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ROUSSEAU'S Governor Wallace's Wake.

At Rousseau's, the Quarter is throwing an Irish-style wake in his honour, complete with Irish music, lots of alcohol and tons of people who have gathered to share stories of Governor Wallace and celebrate his life. Klaus sits alone at a table with a glass of scotch and is joined by Cami who sits down tentatively having not seen Klaus in months.

"Hey! Earth to you!"

Klaus looks at her, "Camille." He inclines his head to her.

"Listen, I wanted to ask you about Davina."

"Davina is safe and happy," He holds up his glass,....."Unless you've come equipped with the means to fill this, no additional chit chat is necessary," He remarks coldly.

Cami frowns, "Okay..... I'm in a crap mood because my uncle's close friend just died and people are partying like it's Mardi Gras. What's your excuse?" Noticing Klaus scowling. "Klaus, seriously, what's going on?" Klaus ignores her as he smells Hayley entering behind him, her scent coming closer to his table. He watches Camille look up and over and stand. "Hi Hayley," Hayley gives her a smile and sits down in the chair next to Klaus. Cami walks away. Klaus looks at Hayley. She can see the anguished torment in his blue eyes.

"Tell me," She commands softly. Klaus leans closer to her.

"I've been having these dreams about my dead father. No diagnosis necessary, love. I've already got this one covered: my fears of fatherhood, of scarring my child as my father scarred me are manifesting as nightmares." He smiles fakely and takes a long drink, "It's horrifically cliche," And he is assuming Genether is feeding these visions into him or is, or is it that bloody harvest Deveraux witch? They were the same as last timelines, his dreams and were making him feel on edge. As only Mikael was able to still do, enhanced or not Klaus was disturbed.

Hayley grips his arm laying on the table, "Axl is back, maybe he can help with those. Because I know you are going to be nothing like Mikael Klaus," Hayley assured him softly.

Marcel enters the bar, which Klaus notices as he listens to Hayley speak.

"I know more about the trials of fatherhood than you might imagine, Hayley."

Hayley glances as Marcel walks up to the bar, "A parent can only try their best, your......situation with complicated," She finished. Klaus chuckled and put his hand over hers.

Klaus catches Marcel's eye across the restaurant, which triggers a memory/flashback.

1830s New Orleans

Klaus enters the Governor's home for a meeting, with young Marcel in tow behind him.

Governor states gruffly with a sneer looking at the young boy, "Well, I see you've come to return some stolen property."

"On the contrary, I've decided the boy shall remain with me," Klaus replies.

"Unfortunately, he's not for sale."

Klaus walks closer to the Governor, "Well, I do not wish to buy him. You will grant him his freedom."

"And if I say no?"

Klaus simply raises his eyebrows and grabs the Governor in a choke-hold, "You seem to have misinterpreted the matter as up for debate." Klaus squeezes his throat until the Governor gives up.

"Fine! Take him!" Shouts out with a strangled voice.

Klaus lets go and backs away to join Marcel on the other side of the room before turning to leave.

"He wasn't worth a damn to me anyway!" The governor spits out at their retreating backs.

Outside, Marcel and Klaus talk about what just occurred.

"They tell me he is your father. Is it true?" Klaus asks Marcel nods, Klaus walks toward him. "You know my father hated me too. The truth is Marcellus family can be more than just those with whom we share blood. We can choose."

Young Marcel is so touched by Klaus' words, he begins to tear up.

Cami goes into the back room for more food, only to find Francesca there as well.

Francesca holding a drink, "Looks like we had the same idea. It's Cami, right? I've been informed that Kieran's necklace is missing. The key that he always wore? I assume he left it for me."

Cami was stunned, "Excuse me?"

Francesca smiles embarrassedly, "How rude of me. I'm Francesca Correa, I took over your uncle's position of Faction representative when he ......decided to step down."

"He wanted to step down from the supernaturals as was his right, he is an old man," Cami defends her Uncle's choice.

"Look, fine it was his choice, I'm invested in protecting the people of this city and to do that, I need the key."

Cami was angry, "It must have gone missing." She blatantly lies. Thinking of it at home on her coat hook. She smiles falsely at Francesca, "I am so sorry." Cami storms away.

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