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No ones pov:

Raven woke up the next morning with pain in her knuckles,she got out of bed and went down to the kitchen where the pain killers sat in the kitchen cabinet. After she took the medicine and got ready for the day, she laid down on the couch and watched tv. The memories of last night flooded her head.

She thought about Stu and Billy. Do they hate her? Are they mad at her? Did she take it to far? All these thoughts rushed through her head. She clinched her knuckles only to hiss back in pain. She looked down at her hands and saw the bursting, she looked like she had a 3rd degree burn on her hands. She got up to get an ice pack from the freezer.

Going back to the couch, she sat down and placed the ice pack over her hands. A few minutes later her hands got numb from the cold, she placed the ice pack down on the coffee table and decided to check Instagram.

As she scrolled through insta, she saw many post from people at her school either talking about the situation,posting the video, twisting the story, and saying she was the bitch of the story. She rolled her eyes and decided to check her friends from back home insta story's.

She saw Jay, her boy best friend hanging out with the group. The group had Molly, Elle, missy, Jamal, Jake, miles, tay,her,and ruby.She missed the eight of them. They actually understood her and were always down for anything. A smile fell on her face when she realized they tagged her in the post.

"Miss you ray ray, wish you were here to kick it wit us. But we drinking harder for you girl."

Was what the post said. She decided to reply to the story.

Thanks, miss you guys too.

Jay: hey bitch, been a fatass minute since we talked. Hyb?

Honestly,pretty shit.you?

Been Ight, why you been shit?

Long story short,I fucked a bitch up for trying to fuck on a girl while she was sayin no,so I beat the shit out that bitch.

Naw! You whiling!Naw you a mf g! That bitch deserves it! Naw! But bro you got the vid!?

Ye, hold on.

Video sent

Naw! Boy got his shit rocked! That's what's up bitch!!! I'm finna show this to the gc!

Ight but don't go all stupid n shit,lmao

Lamo,ayy.so you know Clare and her bf Mike got married?

Naw bro. When!?

Shiii, pos yeah tiene messes guey

Naw,wait.bitch Que no dejaste que they where finna take yo ass's on a trip or sum when they got married?

Well yeah bitch,but they held it back bc yk her parents be giving her problems n what not.

Oh yeah,her parents r fucking assholes

Fr,but she says she need some time away from here sooooo, we finna go visit you bitch!

Bff bitch! Fr?! On god!?

Fuck yeah. We all going.you still live wit yo stepdad?

Yeah,my mom still hasn't been around since hella time.

Oh shawty abandoned u?

Fuck u bitch😭 but yeah ,she did😞

Lamo shawty u stupid

...time skip...

It's been a few hours since raven was on the phone with Jay and everything was boring now. Her knuckles still hurt, her self hatred still lingering around in her brain. It was a lot of pain. What she did look forward to was seeing her friends when they come and visit. She was kinda down since no one in school actually understood her like her friends did.

Mrs.Rodríguez was the closest thing to her friends. Sure she didn't know her like her friend's, but she has some good idea of what happened before she moved here. But she's off of work and raven feels alone. Yeah she has stu and Billy and maybe some other friends, but she want her friends her friends that know the real her not the fake one.

Raven got up from the couch and went into the kitchen, she found some cherries so she had that for something to snack on. As she was eating her cherries,she was scrolling through her phone on TikTok. She scrolled through a lot of videos before she came across a video that caught her attention.

The video was about a girl who called upon an urban legend who came out of the mirror and killed whoever said the name. The name of the urban legend was named Candyman? Raven didn't believe that people were actually taking that shit seriously,She giggled at the fact.

Raven put the remaining cherries in the fridge and went up to a mirror in the downstairs hallway. As she said the last verse and waited for something to happen,she heard a sound outside. She jumped a little and took a step back. She kept moving backwards till she hit something solid. As she turned around she was faced with. The kitchen counter😐

"Son of bitch" raven said as she sighed and walked back to the door to make sure it was locked. When she made sure all the windows and doors were closed,she went upstairs to her room. When she went inside she went to a cage she had on a table on the over side of the room.

"Hello chip! How's my little buddy doing?" She cooed at the animal. She reached inside to grab it and pulled out a white rat with red eyes.

She place the rat on her shoulder,allowing the animal to hide in her hair. She went to her bed and sat down. She scrolled through her phone till it was night, she went to put chip Back in his cage and went to get ready for bed.

After she got ready she laid in bed and slowly but surely fell asleep, she was to tired to notice a couple of dolls missing and a tall dark figure standing over her.

This sucks,and I got nun😐

The characters mention in this part of the story will be mentioned in future chapters obviously 😭 I just hope it doesn't suck so much🥲 also Jay texting raven was totally random but like I said I got nun😭🥲

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