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( ravens pov on the last chapter)
No one's pov:

I went upstairs after Carrie had left and got ready for bed. I didn't go to bed just yet tho. I decided to sketch for a little while. Ayana had already gone to sleep. This whole day I've Like something was wrong. It just didn't feel right. By then it was already 11:27. I was putting my things away when I heard my phone ringing.I look at the caller id and see that it was my mom. Chills went down my spine. The strange feeling got worse.

"Mom?.." I felt nervous for some reason. Goosebumps formed on my arms.

" so sorry....he tried honey,I know he tried but...I'm so sorry honey.." her mother sobbed into the phone.

Ravens eyes filled with tears. She sat down on the bed as she tried to process the situation. Her heart sank. She felt a heavy weight on her chest. Finally. The tears fell from her eyes. The realization didn't hit her hard like she expected. But it still hit. All she could do was silently cry.

"I'm here back home with your grandmother. I'm going to stay here and help out with everything. I'll come back home to get you for the funeral. Tell your sister for me okay? I'm so sorry honey..."
Her mother sniffled.

Raven didn't know what to say. She hung up the phone and cried as she put her hands over her mouth. She silently cried as the minutes went by. She didn't know that she fell asleep till the next morning.
she woke up with her eyes swollen and puffy and a headache.Last night's news hit her again. Tears fell from her eyes again. It was 10:30. In the morning and was late for school. She didn't feel like going anywhere though. She just wanted to stay home and do nothing. She went downstairs and saw a plate wrapped in tin foil and a sticky note next to it.

"I tried waking you up but you didn't answer. I was late for school but I made you something." The note read.

Raven didn't feel like eating anything right now. She went to the couch and laid down as she remembered all the times her and her dad had. How he threw her that princess party when she was a little girl. How he'd always say he was going to see her graduate and how pretty she was going to look in her graduation gown. He would always say he was going to bye matching graduation rings for her and Ayana. Now. He'd never get to do that. Ravens heart felt heavy. She wanted to scream and sob and beg for her dad to come home.

He wasn't her dad honestly. He was her grandpa. But she called him dad because he and her grandma raised her and Ayana. Ayana was closer to her grandma and Raven was closer to her grandpa. But they each loved one another equally. Her real dad was always in jail or on drugs. So he wasn't there much. But the few times he was there would be amazing. Her mom however was always out partying and living her life. After Ravens dad got deported back to Mexico. Her mother finally decided to get her shit together. She met her boyfriend and she moved them to this town.

Raven wished she could've been here. She wished she could've said goodbye and hug him. She cried and cried because there was nothing she could do. He was already gone.

...time skip...(after school)

Ayana hadn't come home after school. It was already 7:30. And she finally heard a car pull up in the driveway. The front door opened and in came Ayana and Ruby.

"Hey why weren't you at school?" Ayana asked as her and Ruby sat down on the couch.

"Where were you?" Raven said. Her hair covered her face so non of them saw her.

"I went to go run some errands and I took Ruby to help me. Why?" Ayana replied.

Raven didn't say anything.she got up and walked to over to the other couch where she'd be facing Ayana and Ruby.

"Yana....i have something to tell you...." Raven tried to compose herself.

"...what is it..." Ayana and Ruby saw ravens face. Her eyes puffy and glossy.

"Grandpa was having back problems so he finally decided to go to Mexico for surgery and something about the hospital not knowing that he was a cancer patient and everything. After he came back...he was in a lot of pain...and he was taken to the hospital in the morning after he had come back. He...he spent a few days in the hospital....and uhh....." Raven tried calming herself.

Ruby knew what she was about to say. Both Ayana's and Ruby's heart dropped. Ayana was on the verge of tears.

"What?! What happened?!" Ayana asked as tears rose from her eyes. She had stood up from the couch. Ruby stood up as well.

"After you had gone to bed mom called me around 11:27. And she told didn't make it...." Ravens tears fell from her eyes as she said.

The news hit Ayana like a brick. She covered her mouth and her knees felt weak and she fell to the floor. She sobbed In her hands as Ruby hugged her. Raven stood there looking at her as she tried to hold in her tears but they wouldn't stop.

Ayana sobbed into Ruby's arms she didn't want to believe it. He couldn't be gone. What about All the plans they made! All the things he was doing excited to do?! He was just going to leave them just like that!? She was angry. She was angry that he left them. She was angry that she wasn't there to say goodbye. She cried because now he was gone. And he'd never come back.


Well damn. I cried the whole time writing this. So anyway. Enjoy! And see you later alligator's🙂

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