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No ones pov:

"Raven wake up,foods gonna get cold." Ayana said yanking ravens blanket off her.

Raven jumped awake,still processing what happened. She got up from bed and followed Ayana downstairs,she took a seat in the chair and drank the juice her sister poured into a mug.

"Hey, I invented the new students over today. Were gonna watch movies and play games." Ayana said as she took a sip of juice.

"Sweet,I'll bring the-"

"NO ALCOHOL!" Ayana cut Raven off.

"Lame." Raven rolled her eyes.

"Oh yea,it's lame not having two drunk people in the house acting dumb and then go home to their parents and they get in trouble,then they come here and they get us in trouble,they call our mom and she's gonna have to come back from her business trip, yell at us,apologize to the parents,ground us,yell at us more,then for the next months we'll never hear the end of it,then when she has to go to another business trip,she's not gonna trust us with being home alone,so she's gonna make her fucking boyfriend stay with us,then we're going to still be grounded when she comes back and by the time we're ungrounded, which will probably be NEVER, all the cute clothes at the mall with be gone and I'll have NOTHING to wear to school!" Ayana freaked.

"....aguas güey." Raven looked at Ayana like she belonged in the loonie bin.

"Anyway. They are coming in a 3 hours,so help me clean the house."

"No. I'm busy." Raven slumped back on her chair.

"Busy getting high with Rue?" Ayana responded.

"Exactly." Raven smiled. Ayana just rolled her eyes.

When the girls were done eating,they washed the dishes and as Raven was drying them. Her phone rang.

"Who is that?" Ayana questioned.

"Mama Rosa." Raven said as she went outside to take the call.

...time skip...
Ayana's pov:

I was setting snacks on the coffee table while Raven made the lemonade in the kitchen. As I went back to the kitchen to get the fruit I had cut up, the doorbell rang. The noise of the doorbell echoed through the house. I quickly set the cut up fruit on the coffee table and went to open the door. When I opened the door,rue Norman and Carrie were standing there.

"Hey,come in." I smiled as they all walked in.

"Thank you." Norman said as he walked inside.

"You guys have a lovely home." Carrie complemented as she walked in as well.

"Thank you, I try to keep it as nice and clean as much as I can." I smiled.

"Is Raven here?" Norman asked.

"Yeah she's in the kitchen with rue." I said as walked to the kitchen.they followed close behind.

When we walked to the kitchen rue was tossing grapes in the air and catching them in her mouth while wearing sunglasses. And Raven was sitting on the counter eating grapes and also wearing sunglasses.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"The fuck does it look like we're doing?" Raven said as she ate another grape.

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