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Klaus smiled when he heard the light footsteps of two year old Astrid and Bjørn on the creaking floorboards along the hallway to the twins room. Their hushed whispered voices as they pushed open the door and the giggles from his awake son's. If Klaus had thought having another child with Hayley was an unknown action that could have dire results he couldn't have been more wrong. Pleased he had not looked into his future with her. Or his childrens. Deciding his family's future would remain unknown to him

Hope was his first born and held a special place in his heart as she always would, seeing she had been the child of his previous lived life, but Askel and Henrik.....He adored them also. His little minnie tribrid gods that fortuitously were still young in their knowledge and abilities. Cheeky, intelligent and naughty. Kol adored them for their naughtiness. Only because he could see himself in them, Klaus mused. Hayley of course took their son's mischievous behavior in her calm mother-like stride, much like she took his behavior in her low-key stride. She always had even in the previous timeline unless his anger was directed at her and then she would arc up and fight against him giving him her insightful observations as to his unreasonable behavior and to get a grip.

Listening to the four cousins as they plotted this early in the morning while the rest of the house and its adults were asleep.

"Should we wake Hope?" Bjørn asked in a whisper.

"No, Hope will put a whammy spell on us, she hates to be woken up early." Askel nodded his head in agreement with his brother Henrik.

"We should go and jump on your Dad, he lets us do that," Two year old platinum haired Astrid offered to her cousins. "Mommy and Daddy sleep in forever in the morning. It is so boring when everyone is asleep," Astrid whined, rolling her eyes.

"My Mommy and Daddy sleep in to long too," Bjørn moaned rolling his eyes dramatically his titian red hair sticking up all over the place, his captain America pj's a stark contrast to Astrid's pink ruffled long nightgown and her neat braid that her Mommy always did for her before bedtime so her long hair didnt knot and end up with tangles.

Askel looked at Henrik, both boys in wolf printed pj's, they loved wolves and they loved their grandfather Ansel and their Auntie Eve. They also loved their Uncle Stefan and their four cousins, Devon, Kaleb, Lillian and Hannah but they lived in a big house in the county and not in the compound so the Salvatore cousin's couldn't join their city cousin's in the morning and their early morning hijinks and jumping on their Mom and Dad's bed. "Did you change your night diapers?" Henrik looked at his cousin's who shook their heads at him. Henrik went to his drawer and pulled out underwear for himself, Askel and Bjørn, "I dont have pink ones Astrid, will blue be okay?" She nodded and took them from Henrik and went into the bathroom. The boy cousins pulled their jammie pants down and ripped the tabs of their night diapers and steeped into their underwear.

"I don't need a night diaper anymore, I'm a big boy," Askel asserted.

"We should tell Mommy," Henrik looked at his brother. Askel nodded.

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