A strange package

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Ravens pov:

When I got back home after being at the park for a while,I noticed a package in front of my front door.i picked it up and it just read my address but didn't say who it was from.

I took it inside and placed it on the kitchen counter,I opened a drawer and took out a box cutter to open the box.i slit the box open and inside were a bunch of packing peanuts.i dug through then till I felt something,I pulled it out to reveal a pretty doll with blonde hair,green eyes,a white dress with a black leather jacket over it.she also had fish nets and back boots on.she was wearing a pretty gold necklace that read "tiff".

"Tiff?,like Tiffany or sum? Huh,nice." I said out loud.I placed her down on the counter.i decided to look further in the box to see if there was anything else and surprisingly there was.a good guy doll.but only it was stitched together and had torn clothes and scars on his face.

"Hi I'm chucky wanna play?" It's suddenly said causing me to get startled a little.

"No thanks buddy." I jokingly said back.I picked him and tiff up and took them to my room where I placed them on a shelf I had there.

Time skip ⏭️

I was in bed playing music while drawing when suddenly I got a text from nova on instagram.

Hey raven! I just wanted to let you know there's going to be a party at Chad's tonight if you wanna join I send you the address for it.hope to see you there girl💓

"She invited me to a party?...holy shit! she invited me to a party! Ahh shit what am I gonna wear!?" I said out loud panicking a lil but mostly because I was excited.

"Okay...first I needa shower." I said going into my closet and finding the right clothes to put on for the party.i went into the bathroom as i put on dance with the devil by immortal technique while I showered.

No one's pov:

While raven entered the bathroom that was in her room.a couple of dolls decided to play.

"Chucky did you hear what she said a while ago?! She likes my name! Ahh such an angel!" Tiffany said in a sweet voice.

"Yeah yeah,I heard.shit This kid has some style." He said a little surprised.

"Yeah she does.oo chucky what do you think she's gonna wear to the party?! Oh she could wear anything and still make it look beautiful!" She said.after she said that they heard the shower stop And they decided not to fool around for a little and went back into position.

After about 10 minutes you came out of the shower.wearing a black shirt with a pro club sweater on and some black pants and your shoes.you looked in the mirror debating whether or not you should wear makeup.you decided to wear a little bit to much to show but not to little not to.

You grabbed your phone and read the messages you got from Billy and Stu while you were in the bathroom.they wanted to make sure you got the invitation to the party.so you grab whatever you needed and headed out the door and to chads house.

"Maybe this shit won't be so bad...right?"

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