Chapter 19

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[In the present, Aurora and Klaus continue their conversation. Aurora is so upset by this confession that she starts to cry, and turns her back to Klaus.]
Klaus: And so you told him.
Aurora: I couldn't stop the words flying out of my mouth-- words I swore I would never tell to another living soul, about how you killed your mother and blamed your father, and you had to lie to them so that they would flee with you.
Bella patted Klaus's back.
[After Aurora tells Klaus' secret, Elijah looks appalled and devastated by what he has just learned.]
Elijah: He... He killed our... mother? Niklaus? [Aurora, realizing what she's just done, begins to cry.]
Aurora: Why did I tell you? I swore I would keep his secret. [Elijah is so distracted by processing this new information that he isn't paying attention to Aurora.]
Elijah: [mutters] So, he... he lied to me. He's lied to us all.
"Not to Bella." Said Layla.
"You aren't helping! And technichally, he didn't tell me either." Said Bella.
Aurora: And yet, I love him in spite of it. [Elijah, now furious, once again lunges toward Aurora.]
Elijah: He does not deserve your love! [He stares her in the eyes, this time compelling her on a more conscious level, while Aurora is powerless to stop it.]
Elijah: You listen to me. You must only see him as the wretched, deceitful monster that he truly is. [Aurora, dazed, repeats his statement in a confused voice.]
Klaus looks hurt.
"Brother of the year." Said Layla.
"That's enough Layla! He just found out his mother was killed by his brother! He has every right to want revenge. He went too far, but it's not easy to control your actions while you are angry and hurt, expecially when you are vampire." Defended Bella. Elijah looked touched. Klaus scrowled and glared at Elijah.
Aurora: I see him as the monster that he is.
[Aurora finishes up her story for Klaus, who is horrified by the revelation of Elijah's secret.]
Aurora: When you came to see me not minutes later, begging me to go with you, I could not say yes. I had been compelled otherwise. I believe it was the first time he experienced the ability to compel, and when he understood what he did, he did not come and undo it.
Klaus: [stunned] So, that's it...? Elijah's secret?
Aurora: Yes. You made him suffer the loss of a mother, and this was his revenge. [Aurora and Klaus, both in tears, stare at each other for a long moment.]
"Your family gets more and more complicated everyday." Said Davina.
"You are part of this family now. Might as well get used to it." Said Bella.
[Elijah is in the middle of leaving Klaus yet another message as he paces around the hallway outside of the courtyard.]
Elijah: [tensely] Niklaus, would you kindly return my call? [As he hangs up the phone, Marcel walks into the hallway, and Elijah doesn't even have to turn around to know he's there.]
Elijah: Marcellus. Talk to me.
Marcel: [sighs] Yep. We got a problem.[Elijah, bracing for bad news, turns to face Marcel as he continues what he's learned.]
Marcel: My guy stayed on Tristan's tail all day. Followed him to this place called the Candide Royale. He goes in, never comes out. So, he's obviously using it as a way to get to somewhere.
Elijah: How and where?
Marcel: The building has hidden passageways leading out the back. Now, bootleggers used them in the '20s to run booze to a secret storehouse on Dauphine, and you'll never guess who just bought that storehouse. [Elijah shakes his head once, so Marcel answers his own question.]
Marcel: Kingmaker Land Development, owned by one Lucien Castle. Now, that sure as hell isn't a coincidence.
"Now that's a plot twist!" Said Layla.
[Elijah is stunned by this information as he brainstorms the implications.]
Marcel: Either they're brokering some kind of truce...
Elijah: ...Or, they've been working together the whole time. [Marcel nods in agreement.]
[Klaus looks at Aurora angrily as they continue their discussion.]
Klaus: You've had a thousand years to tell me of Elijah's betrayal. Why now?
Aurora: Well, there's never been a prophecy witch spelling all our doom until now.
Klaus: [suspiciously] What do you know of her?
Aurora: I know I killed her. [Aurora walks past him as she continues.]
Aurora: My brother told me of her prophecy, but I needed to see her for myself. And what did she show me? The clan Mikaelson destroyed, including my sire. And I believed her. But, a dangerous toy in dangerous hands must be removed, so I poisoned her. And now, I'm going to change the future she saw.
Klaus: [growls] By turning me against my brother.
Aurora: The prophecy said that you would fall by friend, by foe, and by family. Have you thought of who that family might be? 'Cause it might just be the one closest to you. [Klaus glares at her angrily.]
"Or it is exactly the prophecy. You turning Klaus against Elijah." Said Marcel.
[Cami has brought Vincent back to Kieran's old apartment, where they've entered the hidden room through the closet. Vincent looks around at all of the dark objects on the shelves before glancing at her incredulously.]
Vincent: You realize half this stuff comes from the Tremé witches, right?
Cami: How would I know? I inherited it all from my uncle. [Vincent looks concerned by Cami's arsenal.]
Vincent: You don't even want to know what this stuff does, Camille. Why didn't you tell me about it before?
Cami: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah-- "Hey, Vincent, you want to check out my creepy collection of black-magic knickknacks? [Vincent turns to face her with a serious expression.]
Vincent: See, this is no joke, alright? In the wrong hands, this stuff could destroy the city.
"He's right. I should know, i made almost everyone of them." Said Kol.
[Suddenly, Detective Kinney appears in the doorway, looking angry.]
Kinney: Define "the wrong hands," because I'm taking all of it-- property of NOLA PD, evidence in a murder case. [Both Vincent and Cami are both shocked and terrified to see him.]
Cami: Detective Kinney, how did you...?
Kinney: [gives her a look] You really think it was hard for me to find this place? Search warrant was easy-- I just gave the judge your history. Your twin brother was a mass murderer, your uncle's death smells of a cover-up. And the forensics from tonight's crime scene? Crazy thing-- the only prints on the victim are yours. Combing that with whatever the hell this is? Call that "probable cause." [Kinney pulls out his handcuffs and spins Cami around to lock them around Cami's wrists. Cami shoots Vincent a terrified look, but he is at a loss for options as to what to do.]
Kinney: Cami O'Connell, you are under arrest.
[At the Parfumerie, Aurora continues talking to Klaus, who is still overwhelmed by her confession.]
Aurora: I've given you much to think about. [Aurora walks toward Klaus and tugs on the lapels of his jacket.]
Aurora: I'll leave you to work through--
[Klaus angrily vamp-speeds toward Aurora and shoves her against the shelf behind her, pinning her there by the arms.However, Aurora remains calm.]
Aurora: Go to Elijah. Ask him yourself. I suspect you know what you will find...[Aurora runs her hands over Klaus' chest and under his coat. Klaus' eyes widen, and he gulps nervously as he backs away from her touch.]
Aurora: And, when you do, come find me. See who's really on your side.
Elijah, Freya and Bella glare at her.
[Aurora vamp-speeds away before Klaus can respond, leaving him stunned and confused. Some time later, Klaus returns to the Mikaelson compound, where Elijah is in the courtyard, having a drink at the bar. He takes a large gulp of bourbon before he addresses Klaus.]
Elijah: [quietly] She told you. How convenient, to voice this ancient grievance in the very moment we need to stand united against our enemies.
Klaus: [angrily] You speak to me of enemies when the greatest traitor of my life stands before me. [Elijah slides his drink toward the right end of the bar, and as soon as he turns to face Klaus, Klaus vamp-speeds toward him, shoving him into the bar and knocking it and all of the bottles and glasses on top of it over.]
"Why do they always fight?" Complained Freya.
"Welcome to my life. I have to deal with my idiot brothers and their idiotic fighting my whole life! Now they are your problems, too." Said Bella. Mikaelson men looked offended and glared at Bella. Freya sighted dramatically, but her eyes danced with amusment.
[The glass shatters into fragments, and the wooden bar is smashed into pieces as Klaus quickly stands to his feet and kicks Elijah in the chest as he tries to get up. Once Elijah is upright, Klaus punches him hard in the face, but Elijah recovers quickly and grabs Klaus' shoulders in his hands before headbutting him. Klaus angrily shoves Elijah into one of the balcony's support beams, but Elijah responds by shoving Klaus backward just as hard and punching Klaus in the jaw so hard that he spins and falls to his knees. While Klaus is recovering, Elijah grabs him by the back of the coat and tosses him into the coffee table, which he smashes as he slides across it. Elijah glares at Klaus as he unbuttons his jacket in preparation for more fighting. Klaus stands to his face and scowls at Elijah.]
Klaus: What you did to Aurora, to me-- you set my course! [Elijah points at Klaus for emphasis as he argues his side.]
Elijah: I protected you! I protected our family. Aurora was the sister of a lunatic, and a powerful lunatic at that! Father was in pursuit. What was I supposed to do, Niklaus?
"Sounds exactly like how Klaus justified himeslf after Hayley and Gia. Not so different now are you?" Said Layla. Elijah looked down.
Elijah: And despite every one of your despicable deeds, I alone have always stood by you.
Klaus: [scoffs] And why is that? Guilt.[Elijah glares at him angrily for this accusation.]
Klaus: [shouts] You knew that your secret betrayal was the cause of everything I became! [Klaus furiously lunges for Elijah and punches him in the face, only for Elijah to immediately swing his right leg and kick Klaus so hard in the chest he's pushed backward. When Klaus vamp-speeds toward him, Elijah holds out his arm, keeping Klaus at arm's length so he can come no closer. However, Klaus simply lets his hybrid face and fangs out and bites Elijah on the forearm, causing Elijah to roar in pain.]
Elijah: AAGH! [Elijah lets go of Klaus, allowing him to punch him in the face with a right cross before kicking him in the chin and vamp-speeding around to hold Elijah in a head-lock, which Elijah slips out of with vampire speed before elbowing Klaus in the face and throwing him across the room and into the far wall.]
Elijah: [shouts furiously] All this blame![Klaus, scowling, stands to his feet in front of the wall that he dented when his body flew into it.]
Elijah: Will you ever look at yourself? I have carried you for centuries, Niklaus. No more! You want a fight? So be it.
"You are both angry at each other for what you did to each other's girls. So now you are even, can you stop fighting?" Whined Bella.

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