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No one's pov:
Ravens mom still wanted for raven and Ayana to go to school. She didn't want them messing up their attendance. Despite ravens protests,her mothers answer still remain. So the next day,Raven and Ayana went to school. While Raven was in first period. She was distracted. Her eyes hurt and she felt drained.
Mr. Lector noticed her sudden change of mood. And during lunch,he decided to take her to his class to talk to her.

"Raven. My apologies for taking you away from your friends but I just wanted to speak to you about something." He said. He sat down at his desk.

"It's okay.. what did you want to talk about?" She looked up at him nervously.

"About your mood. Please sit." He motioned to a chair in front of him. Raven sat and put her hands inside her sweater pockets.

"What about it? Sorry if I did something." She apologized.

"There is no need for apologies. You have not done anything wrong. I'm just worried about you. I've noticed your behavior has changed and I wanted to make sure your feeling alright."

"Yea..Im feeling okay. Thank you for worrying,but..I don't want you too. You already do so much to help me with assignments and what not."

"...I know about your grandpa. I just want to say I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be for someone to lose their loved ones."

"....thanks....i have to go. Lunch is about to end.."

Hannibal got up as Raven also did. Before she left, Hannibal wrapped his arms around her. Raven was standing there doing nothing. That is until she wrapped her arms around him as well. She didn't want to get emotional as she already had tears almost about to fall from her eyes. She pulled away and immediately walked to the door. Hannibal watched as she left. He looked down at his desk where a note pad was placed.

...time skip...(after school)

When Raven got home. She went up to her room and layed in bed the whole day basically. She did go down for dinner and got up to shower and everything,but she basically spent the whole rest day of the day in bed doing nothing. The two dolls worried about her. And when she fell asleep. Only chucky snuck out of the house and went back to the rest of the slashers. Tiffany didn't want to leave Raven alone at all. Even when she was asleep or at school. She was on her mind 24/7.

When chucky made it to the house. He went into the kitchen to see Billy,Stu,and Hannibal. Chucky went further into the kitchen and went to sit on one of the chairs.

"Got anything chuck?" Stu asked.

"The girls a mess. She spent the whole day in bed doin nothin but scrolling on her phone and crying." Chucky answered.

No one said anything. What could they say? They knew this was going to be hard for you. They couldn't do anything to help you. At least,not now.

"Her mom's comin home so they could go to the funeral. She's helping with expenses and what not for it."

"When is she leaving?" Billy asked

"I dunno. Her mom just said she'd come get them when everything was ready."

"Looks like our plan is gonna have to wait for a looong time." Stu said.

"Shut up idiot." Billy nudged Stu in the ribs.

"Well I gotta get back to tiff and ray ray. See yea." Chucky hops off the chair and leaves the kitchen. Soon after the rest of them decide to turn in for the night.

"Do look after her Charles. I trust you won't let her down." Hannibal spoke. Chucky simply nodded and walked away.

Soon after that. Everyone decided to turn in for the night. Hannibal worried about her more than anyone. He knew that she would suffer greatly from her loss. He had looked over Mrs. Rodriguez's files on Raven. He looked over her history. He knew she would probably fall back into her unhealthy coping mechanisms. That worried him more. But he promised himself that he would do anything it took to get her to him. She will no longer need to suffer. She'll be safe with him. And only him.

This is short. Thank you for supporting this little fantasy. I'm working on another book. So please go check that out. Rn I'm on meds and they got me feeling sick so I didn't finish this part until just now. So anyway. Thank you sm,and have a great week💖 bro wtf 😭it's Friday up in this💀 shit I must have been hella sleepy 💀 anyway,bye bye.

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