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warning(s): Poisoning/Hinted death, Slight NSFW/Implied smut

no smut this chapter but you'll get the smut following this chapter and the reader dreaming about the smut that was skipped in this chapter (then maybe another small smut section) so i think you'll forgive me lol

I slowly nodded and offered Sorana a thankful smile. "I hope that doesn't happen, but I appreciate it."

"Hey, [Y/N]?" A maid knocked on my door, making me look up to see one of the poisoned maids — face paler than usual and a cold sweat on her brow. "I... I don't feel too good."

"Oh? What are your symptoms?"

"M-my pu-pupils have been dilated for a bit n-now, my heartbeat's r-rapid, my vision keeps getting blurry, and my eyes hurt unless I'm in complete darkness."

"Oh, dear," I softly gasped, moving over to her and ushering the maid to a bed. "Sit, let me get a closer look at you."

"What could cause all of this?"

"I'm not sure. Yours is the first case of this."


"You're working late," Hunter stopped me before I could leave the kitchen, her eyes darting to the daffodil buds in the bowl I held. "...What are you doing with those?! They're-!"

I cut the witch off with a kiss, smirking at her shocked, strangled noise. "I know. Those maids should've been better."

Hunter's eyes widened in realization as I walked past her, making the witch scramble to follow me. "I'm sorry...Did I hear you right?! You're a healer! You swore an oath!"

"I haven't been punished yet," I shrugged before Hunter grabbed my arm, sighing as I turned to face her. "I don't like how they made you feel. Sorana wasn't happy when I told her about it either, so it would've happened either way."

"Then why not let her do it?"

"She's not your girlfriend," I frowned. "I am. Why are you so bothered by me doing this? I thought you'd be happy that I'd do this for you."

"I'm just worried about you," Hunter promised, gently holding me in place as her eyes softened. "The last time you got somewhat like this was when you found out it was Sorana who turned against us and broke Isa's heart. You were a different person at that point in time, and you hated the person you became. I don't want that to happen again."

"I'm fine," I promised Hunter, pecking her lips this time. "I'm just sending a message to everyone: This is a no-tolerance castle."

"...When did you poison them?"

"Dinner," I smiled. "Why?"

"So the later effects of these are starting to hit...any deaths yet?"

"No. Confusion, amnesia, and hallucinations? Yes."

Hunter let out a soft groan as her hands slowly slid to my elbows, letting her pull me closer. "Didn't know my Sunflower had a dark side."

"My Father is the god of plagues," I reminded her, smirking at her other groan. "Hunter, are you planning on getting off to this later?"

"If you're going to work so late, yeah," The witch grumbled. "I'd prefer cuddling you until we fall asleep."

"So, our usual?"

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now