The new substitutes (last part)

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Ravens pov:

"For our first class together, I'll be
getting you all to write a paragraph or
two about yourself. Once you've
finished your mini assignment, you
may talk amongst yourselves until class
ends. Any questions?"

Mr Torrance
explained to the class, glancing every so often
at me. After waiting for any further questions,
he headed to the desk and began reading over
Some papers.

I spent the next hour writing the many
aspects of myself that I thought were
interesting enough for anyone to read. I
mentioned things like my favourite colour,
the kind of music I enjoy listening to, my
goals in life, and what I was thinking about
doing after high school. Every so often I
would take a minute from writing and look
out the window. I loved looking out the
window and watching the tree's leaves blow
peacefully in the wind.

I couldn't wait to go
out into the woods later after school and hike
up to my favourite spot. It was about a 25-
minute walk from where the main entrance of
the woods began, but about halfway along the
trail, I would diverge off the path into a secret
wall of brush. The other side of the brush led
to a beautiful tiny clearing at the top of a cliffside, where you could look down and see
the beautiful blue lake from below and a sea
of green trees stretching for miles. It's my
favourite place in the entire world.
Sometimes I would sit there till I could just
barely see the sun behind the tree horizon,
and walk back home under a sky of stars.
I added the finishing touches to my paper and
then walked up to Mr Torrance's desk to hand
him it.

"Ah miss L/n, thank you very much.
You may do whatever you like till the
end of class!" he smiled, looking up from
his reading, I smiled back and headed back to
my desk to continue my sketches from before.

Once I got back to my desk, I caught Mr
Torrance staring at me with a smirk before
continuing to read what looked like my paper.
My face burned up with embarrassment and I
quickly started sketching again.
The school bell went off, dismissing us to
lunch. I packed up my binders and stuff to
leave, but before I could leave Mr Torrance
called to me.
"Miss L/n, can you please stay for a
moment?" he called from his desk.

'Oh,yeah sure.." I responded, a little nervously,
walking back to my seat. I couldn't help but
think that there was something wrong with my paper.though it wasn't really a big deal.

I sat patiently until everyone left,
leaving me and Mr. Torrance alone. Which to
be honest wasn't such a bad thing, I felt he
was a decently safe man to be around. Once
we were all alone, he motioned me to come to
his desk with his fingers. I did as I was told
and headed to his desk.

"Miss L/n, I hope I didn't scare youwhen I asked you to meet me afterclass

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"Miss L/n, I hope I didn't scare you
when I asked you to meet me after
class. I want to assure you that you
aren't in any kind of trouble.", he
assured me, locking eyes with mine. I felt so
encapsulated by his eyes, so soothing .

"Oh,yea thx I was kind of confused for a moment", I chuckled,he chuckled as

"I merely wanted to say I really enjoyed
your paper. You seem to be a very
lovely young lady and I'm looking
forward to getting to know you more
over the next couple of days", he said
before getting up to shake my hand. Kind of
strange but I'm not complaining.

"Thank you very much sir,I really do
appreciate it. "

I thanked him while shaking
his hand. His hand was much larger than
mine, and he hada firm grasp as well.

"~Well that's all for today, I wish you have
an excellent lunch Darling" he winked
at me before backing up his things.

Thank you, Sir, you too,See you Monday "I
waved goodbye, heading to my locker before I
went to lunch.

Opening my locker, I placed all my books
down and grabbed lunch. Before I closed my
locker, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. I
jumped a little but then giggled knowing
whose hands they were.

"Guess who?!", a male voice teased.

"Hmmm is it Rihanna or snoop dogg? If not leave me alone!" I laughed, turning around to see my friend Stu Macher standing right behind me.Next to him was another one of my friends,Billy Loomis.

They moved here a couple ofweeks ago, and I became close with themafter they saved me from being locked in theJanitor's room about three weeks back

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They moved here a couple of
weeks ago, and I became close with them
after they saved me from being locked in the
Janitor's room about three weeks back. A
couple of guys shoved me in there after I told
them to leave a girl they were harassing

Hey, we can be just as cool ya know.
Besides, I was going to give you a
piggyback ride, but I guess not

Stu dramatically remarked,
turning his back sassily. Billy chuckled,
shoving him a little at his non-sense. I
laughed, closing my locker.

"You ready to head to the cafeteria?",
Billy asked, ruffing up my hair a little. I
laughed again. These guys were properly the
first friends I've had in a while, not including my bffs from my other home town,
Nova,our relationship is complicated.

"Yeah let's go! And uh Stu..can I still get that
piggyback? I asked, giving him the puppy-dog
eyes. He looked at me for a moment before
sighing sarcastically. I giggled and jumped
onto his back. He laughed and we all made
our way to the cafeteria.

"Hey y/n, I like your shirt by the
way." Billy approved. Stu
agreed as well, nodding his head as he carried
me down the hall. Once we got to the
cafeteria, Stu let me down and we entered the

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