The party

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Ravens pov:

The sun was just setting and the road to chads house was kinda creepy,but a nice kind.once I made it to chads house I heard loud music coming from it.I walked in the house and made my way through the people to get to the drinks in the I was pouring my self a shot of tequila when I head some one my name.

"Yo raven!you didn't text us you where here yet." Stu said walking up to me.

"Yeah I forgot ." I laughed.

"Dang girl tequila?! You must wanna get drunk fast." Billy said taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah I don't like beer,beers for pussys."I joked.

"Ouch.that hurt." Stu said,grabbing this chest and making a pouty face.

"What ever." I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"Raven! You came!!" We all turned around and saw nova coming up to us.

"Oh,yeah I did." I laughed.

"I'm so glad! Anyways wanna Dance?"she took my hand.

"Oh.I shouldn't,I don't even know how to I don't wanna leave billy and Stu." I say looking at them.

"Oh come on,they won't mind right?" Nova looked at them.stu and Billy looked annoyed?but Stu answered before Billy could speak.

"Ya totally,we don't mind.."

"Great! Let's go." Nova pulled me by the hand and I quickly drank the shot before we went out to the living room where everyone was dancing.

...time skip...
No one's pov:

raven went to the kitchen for a drink after dancing a lot with nova.she grabbed a water bottle from the cooler and started chugging it down.after a little of standing around,she went to go look for Billy and Stu.she felt bad for leaving them. She looked upstairs and was walking down the hallway when she heard a girl yelling.

She opened the door and saw one of the jocks named John on top of nova on the bed and nova yelling at him to get off.raven quickly jumped on him and pulled him away from nova.they both fell on the floor and wrestled to get the upper the end raven got it,she got on top of him and started punching him repeatedly anger taking over and each punch getting more painful,not only for John but for raven as well.

People started coming in the room,jocks trying to pull raven of John who was staring to go unconscious.raven started to break free from the jocks grasps by punching on in the jaw and another one by kicking him in the 🥜. She took a pocket knife she keeps on her and was about to stab John when someone grabbed her.

She turned to face Billy who was pulling her out of the room and Stu was trying to taking the knife from her.she had a firm grasp on the knife so he didn't take it away.billy managed to get her outside while everyone stayed inside looking at the after math.a few people came outside to see her but quickly went back inside when Stu and Billy yelled at them to mind their business.

Once raven managed to calm down enough to realize what's she done,she didn't really regret it.what she did regret is that everyone saw the side of her she didn't want to show again.she felt anger.not only at the fucking jock who tried to forcefully get with nova,but also at herself for handling the situation the way she did.

She felt the bottle of anger about to burst again so she quickly walked away from the party.she heard Billy and Stu yelling at her to come back but she didn't listen,she just kept walking.on her way home she started thinking about the life she had before she moved here.she was way different then she is now,but she honestly missed the person she was wasn't the best,but it wasn't the worst.

"Just focus on school so you can get the fuck out of this shit hole place." Raven told herself.

When she made it home she went up to her room and got ready for bed.she laid down on the bed for a while before checking her messages.she saw a lot from Billy and Stu.

Billy:raven are you okay?

Stu: hello raven?? We've been calling you for 20 minutes now are you okay?

Missed call from Billy

Missed call from stu

Missed call from stu

Missed call from Billy

Missed call from Billy

Missed call from Billy

Billy:raven! I'm serious answer the fucking phone!

Stu:raven your starting to worry us,and Billy's losing it.please answer the phone!

Missed call from Stu

Missed call from stu

Missed call from Billy

Billy:answer the fucking phone raven!

Missed call from Billy

Missed call from stu

You looked at the few notifications from them but didn't just wanted to be alone,you put your phone on silent mode and put music on to help you least it was the weekend and didn't have to see anyone's face till Monday.she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

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