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No one's pov:

The next morning was still the same. There was an aura of grief in the air. Raven woke up first. As quietly got up from her bed as to not awake Ayana. She left her room and gently closed the door. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes watered and she rubbed her eyes. She washed her face and after,went down to the kitchen. She made a quick breakfast for her and Ayana. As she finished cooking,Ayana came downstairs.

"...hey yan..." raven said as she placed the food on a plate and set it on the counter.

"Hey..." Ayana replied as she took the plate and ate slowly.

Raven looked at Ayana without saying anything. After breakfast. Ayana and raven sat on the couch. Ayana had her head resting on ravens lap as she laid down. Raven had her arms crossed over her chest as she slumped down the couch. Before they knew it. It was already 7:40 pm. Raven looked at her phone and saw the time.

"Hey yan. Wanna order Wingstop? Kinda late to cook.." raven asked.

Ayana nodded and continued to look at the tv. After raven ordered the food they waited till it got there. After the food arrived, they ate as they watched tv.

"...hey...remember when dad used to to stay up late with us during the summer and we'd watch movies and eat candy and drink soda all night?..." raven said as she tired to cheer Ayana up. Ayana smiled and looked at the tv.

"...yea...we'd always watch power rangers and the power puff girls... you'd always pick Dexters laboratory and Ben 10 when it was your turn. Dad always picked family guy or Tom and was his favorite..."
Ayana said as she smiled while looking at the tv.

"Yea...remember when he'd come home from work and he'd spend all evening watching Tom and Jerry...he'd laugh at the stupids and unfunny things they did.." Raven smiled.

"...I wonder how he reacted when grandpa died..." Ayana said quietly as she looked at the tv.

"...I dunno....probably tried to put on a strong face...."
Raven looked at the tv too.

"..Do you think it was my fault he got deported?..."

"No. You were just a didn't know any were only trying to help..."

"But I told the cops everything...even though mom gave me these looks that told me to stop...but i didn't see till she told me..."

"You were still a wasn't your wasn't anyone's fault... especially not yours.."

"...can't stop myself from feeling guilty...he'd still be here with us if I didn't open my mouth.."

"No. He still wouldn't be here. Ice was already on him..there wasn't anything to prevent wasn't your fault yan..."

"...when's mom coming home?..."

"In two weeks...she's helping grandma and everyone with the funeral..."

" know...before grandpa died...I had this feeling in my chest that something wasn't right...but I couldn't place a finger on it...then you told me..and everything just felt so my stomach dropped and I felt something heavy on my chest...i couldn't believe it...I still can't..."

" either...before I told you...I was thinking of how you were going to take it...i didn't wanna tell you that our grandpa was gone...part of me wanted to believe it wasn't true...but part of me knew he was gone...and he wasn't coming back...and all I could think about in the moment when mom told me he am I supposed to tell Ayana grandpa wasn't going to make it to our birthday party? Or our graduation or our weddings? Or Father's Day celebration?...or be there when we have kids....all of those things ran through my head...but one was bigger then the are we supposed to go on without him?.....he was everything...he basically raised us...and was she supposed to go on without her husband....i was in shock for a bit...he'll..maybe I still am....but...I just felt so bad for having to tell you...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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