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No ones pov:

Raven was in the bathroom brushing her teeth while Ayana got ready in her room. After raven she was done,she got ready and waited for Ayana in The living room. Ayana came downstairs and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Raven you want any breakfast?" She asked, poring coffee in a cup.

"Naw I'm good." Raven said,looking at the tv.

"Have you finished fixing the motorcycle?" Ayana asked.

"No not yet, still working on it." Raven responded.

"Ugh, I hate walking."

...time skip...(first period)

Raven sat down at her desk waiting for the lesson to start. She was on her phone while doing so and didn't notice Mr. Lector in front of her.

"Good morning miss carano." He said looking down at her with a polite smile.

Raven looked up from her phone when she heard him and gave a kinda awkward smile before answering.

"Hey...uh you can just call me raven,you don't have to call me by my last name.." lector smiled at her, she could almost feel the warmth of that smile.

"Okay,if that is what you please then I will address you as such." He said, a chuckle escaping his lips at the end of his sentence.

Raven awkwardly smiled and her face started to burn up,Man I hate this day. She thought as she sat there like an idiot.

"By the way, I wanted to talk to you during 6th period yesterday but you weren't here.Why is that?" Lector spoke with a different tone and a somewhat serious face.

"I felt sick so I went home." Raven replied, she leaned back on her chair and you eyes making contact with everything other then her teachers eyes.

"Mhm,are you sure you didn't skip school with your friend Ruby." He said,his face now showing a serious expression.

"what?..." she said softly. How did he know that? She thought as she looked at him with surprise.

"You skipped class with Ruby." He repeated, his face still serious and his eye staring deep into her soul.

"I-uh, how-how did you know that?" Raven said. Fuck if they call my mom she won't let me hear the end of it. She thought, not only will her mother know she skipped school,but also that ruby's in town and that will not be a pretty thing.

"That doesn't matter,I have spoken to the principal and he said i could decide the'll have to have after school detention with me and Mr.Torrance in room 208." He spoke with satisfaction in his voice as only looked at her.

"Well the lesson is about to start, I'll see you after school." He said looking at his watch. Raven didn't wanna come off as rude,even more so she didn't say anything.

...time skip...(lunch)

Ruby and raven were walking around killing time when the subject of detention came up.

"You have after school detention with lector and Torrance?" Ruby asked munching on some gummy worms.

" didn't know? I thought we'd have it together." Raven responded taking some gummy's.

"No,I have detention with fucking Ellie....hey....You know, we could just escape again~"

"Ruby no,how about we just go to Mrs. Rodriguez and ask her if we can have detention after school together."

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