didn't respond but he then said. " Stay away from Huang Xin..." Before the person finished there was a sound of a gun fired. The call ended after that and it left Kousu confused...

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