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No ones pov:

Raven was walking to class when she passed by the restrooms. As she passed, she saw Billy coming out of the boys bathroom. She stoped in her tracks and so did Billy when he noticed her.they both looked at each other not knowing what to say.

"...hey.." raven said somewhat nervous.

"..hey.." Billy respond softly.

They both stood there for a few moments before Raven finally decided to speak.

"Billy..I'm sorry." She whispered playing with her fingers and avoiding eye contact.

"For?" He crossed his arms and smirked.Raven obviously didn't see.

"I'm sorry for ditching you and guys were always there for me and I ditched without thinking about what I might've lost." She finally made eye contact with Billy. He smiled and hugged her tightly.
Raven hugged back,melting into the hug.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you.i was just worried. I just want my best friend back." He spoke,the hug getting tighter.

"Me too." Raven said softly. They both stood there hugging when Raven noticed the hug was becoming a little too much.

"Uh, can let go now." She nervously looked up.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay. Tell Stu we're cool again yeah?" She smiled.

"Yeah." He replied blushing.

"Okay. Get back to class now. You already have a bunch of Saturdays school to make up." She giggled.

"Ugh.don't remind me...see you later k?" She laughed.

"Yeah." She smiled. They both turned away and walked to class.

Raven felt like something was lifted off her when she finally made up with billy. The rest of the day went on as normal. She hung out with Billy,Stu,Ruby,Norman,and Carrie. When she got home,it was the same boring thing.but at least now she can practice.


Billy's pov:

I lay on my bed,thinking about Raven. Man it's hard to get mad her. She's just so perfect. Her beautiful eyes,and her beautiful smile,Her hair soft and silky.
Honestly i wasn't even mad at her.i just gave her space because she probably wanted it. But that didn't keep me from stalking her. She's just too cute to resist. I want to hold her close to me all the time. I want to feel the warmth of her body and her head resting on my chest while we cuddle. I want to be there when she was a nightmare and when she wakes up scared,ill be the one to comfort her and tell her everything's okay and hold her in my arms while she falls back to sleep.
I lay there smiling at the daydream I'm having when the door opens and in comes Stu.

"What's got you all smiley?" He asked.

"Ugh.nothing shut up." I roll my eye and turn over to my other side facing away from him.

" on your period or something?" He joked around.

"Shut up Stu." I say tasting raven. Man,I really can't get enough of her.can I?

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