The new substitutes (part one)

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Ravens pov:

That morning all I could do was think about
the dream and that "man"? He was
SO.....weird and maybe hot?. FUCK? What am I thinking, he tried to kill
me!? I still don't understand how I got this
gash on my arm, the same place he slashed

Heading to my dresser, I decided on what to
wear Finally, after some heavy deliberation, I Gave my outfit one more look in the mirror,
I grabbed my backpack and headed

Slowly descending the stairs to the kitchen, I
kept a sharp eye out for my step-dad. He
came home around 11:46 pm last night and
seemed to be in an ok mood, but that wasn't a
certainty he would be in a good mood now. I
made some dinner for myself last night and
left the rest of it for when he came home.

Sometimes I would get take out and leave it in
the fridge beside his beer with a note attached
for him. It's the little things that help
decrease my chances of getting roughed up or
yelled at. Although sometimes it just isn't
enough. Peaking around the corner to check if
it was safe to enter, I felt a tap on my
shoulder. My heart sank.

What are you doing?" he asks, looking at me
curiously. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or
just really tried. He had large dark circles
under his eyes, his empty hazel eyes staring
into my soul.

"Oh hi, dad!" I laugh nervously, "I was just
checking to uh...see if you had breakfast or
not. I could always make some for you now?",
I lied, trying not to show my fear. Don't fuck
this up,raven Play it cool.

"How kind of you...but yes I've already ate. I
left some toast and eggs on the counter for
you." He replied, smiling faintly. He looked
awfully exhausted.

"Oh, thanks I  appreciate it.." I thanked him. I gave him a quick hug side and
went into the kitchen. Finding the food just
where he said it would be, I grabbed a fork
and ate quickly.

"FYI, I'm heading up to the trailer with some
of my friends from work for a couple of days.
You're welcome to join if you want.", he
suggested, taking a sip from his coffee mug.

That sounds awesome but I.. actually had
some plans with my friends too this weekend,
if that's ok?", I lied trying to escape the
horrors that could wait for me up alone in
that trailer with twenty drunk forty-year-old

"Besides, I'll keep things in check while
you're gone. Just go and have fun You
deserve it.", I smiled.

"Suits yourself! Well, I guess I'll see you in a
couple of days then, bye Honey.", he waved
goodbye. Leaving me to have the next couple
of days with the house to myself. Thank god.

I finished up my breakfast and made my way
to school. I lived about fifteen minutes from
my High School, and it was a nice walk too. I usually took the long
trail through the woods if I left early,
unfortunately, today wasn't one of those days.
So I took the quick way to school, which was
through a couple of back streets in my town.
Most people wouldn't be brave enough to
walk them alone though, especially since my
town has many murder and missing persons
cases, but that didn't stop me. I felt like I
would have enough intution and stamina
get away if someone did try something.
Hopefully, I wouldn't have to find out.

Walking down the road, I couldn't help but
feel like I was being watched. I brushed the
feeling off but took out my earbuds just to be
sure. That's when I saw it. A red balloon
floating close to a storm drain a little ways
ahead of me. I was hesitant at first, but I
proceeded to walk toward the balloon. I was
about three feet away from the drain and
balloon when I noticed there was a note
attached to the string of the balloon. I
reached out and grabbed it, trying to stay as
far away from the opening of the storm drain
as I could. As I read the note, I felt my heart
drop. I ran the rest of the way to school, not
looking back for one second.
The note read, "Want to float?".

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