DAVILLA ESTATE [The Strix's party is still in full-swing, and Aya has just led Marcel to a serious-looking man standing on the outskirts of the ballroom, who is wearing an all-black suit.] Aya: Marcel, I'd like you to meet my mentor, Mohinder. He taught me everything I know about combat. [Marcel smiles and holds out his right hand, the hand on which he wears his daylight ring, to Mohinder.] Marcel: Oh, if that's the case, then I am impressed! [Unfortunately for Marcel, Mohinder just glances down at Marcel's hand before giving him a look, not extending his own to shake them in greeting.] "Rude." Said Layla. [Feeling awkward, Marcel clenches his hand into a fist and pulls it away. Aya, sensing the tension, takes Marcel's hand in her own and leads him away.] Marcel: [mutters] Intense guy. Aya: As part of his discipline, he drinks only the blood of vampires he's vanquished in combat. He can go weeks without feeding, yet suffer no effects of hunger, such is his control over body and mind. [Meanwhile, Hayley and Elijah are dancing together in the middle of the ballroom while they talk.] Hayley: So, where is this Tristan guy? I want to meet him for myself. [Elijah gets distracted by the sight of Marcel with Aya across the ballroom before he can reply. Hayley, seeing the concerned look on his face, frowns.] Hayley: Elijah, what's wrong? [Marcel turns his head and realizes that not only are Elijah and Hayley there, but Elijah is staring at him. Marcel looks over at Aya with a tense expression.] Marcel: What are they doing here? [Back on the dance floor, Hayley looks to see what Elijah is staring at and is shocked to see Marcel in his eye-line.] Hayley: What the hell is Marcel doing here? Elijah: [quietly] I should have known. Hayley: [concerned] What? "This is an initiation, isn't it?" Asked Layla. "You have things like that too?" Asked Davina. "No, we just check their background and if there isn't anything that would make them against Mikaelsons or 'Shadow', then we accept them. Our Organisation's intent is to help supernatural world." Said Layla. Elijah: This isn't a party. It's an initiation. [Just then, a row of caterers with trays of champagne flutes walk into the room and tap their glasses with butter knives to get the attention of the party as Tristan, dressed in a fine suit, makes his arrival to the gathering known.] Tristan: Distinguished friends, welcome. It's so rare that we're able to come together like this to revel for one night in the company of true equals. Now, I'd like to take a moment to welcome a very special guest-- Marcel Gerard. [Marcel takes a step forward and nods in acknowledgement as the crowd claps their hands in applause.] Marcel: Thank you. I'm honored. Thank you. Tristan: [smiles] Of course, before we tell Marcel all of our secrets, there's one small piece of business to which we must first attend. We must determine his worth. Marcel: [frowns in confusion] That's funny... I seem to recall you being the one knocking on my door. Tristan: [amused] You'll notice, Mr. Gerard, that over the course of the evening, someone has managed to take something quite dear to you... Your daylight ring. [Marcel looks down at his hand and realizes that his daylight ring has vanished from his right middle finger. He frowns worriedly, not knowing what to expect. While Hayley suddenly turns to Elijah and say quietly in his ear.] Hayley: What the hell is going on? [Hayley looks shocked and worried at this sudden turn of events. But Elijah hold back her arm in a comforting manner while keeping his eyes on Tristan, as if telling her to wait and see what happens next.] Tristan: The test is quite simple. First, you need to deduce the identity of the thief. Then, you are simply to take back what is yours... Although, I doubt the prize will be easily relinquished. After all, despite our refinement, we're still a rather violent bunch. [Marcel gulps nervously, but maintains his composure as Tristan finishes outlining his test.] Tristan: In victory, you become one of us. In failure, you meet your death. You have a few hours until dawn. I wish you the best of luck. "If it's how they are recruiteing, i have no idea how he got so many people." Said Bella. [After the break, Elijah and Hayley are once again standing at the bar and discussing these newest developments.] Hayley: These vampires are ancient. How is Marcel supposed to beat one of them? [Just then, Tristan appears behind them to join their conversation.] Tristan: With guile, courage, perhaps a bit of trickery... Admittedly, it's a long-shot, but then, sometimes the new candidates surprise us. [He turns to address Hayley personally.] Tristan: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tristan de Martel, and you must be the famous Hayley Marshall-Kenner, Alpha to the Crescent wolves. [Tristan takes her had and kisses it gently, but Hayley, not impressed, jerks her hand away after a moment, though it doesn't seem to faze him.] Tristan: The pleasure's all mine, I see.[Tristan turns to address Elijah next.] Tristan: Elijah! When I sent your invitation, I didn't dare think you'd come. Tell me-- as our founder and patriarch, what do you make of our latest candidate? Elijah: [sarcastically] Well, let me see. Marcel... He's arrogant. He's stubborn. Prone to self-aggrandizement. He should fit in perfectly! Marcel looked offended. Bella nodded at Elijah's words. Tristan: If he survives. [Hayley glares at him angrily.] Tristan: [Noticing hayley's glare smiles] I take it Mr. Gerard is a friend of yours? Hayley: Mmhmm. We're friends... And, even if we weren't, I don't much like bullies. Tristan: [smiles in shock] A bully? My dear, you barely know me! Allow me to remedy that, and, in doing so, I can explain our methods. "He's definetly bully." Said Layla. [Tristan holds out his hand in an invitation to dance, and both Hayley and Elijah look wary about it, which Tristan notices.] Tristan: Please. Just one dance... [Tristan looks at Elijah pointedly.] Tristan: If it's not an intrusion. [Hayley and Elijah look at each other for a long moment before Hayley sighs and drinks the rest of her champagne before setting her glass on the bar, rolling her eyes while her back is turned to Tristan. Elijah smiles with fake politeness at Tristan.] Elijah: Why, of course. [Hayley reluctantly takes Tristan's offered hand and allows him to lead her onto the dance floor, where they begin to dance together.] Tristan: I'm glad you came, Hayley. Like it or not, when one refers to the Mikaelsons, they're referring to you, as well. Tonight will allow you to make up your own mind about our organization. Hayley: [skeptically] And you think by killing my friend, you're gonna make the best impression? Marcel smiled at Hayley. Tristan: I think tonight, you'll bear witness to the truth. At the very least, you cannot call us liars. [Back at the bar, Marcel has just joined Elijah, who looks concerned.] Elijah: I could have warned you. Marcel: [sighs] Look, I didn't tell you I was coming tonight because-- Elijah: [interrupts] --I wouldn't have allowed it. [Marcel smiles fakely, clearly annoyed by this response.] "It's like you are angering him on purpose." Said Layla. Marcel: Yeah. There's that word-- "allowed." You know, I thought I'd earned the right to be considered an equal, but that's not the way it works in your family. So, it's time I consider my options. If nothing else, The Strix aren't interested in me as a sidekick. Elijah: [incredulously] These options, as you describe them, are a death sentence. [Elijah sighs dramatically.] Elijah: I suppose I shall have to intervene. It is a shame-- I expect it shall ruin my tuxedo. I have had this suit for over a hundred years. It's proven far more reliable than you, Marcellus. "Now i'm interested how old are Elijah's suits." Said Layla. Marcel: [sighs] Relax, all right? I got this under control. Elijah: [skeptically] Do you? Marcel: I hope so. [Marcel pats Elijah on the shoulder with a smirk before turning to walk away.] Marcel: That is a nice jacket. [Marcel walks across the room until he sees Aya. Once he does, he smiles and takes her by the arm. However, he then vamp-speeds them into a nearby hallway and pins her against the wall with his hand around her throat.] Marcel: Is this how you people get your kicks? Killing each other for sport? Aya: [smiles] Take your hand off of me, or I will tear your arm from its socket. Marcel: [ignores her] What I built in this city may seem small to you, but at least my guys have rules. We don't kill each other. Simple code-- begins with loyalty, something you clearly don't give a damn about. [Aya smiles and overpowers him, spinning them both so Marcel is the one pinned against the wall in a choke-hold.] Aya: Death is inevitable, even for those such as we. Acknowledging that makes even the longest of lives all the more intoxicating. "Are they flirting or fighting?" Asked Hayley. "Flirting." Said Bella and Freya, then looked at each other and laughed. [They glare at each other for a long moment until Marcel lunges forward and kisses her passionately. They begin to make out, and Marcel rubs his hands all over her body in hopes of finding his ring, but Aya soon realizes what he's trying to do and breaks away, smirking at him as she pins him back against the wall.] Aya: Mmm... A fine effort, Marcel, but I don't have your daylight ring. I do hope you're able to find it, though. What little time remains. [She smirks at him once again as she walks away, leaving Marcel alone at the top of the staircase to panic about his next move.] [Hayley and Tristan are still dancing together while Tristan makes an offer to talk to her.] Tristan: There are few novelties left in the world, especially to us. A creature such as you is certainly among them. [Hayley narrows her eyes at him.] Hayley: Yeah? And what kind of a creature might that be? Tristan: A hybrid, of course. The only one among us whose life doesn't depend on the survival of the Original family. You, Hayley Marshall-Kenner, are one of a kind. And, a true beauty, at that. [Hayley looks uncomfortable at this comment, and Tristan spins her around before pulling her close, and she does her best to avoid eye contact with him.] "He is such a creep." Said Davina. [At the bar, Elijah is watching them with a scowl on his face. Suddenly, Klaus and Bella enters the room with Lucien and a large group of Halloween-costumed women, including the nurse, the cat, and the skeleton bride from earlier. Bella is wearing:]
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[Klaus howls drunkenly like a wolf as Lucien, Bella and the women all laugh happily, attracting the attention of everyone in the room to the point where everyone stops what they're doing and stare at the gate-crashers.] Klaus: I'm ready for my medication. Lucien: My God, it's a room full of Elijahs. [Lucien has hand around Bella's waist and Bella is clunching his hand to make it painful, but Lucien doesn't acknowledge it. Klaus has his arms thrown around the womens' shoulders and is drunkenly leaning against them.] Klaus: I had that exact same nightmare once! Everyone laughs. Elijah looks at Klaus unimpressed. [The group all laughs hysterically as Lucien turns to one of the women, who is dressed in a fuchsia corset and matching bobbed wig and whose identity is concealed by a black mask.] Lucien: Go and grab us a drink, love! Feel free to fetch one for yourself. Klaus: [slurs] One for me, please! And one for her, and her, and her, and her... [The woman in pink turns to fetch drinks, revealing that it is actually Freya in disguise. She sneaks up a nearby staircase while Klaus causes a distraction.] Klaus&Lucien&Bella: [shouts] Tristan? Tristan! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Unless, of course, you're afraid! "I changed my mind. You, Klaus and Marcel aren't trio from hell, you, Klaus and Lucien are." Said Layla.