New students pt.2

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Sorry for any misspellings🧍‍♂️

No one's pov:

Raven and Ruby were both sitting in a table next to a big window of the cafeteria.while they were talking and playing around the girl from earlier came up to them.

"Hey...can I sit with you guys?" She shyly asked while holding her tray in her hands. Both Ruby and Raven looked at her.

"Yeah sure." Raven said and she moved over so she could sit. The girl smiled and sat down next to her. Ruby was in front of them.

"So, what's your name?" Ruby asked as she put a green grape in her mouth.

"Carrie white..what's yours?" She shyly smiled.

"Raven and Ruby." Raven replied pointing at herself and then Ruby.

"Are you related to bob white?" Ruby asked, her eyes squinting.

"" Carrie looked confused.

"Don't mide her,she's off the bean right now." Raven said smiling at her. Carrie blushed and smiled.

"What is that?" She smiled confused as she asked.

"She's high right now." Raven giggled resting her head on her hand while she looked at Carrie.

"Oh.I didn't know...uh who's bob white?" Carrie asked.

"He's our old p.e teacher at my old school. He was an asshole soo. Yeah." Raven replied.

...time skip...(after brunch)

"Guys I don't wanna go to 5th period later." Ruby complained as Carrie and Raven walked her to class.

"Ruby chill,if you can survive white,then you can survive this." Raven playfully rolled her eyes as she smiled.

"Remember meeee." Ruby dramatically said as she walked into class. Raven and Carrie laughed.

After they left.Raven walked Carrie to they were walking they talked about fashion,something Carrie was passionate about. Raven also liked fashion but chose to wear whatever made her feel comfortable.

"So do you make all your clothes?" Raven asked.

"Yeah sometimes." Carrie smiled.

"Mhm, nice. What else do you do other then sewing and what not?" Raven asked.

"I read...pretty nerdy..but,I enjoy it." Carrie replied

"Nice. You do you girl. What's your favorite book?" Raven asked.

"The pet cemetery." She responded.

"Nice, thats one of the two books I willingly read." Raven blankly said as she blankly stared at the floor.

"Haha.well thanks for walking me to class." Carrie shyly smiled while looking at Raven.

"No problem,see you at lunch." Raven said before turning back to go to class.

"Yeah,see you.." she softly said.Raven didn't hear her because of how quiet her voice sounded.

...time skip...(4th period)

"Okay class please settle down once your finished packing up,I need to give you a quick announcement before lunch." Mrs.appleberry said politely.

"Miss please we have like three minutes left,can we leave." A random guy said whining.

"Next week on Friday,we're gonna have a college and creer day. So we are gonna have kind of a block schedule,we get out at 3:30 actually. And we have and extend lunch.and we only have two classes. So for next Friday,you stay with your second period teachers.

...time skip...

Ruby and Raven sat down at their table while texting the group chat.

"Hey rue,do you think they'll actually-what's up?" Raven asked as Ruby sat there looking more off the bean than ever.

"I-I kinda skipped 4th period,and uhhhh...I took some shrooms...."Ruby said as she looked down at her food.

"Oh my god rue. Pls stop doing that. Your gonna end up like that one guy back home that sold blowjobs for crack."  Raven said rolling her eyes.

"Nu uh." Ruby smiled

"Oh my god! your ass is out of it." Raven quietly said.

"H-hey guys." A female voice came from the right side of Raven.the girls turn and saw Carrie there standing

"Oh,hey Carrie.sit down." Raven motioned to the seat next to her. Carrie smiled and sat down.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Guys,we have a fucked up scheduled next Friday and I'm not ready for that." Raven said while she tried to catch a grape in her mouth after throwing it up in the air.

"Oh yeah we have that college and creer day." Carrie recalled.

"Wait...we have a creer and college day?" Ruby asked.

"Yea next-"
"Hey Raven." Carrie was interrupted by a new voice.they all turn to see the person who's voice belongs to. When they did,that saw Norman standing there.

"Oh! Hey Norman sit down." Raven said moving next to Ruby so he sat in her seat.

"T-thanks" Norman said as he sat down.after Raven introduced him,they talked about random things that interest them.

...time skip...(after lunch)

"I'll see you later Raven?" Norman said.

"Yea ,see you later." She smiled.

"Raven!" Ruby yelled.

"What!?" She replied.

"See you at p.e?" She asked.

"I'm not gonna be there leaving right now actually,I have a doctors appointment." Raven responded.

"You what? Your gonna leave me?" Ruby pouted.

"Yesss I'm sorry. Anyway,I'll see you guys tomorrow." Raven said as she walked away from the trio.

"Bye Raven." Both carrie and Norman said.

"Hold on Raven! I'm comin'!" Ruby yelled as she ran to catch up with her.

After Ruby and Raven had left Carrie turned to Norman.

"Norman,I've never had a problem with you.but we will have a problem if you don't back off." She said aggressively.

"I think your the one who needs to back off. She's mine,and don't your forget it." He said calmly but the anger and the hatred deep within his eyes.

Both of them went to their classes and their day went on like normal.


A dark figure appeared in the hallway as it watched them walk away.

"Foolish children. You don't even realize she's already mine." A deep dark chuckle escaped his lips.

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