Chapter 32

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[At the Mikaelson compound, Bella is walking down the staircase into the courtyard with a thick pile of stapled papers in her hands when her phone buzzes. She reaches into her leather jacket's pocket to pull it out, looking both confused and surprised when she sees she's received a text message from 'Mini Nik🧛🏾‍♂️' that reads, "Wanna know what Cepheus is?"]
Kol and Layla burst out laughing. Others laughed, too.
"Really?" Said Marcel.
"What?" Asked Bella. Marcel shook his head.
[After a moment, 'Mini Nik🧛🏾‍♂️' sends a second text which reads, "Got some insider info." Bella smiles in satisfaction before putting her phone away. She then walks over to the nearby armchair where an angry and miserable-looking Klaus is sitting and waves the file in his face. Bella quickly skims the contents of the file while she explains to Klaus what she's learned.]
Bella: The Strix have numerous corporate assets, including private airlines. One of them specializes in cargo jets. Now, according to Marcel, a vessel they favor the most has the codename "Cepheus." [Klaus looks intrigued as Bella hands him the file and shows him the part she's referencing.]
Bella: Records show this flight here left Marrakesh to Miami the very night our brother was taken. Now that we have the course, all we need to do is match the path... [Klaus seems cheered up by this news and finishes Bella's sentence for her as he sets the file onto the coffee table.]
Klaus: With the latitude I plucked from Aurora.
"You are gonna find, Elijah." Said Layla cheerfully.
Bella: "X" marks the spot. The very moment we have our brother once again, Tristan and Aurora no longer have any leverage whatsoever, and we are free to deal with them however we choose. [Bella stops pacing around and turns to Klaus with a bright smile on his face.]
Bella: I recommend killing. Torture is good and all, but it takes so much time and i'm too impatient for that. I want them dead as soon as possible.
"Agreed" said Layla.
[Klaus smiles weakly and stands to his feet, stopping in front of Bella before he heads into the other room.]
Klaus: Just make sure you leave Aurora to me. [Bella's smile falls slightly, but he nods once in understanding. Once he's sure she's understood, Klaus walks past her and into the hallway.]
[At the Mikaelson compound, Cami is sitting on the couch of the den with a towel full of ice pressed against her injured head when Klaus comes in and looks at her with concern.]
Klaus: Can I get you anything?
Cami: I'm fine. [Cami sets the ice pack down on the coffee table and scoots over to make room for him.]
Cami: I mean, my head is throbbing, but all things considered... [Klaus smiles at her, and it's clear that he's nervous about what he wants to say.]
Klaus: Well, for tonight, I'd like you to stay here... where I can protect you. [Cami hesitantly nods in agreement, and Klaus takes a deep breath before he sits down on the coffee table so he can look her in the eyes.]
Klaus smiles.
"They are so cute." Said Layla.
"Mhm." Agreed Bella.
Klaus: Camille, I want you to know... what happened today... [Klaus struggles to find the words he wants to say, and Cami smiles weakly at him.]
Cami: Hey, forget about it. It's not your fault. [Cami begins to look nervous herself as she musters up the courage to ask him a question.]
Cami: I have to ask... Right before you showed up, did you hear what Aurora and I were talking about? [Klaus looks at her with sympathy before he replies.]
Klaus: Your incident at the university... the man you assaulted? [Klaus pauses for a moment before he looks at her with a deadpanned expression.]
Klaus: I've already compelled some people to go and kill him. [Cami smiles awkwardly at him, not sure if he actually means it.]
"Is he joking or not? I can't tell" Said Davina.
"He's joking." Said amused Bella.
Cami: That's a joke, right...? [Klaus feigns embarrassment and smiles mischievously before he shrugs.]
Klaus:  ...It doesn't have to be.
Cami: [smiles] Don't kill anyone for me, please.
Klaus: [chuckles] Whatever you want.
[Klaus' lower lip quivers nervously as he tries to determine what Cami is currently feeling, but when she smiles at him with affection, he begins to relax and smiles back. After a moment, Cami's exhaustion starts to overwhelm her, and she curls up with her head resting on the arm of the couch.]
Cami: [whispers] It's been a lousy couple of days... Do you mind if I just close my eyes for a second? [Cami is so tired that her eyes flutter and close before Klaus can even answer. Not wanting to disturb her, Klaus remains silent and stands up so he can pick up the throw blanket resting on the other arm of the couch and cover her up with it. He then turns to leave the room, but stops right at the doorway, sighing in relief that Cami is okay and smiling to himself as he turns to look back at her. Cami is now sleeping soundly, and Klaus watches her relaxed form on the couch for a moment before he leaves her to sleep.]
People smile at them.
[In the attic of St. Louis Cathedral, Freya is just finishing setting up for a spell by lighting the dozens of white candles that surround her around the room. She picks up the tallest candle from the far table and brings it over to the one she uses for spells, where she sets it in the middle of the tabletop. She then reaches behind her neck to unclasp her talisman necklace, winding the chain and the pendant where Finn's spirit was trapped in. She tightly clasps her hands together and begins her spell.]
Freya: [chants] Trete che che che mal nunc que frater septime dominae... [Just then, Finn, in his original body, appears behind Freya. She senses his presence and immediately turns on her heel to face him. He smirks at her as the two of them take in the other's appearance.]
Finn: Sister.
Freya: Finn. My brother, I believe it's time we had a talk. [Freya smiles at him, and he looks at her curiously.]
[It is pouring down rain at the docks on the southern coast of Louisiana bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Elijah gives a monologue in voiceover as the camera pans over his desiccated body, the enchanted stake with which Aya stabbed his still embedded in his heart. He's also still in his coffin, which has been placed into a large wooden shipping crate.]
Elijah: [voiceover] Bellatrix once asked me what it feels like being daggered. I told her it's like a deep, dreamless sleep. But this is no ordinary dagger.
Everyone is nervous.
[The camera zooms in on the stake in Elijah's chest. The handle has ornate skulls carved into the surface that were then coated with black varnish and embellished with red gemstones in the eye sockets. The camera pans over to a warehouse at the docks, where a man is using a forklift to transport the soggy, seaweed-covered shipping crate that contains Elijah's body over with a stack of wooden pallets.]
Elijah: [voiceover] This stake ensures I feel everything. The aching cold. The suffocating darkness. The burn of my veins crying out for blood. And the long agony of waiting.
Klaus, Freya and Bella look guilty for not finding him earlier. Others look at Elijah sadly.
[A middle-aged sailor is rubbing his hands together to warm them as he waits for the shipping container to be dropped off.]
Sailor: Right where he said it would be. [The sailor turns toward five of his lackeys, who are swarming around the crate.]
Sailor: Open it! This Ms. "Anna Smith" paid big money to have this dredged out of the Gulf. What's ever in it has gotta be worth a fortune. I say we renegotiate.
"Greedy scumbags." Said Layla.
[The men finish opening the crate, but before they can fully examine its contents, Bella appears behind them and snaps her large, black umbrella closed as she looks at them in annoyance.]
Bella: I'm afraid that was my final offer.
[The sailor and his men start to get into defensive positions, so Bella, who has stripped off his coat, throws it onto a pile of lumber before vamp-speeding toward the sailor, plunging her hand into his chest, and ripping out his heart. Bella fights and kills several of the other men, which is only seen through the shadows on the wall, and the rest of the men run away from Bella in terror. Once everyone has fled or been dealt with, the now-blood-splattered Bella walks over to the shipping crate and opens the lid of the coffin before yanking the stake out of Elijah's chest. Elijah immediately awakens with a gasp as the color starts to return to his skin, though he's still pale and peaked- looking. Elijah sits up and looks around in shock before he notices Bella's presence. She smiles at him widely, and Elijah sighs in relief. Bella hugs him.]
Bella: Welcome back, brother!
Everyone looks happy at Elijah's comeback.

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