Monday....por que?🙃🥲

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No ones pov:
Raven was in first period zoned out while the teacher was talking. She wasn't paying attention,so she didn't notice norman trying to get her attention.

"Hey...Raven?" He quietly said.

No response

"Raven!" He quietly yelled.

"...mhm? yeah ?" She turned around.

"You okay? Your eyes are red." He said softly.

"Yea,just didn't sleep well last night."

"Okay. Just checking."


...time skip...(after class)

After the whole class had packed out and left,Raven was the only one left to finish packing.

"Raven? May I speak to you for a moment?" Mr lector said as he sat down at his desk.

"huh? Yea...sure. What's up?" She put her backpack over her shoulder and walked up to the desk.

"I noticed you've been off lately. Is everything alright?" He asked staring straight into her tired eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine.what makes you think I'm not?"She asked.

"...You just seemed off is all. I hope everything's alright. Are you sure your okay?" He asked once again. This time his eyes darkened a bit.

"Yea,I'm okay. Just tired. Didn't sleep much last night." She answered. By then lectors second period class was coming in.

"Okay.i got to go,but thanks for asking." Raven said walking to the door and leaving to go to her next period.

Mr lector didn't get a chance to speak before she left and all his second period class started pouring in. He was disappointed that he couldn't talk to her longer,but he continued on with his class as usual. Raven finally made it to her second period and sat down in her seat.

"Hey Raven. You came in a little late." Mr Torrance teased with a smile on his face.

"Yeah sorry, Mr lector wanted to talk to me about something." She apologized.

"That's okay. What did he want to talk to you about?" He asked.

"Oh just some homework I need to turn in." She replied,tapping her pencil on the desk.

"Okay..well let's get started with class." He walked up to his desk and looked at the class as he began.

...time skip...

It's was 3rd period and Raven was in the restroom. She had texted Ruby to meet her there during 3rd. When Ruby got there,they both decided to ditch school.

"Okay little miss, "I wanna skip school like we used to." I'm down." Ruby laughed.

"Whatever rue. Okay let hurry before we get caught." Raven said as she walked out of the restroom. Ruby followed closely behind. The girls quickly made it to the exit and began walking to ruby's car.

"Hey we should go see Bo!" Raven said smiling.

"Yeah...let's go see Bo..." Ruby nodded as she faked smiles.

"...rue?do you not like him?" Raven asked.

"What? I don't even know him why would I not?" Ruby quickly defended.

"I don't know. I'm getting the feeling that you don't like him." Raven said.

"Ray it's fine. You know how hard it is for me to trust people. Just be careful around him okay?" Ruby smiled.

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