Old friend?

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No ones pov:


"Hey Bitch! I haven't seen you in a FAT minute, how you been?" Ruby walked over to raven

"I'm okay, didn't your parents send you to catholic school on the other side of the world?"

Raven questioned dumbfounded.

"Well,yeah but my aunt got me out of there"


"Yup! Anyways, who are these twinks here?"


"Haha,Ight my bad,who are these PEOPLE here?"

"They..are my friends.."

"Friends?! You have friends?!"

"Ugh shut up asshole."

"I'm just playing girl,so what are their names?"

"The blond one is Stu,and that's billy."

"Mhm,okay. Anyway, I texted the chat to see if they knew where you were cuz I didn't see you at your house, and they told me you MOVED! So wanna tell me about that?"

"My mom got a new job so me Ayana and my mom's boyfriend all moved."

"And you didn't tell me about it? Like have you ever heard of a pen and paper or a post office?!"

"Sorry,my mom told me literally the day you got sent away.then we all moved 3 days later.."

"She hates me doesn't she?"

"I don't know rue..well she doesn't think you're the best influence,but it's also about the things that happen with.. you know who.."

"She doesn't think I'm the best influence? Girl if only she knew. Anyway I don't wanna be here anymore so I'm ditching,Wanna join?"

"Honestly yeah fuck this place.."

"What?! Raven your not ditching!"

Billy exclaimed.

"Who are you her mom?"

Ruby responded.

"Raven I think you should stay I mean we only got a few more classes it'll go back fast, don't Get in trouble just because little miss troubled girl doesn't want to be here."

Stu backed up billy.

"Hey! fuck you asshole!"
Ruby shouted.

"Guys stop.."
raven said stepping in between rue and Stu.

"Ray ray! Why are you even friends with them?!"
Ruby said looking at Raven.

"Why is she friends with you?! You're a fucking asshole who doesn't care about her friend and only cares about herself!"

Billy yelled back.

Raven yelled,but before she could speak further a loud smack echoed through the hallway. Everything went quiet and raven stood there shocked.

Billy looked at Ruby who had smacked him straight in the face. His blood boiled and he was staring to see red. Stu looked surprised and didn't know how to react. Ruby took ravens hand and lead her to the exit, raven was speechless and didn't know what to say. She knew Billy's words offended Ruby and Ruby takes no disrespect from anyone. But at the same time he's her friend and she defends her friends no matter what.

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