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No ones pov:
The next morning. Raven woke up around nine. She got ready for the day and went downstairs where she saw Ayana making coffee. She didn't know what to say. She poured herself some juice and went to sit on the couch. Ayana sat down at the kitchen table.
Raven felt uncomfortable so she went back to her room. She looked at her phone and called Ruby.

"What's up?" Ruby said yawning.

"Hey. Did I wake you up?" Raven asked.

"Na you good."

"Good. Anyway. Things are just weird right now. I mean I feel the tension suffocating me."

"Is it really that weird?"

"Kinda. I mean what do you even say? I don't know what to do...everything's fucked..."

"Yea I know. I'm sorry. Want me to come over?"


"Ight,I'm on my way."

...time skip...

Ruby arrived at ravens house and found Raven sitting in the living room. She walked towards the couch and sat down next to her. They talked and hung out for a while. Then Raven asked for a favor.

"Hey rue?"


"Can you do me a favor?"

"K. What is it?"

"Do you think you could talk to yana for me? She hadn't come out of her room since the morning."

"..yea. Want me to go up to her room right now?"


"Ight...I'll be back.."

Ruby got up from the couch and started walking towards the stairs. And walked to Ayana's room. She knocked on the door and ayana answered. She let Ruby come in. Raven peeked to see if she had gone in. She sighed and went back to the couch. A knock was heard from the door. Raven got up to open the door and saw Billy and Stu standing there.

"Hey..what are you doing here?" She asked surprised.

"We came to check on you. Heard about your grandfather...sorry to hear that he's passed." Billy says hugging her. She pats his back and lets them inside. Stu hugs her as he enters the house.

"We're here for you ray ray." Stu says softly. Raven stayed silent for a moment but responded.

"Yea...I know you are...thanks.." she walked to the couch.

"You here alone?" Billy asked talking a seat next to her.

"No. Ayana and rue are up stairs. She sat down on the couch. Billy and Stu sat down as well.

"She taking it pretty hard?" Stu asked.

"Yea...she took it pretty hard. She only came out of her room once today. She stayed up in her room when I told her yesterday."

"You both are gonna get through this. We'll be here for you when you need us." Billy said as he held her hand.

"Yea...I know you will.." she smiled.

"Hey. How about we go out? There's a carnival on tonight. Let's go,get your mind off things." Stu said.

"Yea...sure...I can't leave yana though. She won't come out of her room.."

"We'll try convincing her. You both need to get out of the house." Stu said.

"Yea...thanks." She smiled

"Let's watch a movie. What's your favorite scary movie?" Billy asked.

" angel of melancholy."

"Ooh.that ones gory" Billy smiled.

...time skip...

Later that night. Raven managed to convince Ayana to go to the carnival with them. Ruby tags along. They were playing a game. Billy won a stuffed bear for Raven. After a few hours of being at the carnival they finally left. Raven was in her room on the phone with her mom.

"I'll come and get you and Ayana in two weeks okay?" Her mom said.

"...yea." Raven simply said and hung up. She laid in bed looking at the ceiling. She heard her door open. She saw Ayana come in. Ayana didn't say anything as she walked towards Raven. She laid down next to Raven. Raven put an arm around her. They didn't say anything,just laid there.ayana huddled up to Raven and gently cried. Raven pulled her closer and let her cry. Soon they fell asleep. They weren't ready to say goodbye to their grandpa.

This is short. I'll update the other part tomorrow. I don't feel like doing this rn😭

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