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Not the hat. I don't like the hat.
No one's pov:

It's was 5th period and Raven and Ruby were getting ready in the locker rooms.

"I can't believe we skipped hella fucking days of p.e." Ruby laughed.

"Yea don't laugh just yet. Mr.gracia is going to give us detention for skipping his class so much. Especially because we skipped out on the mile which we only had to do once this year." Raven said as she dressed out.

"Hey guys. I didn't know you where in my p.e class." Carrie appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey Carrie. Well we skipped a shit tone of class." Ruby said as she put her shoes on.

"Oh,I see. Raven. Do I you know what we're doing today?" Carrie shyly asked.

"No,sorry Carr." Raven said as she took her shirt off to switch to her other one. Carrie blushed as she saw Raven without a shirt. She didn't realize she kept staring until Ruby said something.

"Keep staring your eyes are gonna fall out." She laughed. Carries face was now RED.

"Ruby... it's okay Carrie. Stare all you want." Raven winked. Making Carrie an overheated mess.

The girls were walking out until they saw a girl walking up to them. Raven saw it was crystal. She had her for one of her classes and she was cool with her.

"Hey crystal. What are you doing in here?" Raven asked.

"Can I use your phone?" She asked look a bit mad.

"Yea sure,for what?" Raven asked handing her phone to her.

"Because the bitch Emily is talking shit on ale. So ima fucking beat her ass. But my phone don't got fucking storage to record." Crystal angrily said.

"What the hell, who's gonna record though?" Raven asked.

"Nessa,ima give her the phone." Crystal said walking to another girl who was nessa. She handed her the phone and they both turned the other way and went to find Emily.

"Oh shit there's gonna be a fight!" Ruby excitedly said. All the girls ran to catch up with crystal and when they got there,they saw crystal walking up to Emily and dragging her down while hitting her in the head.

"Don't be fucking talking shit on ale bitch!" Crystal yelled as Emily sat there on the floor.

"Oh shit.." Raven was shocked. The punches sounded hard! (Ps This actually happened. At my school. I just need some drama in This book. Wanna see the video? I'll put my insta at the bottom if you wanna see. Btw I don't support bullying and violence,I just wanted some drama. But if you wanna see go to my instagram🫢)

"Oh my..." Carrie covered her mouth with her hand

"Get her ass!" Ruby shouted.

"Ruby shut up!" Raven said shocked.

"My bad." Ruby laughed.

...time skip...

After school.Carrie,and Ruby. Came along with Raven and Ayana to their house. Ruby practically live there at this point. They all walked into the house,and Ayana went up to her room. As for Ruby,Carrie and Raven they all went up to her room.

" you have a pretty room Raven.." Carrie complemented. She loo around the room and her eyes landed onto two familiar dolls. Her eyes narrowed a little.

"Thanks. It's nothing special though. Just a room." Raven shrugged as she fell on a beanbag. Carrie sat on a beanbag next to Raven and Ruby layed on her bed.

"Ugh,this bed is sooo fucking comfortable." Ruby said as she stretched on the bed.

...3 hours later...

"Raven come help me with dinner." Ayana came into the room.

"Uhh Ruby you go help her." Raven said as she layed back down on the beanbag.

"Uhh.fine, but you owe me something." Ruby said getting up.

After Ruby and Ayana left. Raven and Carrie continued talking for a little longer.

"You have pretty eyes you know?" Carrie smiled as she stared into ravens eyes.

" have pretty eyes too..." Raven smiled as her eyes showed lust.

Carrie smiled and leaned closer. Raven took the opportunity and quickly pulled Carrie onto her and kissed her. Carrie was taken aback,she didn't expect such a reaction. But she liked it. She leaned more into the kiss. Carrie put her hand on ravens chest. Raven slipped her hand in carries shirt. She placed her hand on carries breast.(that felt weird to type in🧍‍♂️)

Carrie let out a small moan as Raven continued doing what she was doing. They suddenly heard footsteps coming towards the door. They both quickly pulled away. And carried quickly sat on the other beanbag
Shortly after Ayana came in.

"Dinners ready." She said as she waited for them to get up.

"Good. Just had a snack but I could eat." Raven looked at Carrie and took her hand. Carrie blushed and looked down. They girls went to take a seat at the table. After dinner the girls talked for a while until Carrie went home.


Carries pov:

I went back home and quickly went up to my room. I closed the door and sat on my bed. The thought of me and Raven came up to my mide. Oh my god I kissed her! I calmed down a little and felt my face heating up. I go downstairs for a cup of water when I run into bo and Hannibal.

"Hello carrie." Hannibal politely said.

"Huh! Hey! Hi! How are you!? I nervously said. My face heated up more in embarrassment. What the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm good.. are you alright carrie?" He asked.

"Yea you good?" Bo also asked confused.

"Never better! Why? Do I look sick?" I quickly replied.

"Yea. Your face is red." Bo replied.

"Carrie. Would you mind telling us what happened?" Hannibal asked.

" rather not.." I quickly turned back and left to my room.

I went up to my room and got ready for bed. I went. To sleep thinking of the moment.



Insta⬆️ (I don't like this part,I'm just bored & lazy)

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