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Mikaelson Mansion.

Hayley gets to her bedroom door and glances over her shoulder at him, "Your acting stalkerish tonight, why?" She demands arching a brow at him.

"I need to stay in your room tonight," He told her bluntly.

"What for?" She demands suspiciously.

"You are going to have a visitor, he has been trying for several hours to get to you and because we have all been here tonight this is when he will try once everyone has gone to bed." Klaus explains seeing her looking at him curiously.

"These bloody cryptic prophecies drive me nuts, do you know that?" She snapped, "Fine you can't tell me I have to trust you, come in," She huffed walking into her room, "I'm tired so I am going to shower and go to bed you find yourself a nice comfortable chair and sit guard......but once whatever happens happens I want to know what this is all about," Hayley barked frustrated and went into the bathroom slamming the door behind her. Klaus chuckled and sat in the chair against the far wall out of sight of the window but close enough to grab the intruder and pulled the book out of his jacket pocket to read.

Klaus didn't look up from his book when Hayley came back into the room from her shower, she glanced at him seeing him concentrating on his book she got into bed, "Do you want me to leave the light on?" She asked him, Klaus looked over at her then.

"I will turn off the bedside lamp once the others have gone to bed, he won't come if the light stays on in here."

"So 'HE' is here to kidnap me?" She looked at him laying down it was strange and disconcerting having Klaus here in her room standing guard, Klaus inclined his head once in agreement still looking at her as she lay down large hazel eyes focused on him, he decided to give her something and if he wanted this new restart to be different he needed to divulge more truth to her earlier so she recognised he trusted her, they needed to be partners for Hope earlier and not have her hate him.

"He is here to harm our daughter," He announced seeing her eyes narrow and her hand go under the sheet to her belly placing a protective hand on the small swell, he could hear the rhythmic heartbeat clearly in the silent room.

"She is just a baby...." She cried out softly, annoyance in her tone, "Who the hell do these witches and others think they are? for god's sake, are you going to kill them all that come after her?" She demanded, "Because if you dont I will," She hissed angrily, Klaus chuckled.

"Of course I will kill the lot of them although in this case I need this person to incite Marcel to act.....then he will be forced to start a war with me and I can get the family home and city back from him."

"Mmm, Axl said you were a cunning strategist, fine just keep me and baby girl safe," She commanded, then rolled over turning away from him facing the other way and closed her eyes.

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