The first note

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Ravens pov:

"Stu, you little shit!? Let me go!", I laughed
trying to break free from his arms as he tried to
tickle me at the lunch table. We sat at the
cafeteria table closest to the large window,
located in the middle of the large eating area.
Me, Stu, Billy, and three of their other
friends all ate lunch together, which we did
every few days to catch up on things. We
usually always ended up talking about
different horror films and how we would try
to survive them, which can get pretty
interesting depending on what kind of
killer/antagonist you're up against. Once again Stu was trying to tickle me and this time got me.

"This is payback from last week's prank
you played on me!! ~Suffer~", Stu teased.
After a couple more seconds of struggle to
break free from his tickles, he let me go and
roughed up my hair.

"Hahaha, what's with you guys and my hair?
I swear you're going to make me look like la chupitos.", I chuckled
after catching my breath from laughing. Stu
studied me for a second and then tried fixing
my hair.

You got an elastic or something?" he
asked, concentrating on the vision he had for
my hair. I went into my bag and retrieved an elastic and I handed it to him. He
looked at it for a mnoment before getting back
to fixing my hair. Billy and his friends
watched Stu style my hair, snickering every
time Stu failed to tie my hair up properly.

"Hey Stu, with that talent of yours, you
might be able to get into
beauty school.", Billy joked, making his
other friends rawr with laughter.

"Oh shut the fuck up, Billy. I bet I could
braid better than you dickhead." Stu
shot back, trying not to fuck up his last
attempt to fix my hair. Finally, after what felt
like 20 minutes of hair-pulling and f-bombs,
he slid back from me and open his arms in

"Haha,I've done it!! Take that Loomis!"
It was silent for a moment as everyone at the
table stared at me and my hair. It made me
nervous and I began to look through my phone to hide my face.I'm not a huge fan of many people looking at me, makes me really uncomfortable.

They laughed
and one of Stu and Billy's friends broke the

"Well shit, didn't think you could do it,
Stu. Looks pretty good." Their friend
marveled, still staring at my hair. The rest of
them chuckled in agreement and then
continued to eat their lunch.

The rest of lunch was pretty relaxing for the
most part. Stu and Billy picked on each other
(as always), while I talked to their friends
about random shit. Finally lunch came to an end and we all got up and went to throw our trash away before exiting the cafe.

Time skip~

At the end of class,everyone already went home.i had to get something out of my locker so I stayed behind.i opened my locker and a little note fell out,I picked it up and what I read made me feel uncomfortable,and panicked.

"Hello may not know us yet but you'll find out soon.for now let's just say we are admirers from afar.since the first day we laid   our eyes on you,you've been the only thing on our minds.your eyes are beautiful anyone can get lost in them.your hair a color that is so common yet you make it rare.we can't wait to meet you,we hope you can love us as much as we love and adore you till now we wait. See you soon love~"

I stood there just looking at the note,I must have looked really disturbed because a few seconds later I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Miss carano?,are you alright?" Said a silky voice.i turned around and faced Mr.lector.

"Oh...yea I'm...good thx." I said avoiding eye contact and just staring at the folded note.

"You know you can talk to me,apart from being a teacher I am also a psychiatrist." He said trying to get me to make eye contact by tilting his head. I look him in the eyes for a second before they wander off,then look at him again and repeat.i clear my throat before speaking.

"Yea...thanks I'll keep that in mind." I said trying to home already.

"Okay,well I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day miss carano." He gave me a warm smile.i make myself smile in order for me not to be rude.

"Mhm...have a nice day..." I said and turned around and started walking away.i feel his gaze on me while I walked this day Is fucking weird as fuck.

I made my way out the front doors while I put my headphones on blasting Matte black by the suicideboys.i walked for a few minutes and saw the skat park I walk pass every day on my way to school.i thought about bringing my skateboard tomorrow so I could skate.i didn't want to go home yet,so I decided to walk around the park for a while.

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