End of the weekend

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I kinda find the words on the shirt cringe so just pretend they're not there.also I didn't put any images of clothes on the other parts cuz I was lazy to find them soo🤷‍♀️

No ones pov:
The next morning, raven went downstairs in a better mood then yesterday. Her hands still ached but it's nothing a couple of pills couldn't fix. She took the pills and sat on the couch doing absolutely nothing. A few hundred years later she heard a car pull up in her driveway. She popped her head up to see a red car parked but still running, and her sister angrily stomping out. She didn't care and went back to watching tv. Soon after she heard yelling and her sister angrily stomping inside.

" go fuck your other hoes you fucking baby dick prick!" She angrily yelled and slammed the door.

The blonde haired girl angrily made her way into the kitchen and raven heard her sister sniffling and the sound of her sister rummaging through the kitchen drawers and cabinets.

" raven, do we have anymore Tylenol?" She asked calmly with a sniffle

"Naw I took the last ones." She replied

" my head hurts.." her sister wiped tears with her hand.

" what happened out there?" She questioned

" fucking Alexander cheated on me again with the same fucking passed around slut!" Her sister Ayana replied with a hic

"You mean Chloe?"

"Yes, that fucking slut fucked him in his car! And then she had the audacity to say that I was talking shit about her and that I STOLE her "man" like what the fuck is the bitches problem. Then I confronted Alex and he fucking said I didn't satisfy him enough and it was my fault he cheated. And he started fighting and I got fucking bad cramps especially because I'm on my fucking period And he didn't give a fuck! So now I'm angry, in pain. And I don't have any more pads!

Ayana cried, she laid down on the couch next to raven with her face in a pillow sobbing. Raven sat there uncomfortably looking at the tv and sitting still like it was passed her bedtime and she was in the living room with her parents and was carful not to make a move so they wouldn't send her back to bed.

She stayed like for a few more minutes and her sister still hadn't stopped crying. She sighed as she got up from the couch and lazily walked to the front door. Her sister popped her head up and saw her opening the door.

"Where are you goinggg?" She sobbed, raven sighed before responding

"Going to the drug store to buy you some pads and some Tylenol."

"Get some candy and chocolate " Ayana sniffled

"Yeah yeah, whatever.."

...Time skip...(on her way to the store)

Ravens pov:

I was walking past an alley when suddenly I saw a bunch of bees swirl around a tall figure.
I squinted a bit and saw that there was a man just standing there, bees covered him from head to toe. My heart raced a little. The bees covering his face flew away and I got to see him face. He smiled at me and suddenly the swarm of bees flew up into the sky. All of the bees made it impossible for me to see the man again, and when I looked back to where the man was standing he was gone.

I felt my heart drop, was I imagining things? Fuck no I wasn't! That dude was here in broad daylight how the fuck did I imagine it!? I was freaking out, cuz who the fuck wouldn't? But I managed to calm myself down and went in the drugstore anyway. Still feeling a little scared I zoned out trying to think what kind of pads Ayana uses, I picked out a box of pads and turned around to go to the candy isle but crashed into someone.

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