No lo se🤷‍♀️

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No one's pov:

Raven woke up around 7:20 in the morning due to an incoming call in her phone. She quickly picked up the phone and with a sleepy voice she answered it,laying back down.

"Hello?" Her sleepy voice said.

"Well goodmornin' too you sleepyhead." A chuckle was heard on the the other end of the phone line.(idk what)

"Mm,who is this?" She sleepily asked.

"Oh,you don't remember me? Ouch. That's harsh. I'm just playin',it's bo from the repair shop." He said,a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Oh! Bo,I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you." Raven giggled, as she finally recognized the voice that belonged to Bo.

"It's alright darlin',I just wanted to let you know that it's gonna take a lil longer to fix your bike then I woulda hoped." Bo says.

"Oh,really? Is it really that bad?" She laughed.

"Bad ain't even the word for it sweetheart." He laughed.

"Would it be okay if I go see? You know,see how the process is going?" She asked.

"Corse ya can sugarplum,you can come anytime." He replied chuckling.

" it's okay if I go over in a few?"
She nervously asked.

"That's fine by me hon." He replied.a smile growing on his face.

"Okay,I'll see you in a few."

"Lookin' forward to it."

After the call ended,Raven went to take a shower and brush her teeth. As she was getting dressed Ayana knocked on the door.

"Raven hurry up,I need to pee."

"I'm going.chill."

After Raven got out of the bathroom,Ayana told her breakfast was ready as she closed the door. Raven was in the kitchen when the door opened and in came Ruby.

"Hey bitch.whats up?"

"Hey rue."

"Why are you up this early?" Ruby asked.

"I got a call from Bo letting me know that it's gonna take longer for him to fix my bike." She responded.

"Oo,who's bo? Hey rue."Ayana said as she came into the kitchen.

"He's some dude fixing rays motorcycle." Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Oo,is he cute?" Ayana asked with a smirk.

"Na,he's old." Ruby answered.

"Rue! Anyway, he's fine. He's actually pretty nice.and he looks young rue." Raven defended.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a crush on him ravennn!" Ayana teased.raven only rolled her eyes.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Ruby asked.

"I'm actually going to the repair shop right now to see how the process is going." Raven replied.she put the dirty dishes in the sink,she could sense ruby's sudden mood change.

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