New students

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Sorry if there's any misspellings🥲😭😓🧍‍♂️
No ones pov:

Raven,ruby,and Ayana walked into the school building whilst Ayana ranted about her ex. After they parted ways as usual, raven and ruby walked to the restroom to hit the good old cart.

"Want a hit?" Ruby handed raven the cart.

"Na I'm good, Mr.lector will notice if I'm stoned." Raven denied the cart.

"Girl...well he..doesn't look stupid so yeah I guess you got a point." Ruby took another hit.

"This girl. Come on,let's go see if Mrs.Rodriguez has any snacks. Your gonna need 'em'."

...7:00am...(before they got to school)

Mrs.Rodríguez pov:

I walked into the school and headed for my office when I heard my name being said.

"Good morning Mrs. Rodriguez." I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned around a saw the new sub teachers standing behind me. I've had a weird feeling about them since they started here but I've always pushed them to the back of my head.

"Uh,good morning to you guys too." I smiled politely.

"Our apologies for the sudden ambush, we just wanted to talk to you about a student." Mr.Lector politely Said.

"Oh..yeah, of course.which student?" I said turning around to unlock my office door and walked in.

"Raven Carano. You're her counselor and we've been meaning to talk to you about her." He said.

"Oh Raven! Yeah she's a good kid, but her friend is quite the opposite." I laughed.

"We can tell." Mr. Torrance laughed.

"So, what are you wanting to discuss about Raven?" I asked.

"I've noticed that Raven actions and behavior have changed dramatically since her friend ruby had been in her life." Lector said crossing his leg over while he sat.

"Really? Well, yeah her skipping class is out of her character but I haven't noticed off...I don't know maybe I'm rusty.i haven't been around long enough for me to detect anything wrong with her." I said confused. Was I really missing something?

"Why is that?" Lector asked

"I just had a baby a few months ago, and woo. Does that change you. So I haven't been around long,I would have started like two months earlier than I would've liked but my wife had been working long hours and my mother was busy with whatever she was doing. So yeah. I just came back Monday." I said leaning back.

"Your wife?" Torrance asked.

"Yes my wife. We've been married 7 years. Wow I'm old." I laughed.

" say you didn't notice the sudden change to ravens behavior but you know ruby isn't a good influence. How is that?" Lector asked. His voice gave me chills.

"Well, we talked about her life before she moved here and ruby got brought up several times. She didn't sound like a good influence that why I don't think she's one now." I said playing with a pen.

"Has she mentioned anything else about her past?" Torrance asked.

"No,she doesn't like going into too much detail so I don't force it. But if it makes you feel any better I'll talk to her and ruby to see what's up." I smile

"Y-" Mr.lector was interrupted by the door swinging open and revealing raven and ruby standing there.

"Hey Mrs.Rodríguez you got any snacks?" Raven asked as she and ruby walked in.

"Uh,yeah sure yourself,the snacks are in the cabinet." I say. Honestly I'm glad they interrupted when they did.

"We interrupted sumn?" Ruby asked munching on some chips.

"Uh,no we were just finishing up." I say checking the time.

"Rue,class is about to start let's go." Raven said as she put her backpack on.

"Ight, Mr.lector what are you still doing here? Go teach my girl some intelligence. She need it." Ruby "whispered"the last part

"Girl! Let's get to class already." Raven said walking away.

When they all left. I made some coffee and looked at the chart to see which students I'll be meeting with today.. ugh. Nate Jayce,he's a nightmare.

...time skip...

Ravens pov:

Me and rue walked to a water fountain before going to class. As ruby was drinking water I was on my phone and didn't notice a girl walking up to us.

"Hi..." she softly said,I looked up from my phone and ruby stopped drinking water and looked at the girl.

She had blonde ginger hair and pale skin. Her eyes deep brown and her face had a few freckles on it. She was honestly cute.

"Hey." I said putting my phone in my back pocket.

"I was just wondering where this class was...if you could help me." She said softly. She handed me the paper but her eyes never left my person.

"Oh,that class is just around the left corner." Ruby said.

"Looks like you have all the worst classes kid." I joked with her. She smiled.

"You have my p.e class tho. And my other class too." I said again.i looked at her but she was already looking at me. She blushed and smiled which also made me smile. Ruby was still looking at the paper. The warning bell rang and we all had to get to class.

As we all parted ways. I looked at her once more and gave a smile and a wink before going to class.

As I walked to my seat,I noticed a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. I sat down and he immediately started talking to me.

"HI,I'm-im Norman. Norman bates." He said surprisingly shyly.

"Hey,I'm Raven." I said back with a smile.

"Interesting name,I like it." He said smiling.

"Thanks.i was going for bald eagle but my mom said no." I joked which made him laugh.

"You're funny." He laughed.

"Alright students settled down and pay attention,this will be on next week's quiz." Mr.lector said as he looked at me and Norman but also making the class let out an ugh noise.

I laughed and looked at Norman which when he looked at me laughed as well. I passed him a note that read "see you at lunch." He nodded and gave me a smile before I turned around and took notes for a boring ass quiz next week. But all throughout class I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. Every time I turned to look at Norman he would quickly look away before I even caught him looking at me. Same for mr. Lector. Man this day is weird.

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