A nightmare

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Ravens pov;


"Hello?", I whispered into the darkness
surrounding me. I was lying down on an old
dirty boiler room floor, and every so often a
pipe would squeak, breaking the silence. As I
slowly pulled myself up from the cold ground,
my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. I
could barely make out the many pipes that
naked down the many tunnels of the boiler

"Hello...?", I called again, my anxiety
starting to climb. As I walk slowly tiptoed
down the lengthy tunnels, I couldn't shake
the feeling of being watched. Like someone
was breathing down my neck every so often,
concentrated breathing. The boiler room
floors were so cold on my bare feet, causing
me to shiver every couple of seconds. I continued walking for What
felt like hours of wandering the dark boiler
room alone, the feeling of someone following
me became a lot more present in my mind.

I could hear a pair of footsteps slowly walking
towards me from behind. I started to pick up
my pace, entering a jog as I snaked through
the tunnels; looking back every few seconds.
A scratching noise began to ring throughout
the long piped walls, causing me to scream.

I sprinted, taking many lefts and rights, hoping
to lose this nightmarish figure. Looking
behind me one more time, I entereda closed-
off area with a large furnace at the other end
of the room. I felt my heart drop when an evil
Chuckle escaped from behind me. Turning around,I slowly distance myself from the mysterious figure.

"Hello.hi! Is this your b-boiler room?" I think
it's....b-beautiful if you don't mind me
saying." I stutter, trying to keep my distance
from the shadow figure creeping towards me.

"Well aren't you a polite little bitch?", a
male voice responded with a snarky tone.
Making me jump a little.

In shockI just kept backing up, trying to find
the courage to respond. Suddenly I felt the
cool touch of the cement wall as I realized I
was trapped. All I could do now was pray I
would wake up before finding out what this
figure was going to do to me.

"Scared yet, Sweet Cheeks?!" He smirked,
stepping into the light that shone from above,
exposing his complexion and the claw glove
on his hand. He was a 5'11 burnt male
wearing an old fedora, a slightly torn green
and red striped sweater, and dusty brown
pants. I wanted to respond but my heart was
in my throat, only letting a little squeak
escape my mouth. Looking me up and down,
he raises the knives on the glove and puts
them to my chin.

"What's the matter, cat got your
tongue, doll?!" he smirks again, looking at
me with those icy blue eyes. My face began to
feel hot and flustered and he grabbed my
waist, pulling me closer to him. Pls wake
uppppp! I thought.

"Ar-Are you going to kil-kill me?!", I
stuttered, trying to form the words my racing
mind wanted to scream.

"Maybe....maybe not?", he teased, moving
the knife down my chin to my neck. He then
moved his other arm, which was on my waist,
further down. I quickly tried to pull away but
he pulled me back aggressively. Pushing me
up painfully against the wall, trapping me
between him and the wall.

"What are you doing?", I croaked, wincing at
the pain of him firmly gripping my waist.i tried to run away but his grip landed around my wrist.

"Where the hell do you think you're
going?", he growled, his smirk disappearing.

"Please let me go,you're hurting me.",I plead,tears forming in my eyes from the pain of him firmly gripping my wrist.

"Please let me go, you're hurting me.",I
plead, tears now falling from my eyes from the pain.

"You're cute when you beg, you know
that?" he evilly smirked, pressing the knife
closer to my throat. I closed my eyes shut and
waited for the long sharp knives to slice my
throat. Nothing. I fearfully opened my eyes,
locking them with the terrifying man. Then
without any warning, he slashed my shoulder.

~Real World~
Jolting up in a cold sweat, I was greeted by
the sight of the golden sunbeams shining in
from my window blinds. It was morning. My
heart still pumping, I slowly got up to start
the day. As I walked into the bathroom to
take a shower, I almost screamed at the sight
of a gash in my left shoulder.

"It was just a fucking nightmare..."

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