[At the Maison bourbon club, night has fallen, and the bar is packed with patrons who are drinking heavily and dancing to the loud music playing from the stereo. On the bar is Freya, along with several other women, who are dancing and laughing and having a good time. Freya quickly drinks a shot of alcohol, and only stops dancing when her phone rings. It's Elijah, calling from The Bayou as he waits with Hope. She answers the phone, plugging her free ear with her hand so she can hear him over the music.]
Freya: Hello?
Elijah: [bemused] Did I misinterpret the kind of exhibition you're attending?
Everyone laughed.
Freya: I switched venues! Aren't you the one who said I deserved the night off?
Elijah: Forgive me. Someone needs to watch Hope. I have an errand to run. [Freya smiles and starts bopping to the music as she talks to Elijah.]
Freya: How ominous! What errand?
Elijah: [sighs] A necessary evil. [Elijah looks down at Hope and smooths her hair.]
Elijah: I would rather my niece not bear witness.
Freya: Fair enough. Give me a minute, I have an idea. [Freya hangs up and gets ready to leave Rousseau's. Meanwhile, at The Bayou, Elijah looks around to make sure no one bad is in the area.]
[The art show is over and the club is empty, save for Klaus, who is sullenly drinking a glass of wine as he stares at the painting he made in Moon Over Bourbon Street. After a moment, Lucien approaches him.]
Lucien: Your pretty friend seems to have fouled your mood. [Klaus continues to chug his wine.]
Lucien: Why don't we go out? Paint the town... red, et cetera, et cetera. [Klaus finally finishes off his wine before turning to Lucien, looking aggravated and slightly overwhelmed, which seems to frighten him a bit.]
Klaus: Lucien-- what are you really doing in my city? [Lucien looks momentarily embarrassed to be called out by Klaus, and he hesitates before speaking.]
Lucien: News has spread, old friend. Every vampire in the world knows you've been attacked. A number of times, nearly killed. [Klaus, clearly unhappy to hear someone say this, rolls his eyes and snarks back sarcastically.]
Klaus: Oh, well, I can assure you that all those who stood against me ended up either desiccated, dust, or dinner. [Lucien laughs nervously and paces around.]
Lucien: Yes, but... what if it had gone the other way, hmm? When Finn was killed, we all learned the truth-- the life of every vampire is linked back to the Original who begat the line. Kol's death confirmed it. Two entire lines of vampires wiped out! As you can imagine, the threat level doesn't sit well with those of us who remain.
"Understandable, but i don't think it's only reason." Said Layla. Bella and Klaus agreed.
Klaus: [unamused] Anyone fearing death as a result of my demise should come see me! I'll be happy to reassure them.
Lucien: [nervously] Of course. You and your siblings are mighty, indeed. Though, the attacks on you show that you are not completely invulnerable. While you've wallowed in your family affairs, your progeny have grown somewhat... restless. The world is a finite place, territory limited. And even ancient vampires are not above vicious turf-wars. What if I told you there's a growing conflict between the remaining three sirelines? [Klaus looks scared but tries to hide it, and when he opens his mouth to speak, Lucien cuts him off.]
Lucien: Suppose one of them wanted to annihilate the other? By killing Elijah? Bellatrix? You?
"Then we will kill them first!" Said Bella. Mikaelsons nodded.
Klaus: [skeptically] So, you came all this way to deliver a warning?
Lucien: Think about it! Kill an Original, wipe out an entire line of competition! A tempting goal, made more so by the fact that your family is divided and thus weaker than you have ever been![Klaus, not willing to hear any more aspersions against the strength of himself and his family, gets in Lucien's face and hisses at him.]
Klaus: My family is hardly weak! In fact, we are unkillable-- the last of the white oak is gone. [Lucien narrows his eyes at Klaus skeptically.]
Lucien: Are you so certain it's all gone? Every last splinter of it? Vanished for good? [Klaus smirks at him before grabbing him by the back of the neck and squeezing it threateningly.]
Klaus: Lucien, if you had even the slightest inkling any fragment of white oak still existed, of course you would tell me.
Lucien: Easy, Nik. [He takes Klaus' hand and pulls it off his neck.]
Lucien: You are my sire. My fate is linked to yours. If you want to know what I do about the dangers you now face, trust me enough to come with me. There is something that you must see.
[Klaus and Lucien arrive at his new apartment complex, where they approach a pair of ornately carved and decorated front doors. Lucien turns back to Klaus before opening the doors to allow him entry into the home he essentially stole from the realtor he killed earlier.]
Lucien: [smirks] Please excuse the mess! I've been entertaining. [The two walk into Lucien's apartment, which is full of loud music and fancily-dressed people partying together. Some of them are vampires who are feeding on their human companions.]
Klaus: [amused] Well, you never were one for subtlety. [Lucien leads Klaus into the master bedroom, where someone has set up a nearby table with what looks like spell materials, including lit white candles, various animal bones, and bowls full of herbs. Klaus looks at Lucien skeptically.]
Klaus: You brought me here to have a seánce? [Lucien closes the door behind them.]
Lucien: Something like that. [A woman walks slowly into the room, and Lucien gestures toward her.]
Lucien: I present my personal forecaster, the lovely Alexis.
Klaus: [to Alexis] Don't tell me you're here to scry some future portents of my doom?
Lucien: [rolls his eyes] Alexis is no back-alley palm-reader. She's an expert cipher-- patterns, trends, cycles... She does exceptionally well on the stock market, and never fails to guess the winner of The Bachelorette. [Alexis walks over to Klaus and strokes his chest seductively as Lucien watches them. After a moment, she spreads her palm over his chest and focuses on it.]
"Seems like a whore to me." Said Bella.
Klaus: [smirks] Touch forward, isn't she?
Alexis: I've heard so much about you. The famous hybrid. Your ancient heart beats strong indeed for someone in such danger.
Klaus: [smiles fakely] If you have a warning to deliver, love, best get on with it. [Alexis shrugs, and Lucien helps her take off her shawl, revealing the black cocktail dress underneath.]
Alexis: By all means! But, if you want the most from the experience, I suggest you feed on me. As you do, I'll allow you into my mind. [She brushes her hair off of her neck, baring her throat to him.]
Alexis: You can see for yourself. [Klaus laughs, and Lucien lifts Alexis' wrist to his mouth.]
Lucien: Come on, how long has it been since we shared a real drink?
"What did you like in this pig?" Said Layla.
"I do not have the best taste, i admit." Said Bella.
[Lucien bites into her wrist and starts to feed, and Klaus, not to be outdone, bites into her neck. Though Alexis winces at first as they feed on her blood, she soon smiles as she begins speaking her prophecy in a low voice while they see the visions in her mind for themselves. She continues speaking the prophecy in voiceover as they get flashes of her visions.]
Alexis: [voiceover] Drink deep, but beware-- what you broke is past repair. [The vision cuts to the Mikaelson compound's dining room, which has lit candles on the table and is set for a meal, but otherwise, the room is empty. Suddenly, Klaus appears and stands up at the end of the table to address Elijah, who is frowning and standing at the other end. Lucien sits on the left side and watches silently. Then, the table is shown to be completely trashed, and the room is darkened.]
Alexis: [voiceover] All your oaths you betrayed, your sacred vows you've severed. And now you see that nothing last for always and forever. [The vision cuts over to the Mikaelson compound's living room, to where the wall of painted portraits of the Mikaelson siblings hang. The painting of Elijah from earlier is suddenly splashed by a fount of blood, which runs down the length of the painting, obscuring his face.]
Everyone is on edge.
Alexis: [voiceover] Three yet remain, two already crossed-- yet, in one year's time, you'll all be lost. [The vision cuts to a scene from The Brothers That Care Forgot, where Elijah got so upset at comments about Bella made by Finn (who was still possessing Vincent) that he threw him on the table and fed on him.]
Alexis: [voiceover] As your family is undone, you will seed the beast that is to come. [The vision flashes to what looks like a witch's grimoire, which is open to a page full of magical symbols and instructions, before cutting over to what looks like a very muscular man, who opens: his mouth to growl, revealing extremely long and sharp fangs unlike any vampire seen thus far. Once Alexis' prophecy has been spoken, Klaus immediately stops feeding from her and grabs her in a choke-hold, causing Lucien to stop feeding as well and wipe the blood from his face.]
Klaus: [angrily] You think you can fool me with bad poetry and parlor tricks?
Alexis: [unamused] My visions are conjured from you. The threat you face will be more clear the longer I am in your presence. Kill me, and you'll never see what's coming. [Klaus looks at Lucien, who seems worried, and after a moment, Klaus reluctantly lets go of her, though he continues to scowl angrily at her.]

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?