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No ones pov:

Raven was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when Ayana came in a while after her. While raven brushed her teeth and did her hair,Ayana did her morning skin care routine. Once they were done getting ready they went to school.

They entered the school building and Ayana went to the right and raven to the left. Raven made her way through the kids crowding the hallway trying to get to Mrs. Rodriguez's office.

As she made her way through the people, she suddenly felt someone pull her by her backpack. She managed to catch herself before she could fall. When she turned around she saw Greta standing there with her little bitch posse behind her.

"Hey! What's your problem!?" Raven loudly said

"Mhm, let me think. You bitch!" Greta yelled, getting in her face

"Okay, I don't even know what I did to you. But you better back up before you get smack the fuck up!" Raven also got in her face

"Or what? You gonna attack me like you did John?" She taunted

"Last chance Greta,back the fuck up!" Raven sternly told, she was trying her hardest not punch this bitch straight in the month

"Oh look, little miss tough girl is getting mad" Greta said making her little posse laugh

Raven was thinking about doing something she wouldn't regret doing but might regret.she didn't want to disappoint Mrs. Rodriguez,who in fact worked hard to get her to where she is now, but suddenly a voice disrupted her thinking.

"Is everything alright here lady's?" Raven turned around and Greta looked up to see mr lecter and mr Torrance standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah,everything's fine..." Raven replied to mr lecter.she didn't make eye contact with either of them tho.

"Mhm,alright. Greta would you leave me and me Torrance alone with miss carano?" Mr lector said, a serious look on his face

"Y-ya of-of course...let's go girls.." Greta walked away with her posse

"Now miss carano,is everything okay?" Lector asked

"Y-ya everything fine..." raven  didn't make eyes contact

"Really? Didn't seem like it? What was it you said about "smacking" Greta?" Mr Torrance asked. Raven was pissed now but didn't show it.

"it was nothing..." Raven clinched her fists,her body stiffened as she did so. Her fists were still sore and bruised so her clinching her fist made her stiffen and her face showed a slight discomfort as she tried to hide in pain.

"What happened to your hands if I may ask?" Lector spoke looking at her hands

"Wow,what did  you hit a wall?" Torrance asked also looking at her hands

"Yeah I did actually, anyway I need to go,see you guys In class." Raven quickly turned away and sped walked to Mrs. Rodriguez's office

When she entered her office,she was hit with a sudden wave of heat coming from the small heater placed against the wall. She saw Mrs Rodriguez sitting at her desk flipping through papers.

Mrs.Rodriguez looked up to see raven walking towards her. She smiled and watched as raven took a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

"Raven I was just about to go see if I could find you, I need to give you something."she said

"What is it?" Raven questioned

"Your new class schedule. I was I the office and miss berry asked me to give you a new schedule since you asked for it but weren't able to get it since I wasn't here."

"Oh... yeah..i forgot..."

"Okay, so it's still going to be the same. You have Mr lectors class first,then Mr Torrance,then of course brunch. Then after,you have Mr smith,next Mrs appleberry.then lunch, have Mr gracia, Mr wells and Mrs Sanchez."

"Oh, yeah I guess I prefer to have my worst classes last."

"Why do you say that?"

"Eh,I just don't like p.e. Mr Garcia is nice tho. And then the rest are just..assholes."

"Ohh,yeah they can be pretty strict. Anyway,want some hot chocolate? This rain is making me crave it."

"Hella yeah I do."

...time skip...
No ones pov:

Raven was sitting on a windowsill looking out the window watching the rain fall as she listened to music. She was distracted so she didn't notice Billy and Stu walking up to her.

Billy stood in front of her with an angry look on his face. Raven noticed their presence and took off her headphones,she blankly looked at them and said a quick "hey" before leaving.

Billy grabbed her by the arm and pushed her against the wall. Raven pushed him back and stood in the hallway.

"What the fucks your problem asshole!?" Raven yelled

"My problem? My problem? My problem is you disappearing for two days and not even bothering to call me or Stu back after all the messages we sent trying to make sure you're okay! Not one text or call! Nothing! And you're asking me what's my problem!?" Billy angrily yelled

"Ay,Billy come on chill out dude."
Stu tried calming billy down but to no avail

"Look billy,I'm sorry okay? I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone But still,it's not a reason to act like a fucking jackass!" Raven yelled the last part

"Alright how about we all just calm the fuck down okay?!" Stu loudly said standing in the middle of them

The tree of them stayed quiet and raven decided to walk away. Billy walked towards her and Stu followed behind.

"Raven, I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell or hurt you.please I'm sorry!" Billy yelled as raven walked faster.

Billy caught on to raven and held her by the arms so she wouldn't walk away again.

"Look, my sorry okay? You know I would never hurt you..I-i was just mad okay? I'm sorry." Billy kept obsessively apologizing ,he grabbed her by her wrists and pulled her coser to him

Raven pulled herself out of his grip and walked away again.billy and Stu followed after her again, raven was feed up so she turned around and faced both billy and Stu.

"Look, just because I didn't text or call you for TWO fucking days doesn't mean you can act like a bitch! So just leave me alone!" She yelled

" how many time do I have to say I'm sorry!?" Billy burst out

"Leave me the fu-"


She was cut off by a new but familiar voice, she turned around and saw one person she thought she'd never see.


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