El veroom veroom

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No ones pov:

After detention raven finally stepped out of school and waited for Ruby to come out as well since they didn't have detention in the same classroom.While raven was waiting she thought about how they were going to get the motorcycle to the fucking mechanic.

Ruby finally came out of the building and walked over to raven and got her keys out.she walked over to the driver side and started the car once they got in.

"Hey rue,how are we gonna get the motorcycle yo the mechanic if it can't fit In your car?" Raven asked.

"fuck. Wait! My aunts boyfriend if staying over and he has a truck.maybe he'll let us borrow it!" Ruby said driving off onto the road.


Ruby pulled up to her house and saw Robertos truck parked outside. The girl got out of the car and walked to the front door. Ruby opened the door and the smell of chili cooking filled their lungs making them cough. Silvia was In the kitchen while rob was on the couch watching tv.

"Ah you girls are so dramáticas, it doesn't smell that spicy." Rob laughed while taking gulps of his beer.Silvia heard the girls come in so she went to the living room.

"Girls,where have you been? It's almost 4." She asked with her hands on her hips.

"We had detention again." Ruby answered.

"Again? Ay por dios.anyway, sit down I'm almost done with the food." She said walking back to the kitchen.

"Actually we need a favor,Well more like we need a favor from rob." Ruby said.silvia turned around to face rob.

"Un favor? What kind?" Silvia walked to rob and sat down with him.

"My motorcycle is broken and I need to take it to the mechanic to fix it but it can't fit In the car so we need a truck." Raven said.

"Yeah. So can we use your truck?" Ruby asked.

"How far is the mechanic shop?" Rob asked.

"Not far, just in town." Raven replied.she could see rob was thinking about it.

"Come in amor, let them use it." Silvia said.

"Fine, but just be careful." Rob said handing them the keys.

"Sweet! Thanks rob!" Ruby said taking the keys.

"Thank you rob." Raven said. Both girls walked out of the house and walked to the green truck with a wide white strip painted across it.

"Good kids." Rob said. Silvia laughed.

"If only you knew." She said and walked back to the kitchen.

"What does that mean?"

...time skip...

Ruby pulled up to the mechanic shop and got out of the truck. Raven followed beside her.
The girls looked around and raven decided to step inside the shop. Ruby followed behind her.

While the girls were looking around a man in a blue jumpsuit came out from under a car behind the girls.

"What are ya girls doin' here?" The man said, walking towards them. The girls turned around.

"Sorry we didn't see you. Are you guys closed?" Raven asked.

"It's okay, no we are one hundred percent opened sweetheart." The man said wiping his oiled hands off with a white towel staining the fabric.

"Cool, so. Bo? We have a Motorcycle that needs fixing. Care to help us?" Ruby said reading his name that was on his suit.

"course, what kind is it?" He asked.

" a Nuzari." Ruby said. ( I don't know shit about motorcycles I'm searching shit up on google.)

"Okay, where is it?" He asked.

"It's still on the truck." Ruby said walking out to the truck.they all went outside and Ruby pulled down the trucks what ever it is you pull down to get things in there.

"Nice, is it yours?" Bo asked looking at Ruby.

"No it's my friends over there." She replied pointing at raven.

"Nice, you got taste." He commented.at he turned to raven

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Okay, let's get it off of here and I'll take a look at it." He said grabbing the motorcycle and placing in on the ground.

"Wow you strong." Raven said.

" glad you noticed." He flexed his arm making raven giggle. Ruby didn't seem too to pleased with him flirting with her.

Bo brought the motorcycle back in the shop when he chatted with raven who was sitting on a chair by a table. Ruby seemed annoyed and stepped outside for some fresh air.

" so, how long you had this bike sitting around your house?" Bo asked.

"Since I moved here, which is about.....I don't know, way too long." Raven laughed.

"Ha, so you haven't use this since you moved here?" Bo asked.

"No,well I haven't used it while I was in my old town to, it broke down a few days before we moved and didn't have time to nor the tools to fix it." Raven said.

"Ah, well even if you did you would've needed a professional hon, this probably gonna take a few day to a few weeks sweetheart." He said while inspecting the bike. Ruby came in just in time to hear what he said.

"What? You tell us now?! We've been here for two hours and you telling us now?!" Raven loudly asked.

"Sorry sweetheart, but it ain't easy to see how long it'll take to fix this beauty's beauty." He said looking at raven. She slightly blush but none of them noticed.

"How hard is it for you to fix a motorcycle?! You a "professional" remember? This isn't fucking rocket science." Ruby said angrily.

"Rue calm down, let's just go and we'll come back when it repaired okay?" Raven walked to raven and gently took her arm and lead her towards the open gate. Raven took Ruby to the driver side of the truck.

"I'll be back okay, just need to give him my number so he can call me when it's done." Raven said running back to the shop.

"Hey,look I'm sorry she just has a problem controlling her temper sometimes. But here's my number and give me a call when you finish." Raven apologized,She handed him a paper with her number on it.

"That's alright sweetheart, and I'll for sure make sure to give you a call." He took the paper from her hand, he gave her a wink and smiled. Raven smiled back and ran back to the truck.

"Man that was weird." She whispered to herself and Opened the door and got in.

...time skip...

Raven walked in her house. The cold air hitting her as she did. Ayana was in the living room watching mean girls when she heard raven come in.

"Did you take the bike to the mechanic?" Ayana asked and turned to face raven.

"Yeah, he's gonna give me a call when it's ready." Raven answered as she sat down next to Ayana.

"I'm gonna start dinner what do you want?" Ayana asked.

"Ah,whatever. I'm just hungry." Raven said

"Fine.and to change you smell like a oil an car engine." She said as she walked to the kitchen. Raven simply raised her hand and flipped her off while still facing the tv.

This fucking sucks. I wrote this fucking bad because I'm mad and this fucking phones ato correct sucks dick and also my fucking plug won't respond! Omfg fuck her!

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