Chapter 25

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Tristan: Our continued existence depends on the Mikaelsons. [Aurora rolls her eyes at her brother's diplomatic attitude.]
Tristan: We've known that since Finn and Kol died. Unfortunately, so does every other vampire in the world. Given that the sirelines have declared war against one another, you can imagine how many young upstarts have come to the same conclusion-- kill a Original, wipe out an entire line of rivals. [Tristan looks pointedly at Klaus and Bella.]
Tristan: Heavy burden, isn't it? The lives of thousands of sired vampires resting on your shoulders? In a perfect world, you'd allow us to seal you away forever, thus eliminating the threat.
"Is he f*cking kidding?" Said Layla.
"Nope." Said Bella, popping out 'P'.
[Klaus and Bell stare coldly at Tristan, clearly not appreciating the implications of what he's suggesting.]
Klaus: [coldly] Fortunately, the world is far from perfect.
Bella: (smiling sweetely) Do i look like a bloody hero?
Lucien: You look like a goddes, Mi amor. [Bella throws fork at Lucien and he catches.]
Bella: I told you to not flirt with me!
Everyone looks amused.
[Lucien opens his mouth to say something, but Bella interrupts.]
Bella: [snidely] With all the nauseating dinner theater we've endured throughout the centuries, these performances are, by far, the worst. [Both Tristan and Aurora roll their eyes and throw their heads back in identical expressions of exasperation before Bella eventually speaks.]
Bella: Aurora, my brother-- [Klaus immediately cuts her off.]
Klaus: Aurora is quite aware of our desire to see Elijah home, and I'm sure she'll do everything in his power to oblige. [Just then, footsteps are heard as Freya walks into the courtyard and makes an appalled face at the sight of her brothers' guests.]
Freya: [incredulously] We're welcoming our enemies to the dinner table now? Convenient, given she's the one who has the answers I want. [Freya gestures at Aurora, who is so offended by the accusation that she scoffs loudly and rises to her feet.]
Aurora: Oh, for heaven's sake! Now I have to deal with the long-lost sister? [Aurora turns to Klaus with a stern expression.]
Bella: Careful with your tongue, Aurora. You might be left without one!
"Thank you for defending me." Said Freya.
"What are sisters for?" Smiled Bella. Freya smiled back.
Aurora: Nik, please spare me your family's rage and paranoia. It is exactly this kind of lunacy which led me to steal Elijah in the first place. [Freya interrupts, causing Aurora to look back at her.]
Freya: What did you do with him?
Aurora: Oh, I'm sorry, love, but this prophecy has you all acting as fools. And I've no intention of risking my brother's life to foolishness. [Everyone in the room is staring at Aurora, as none of them know the true reason why Aurora took Elijah in the first place.]
Aurora: I can't trust any of you, so I decided to put him someplace safe. Imagine a spot where no harm could come to him. Where, in fact, no one could possibly even track him down.
Everyone glares at Aurora.
[Aurora smiles at the rest of the room as the Mikaelsons all stare at her in bewilderment and horror.]
Aurora: Yes, rest assured, Elijah is perfectly fine... at the bottom of the ocean.
"She is dead!" Growled Bella and Klaus. Everyone looked at her murderously.
[Bella glares at her murderously. Klaus narrows his eyes in scrutiny as he examines Aurora's poker face.]
Klaus: You're bluffing. [Aurora simply shakes her head as though she's playing dumb, and Klaus becomes even more overwhelmed with anger.]
Klaus: Tell me you're bluffing!
Aurora: [scoffs] Oh, you should all be thanking me. Elijah's never been safer! He has plenty of company down there. There's all the little crabs, and octopus, and..
Everyone glares at her, excpecially Elijah.
[Aurora makes accompanying hand gestures to communicate the crabs and octopi just as Klaus angrily slams his hands on the table and stands to his feet. Before Klaus can react further, however, Tristan vamp-speeds over to Freya and holds the point of a knife to her throat.]
Tristan: [growls] Harm my sister, and I'll be forced to return the favor. [Bella, not to be outdone, vamp-speeds over to Tristan and yanks him away from Freya, pinning him face-first against one of the support beams of the balcony. Lucien smirks at this development and awkwardly sips his drink before making his snarky reply.]
Lucien: Oh, this all escalated very quickly...
"He's such a mood." Said Layla.
Klaus: [irritably] Shut up, Lucien, or I'll tear your tongue from your head.
Lucien: [rolls his eyes] Be careful with your threats, Nik. Anything should happen to me, I won't be able to protect your precious Cami. [Aurora's eyes flash with jealousy and anger.]
Aurora: Okay, that is the second time I've heard her name! Just who is this Cami? [Freya glares mutinously at Aurora.]
Freya: [growls] You have bigger problems. [Freya thrusts her hand in front of her and flicks her wrist, telekinetically snapping Aurora's neck and causing her to collapse onto the floor in a heap.]
"Go, girl!" Cheered Layla, Hayley, Davina and Bella. Freya smiled.
[Klaus, both appalled and impressed, shouts at her.]
Klaus: Freya! [Bella seems to be in agreement with Freya and interrupts him as she drags Tristan back to the table by the back of his neck and shoving him down onto his seat.]
Bella: Nik... Which of these two vulgar parasites would you first like to torture?
[Lucien takes a deep breath, clearly not keen to be alone with either Mikaelson, but Klaus just shrugs.]
Klaus: Well, it's half a dozen of one and six of the other, isn't it? [Klaus walks over to Lucien and stands behind him, squeezing his shoulders tightly in mock affection before smiling devilishly at Bella.]
Klaus: Why don't you take the stable boy?
Bella: Whaat? NO! I prefer suits jr. [Klaus chuckles.]
Elijah glares at her, Bella smirks at him. Kol laughs.
Klaus: Tristan and I are long overdue for a good catch-up. [Bella sights annoyed, but nods. Klaus looks down at Lucien with a cold smile and whispers menacingly into his ear.]
Klaus: Oh, if anything happens to Camille... [Bella, amused, cuts him off.]
Bella: Oh, I'm quite sure Lucien's aware. Devastating error. [Lucien purses his lips, not wanting to set either of them off. Meanwhile, Freya smiles coldly down at Aurora's unconscious body, which is still splayed across the rug where she fell after her neck was snapped.]
[Klaus has just pulled Tristan into Elijah's study upstairs, where he shoves him down into a leather armchair.]
Klaus: When Aurora wakes, you will convince him to return my brother.
Tristan: Oh, would that it were so simple.
Klaus: [shrugs] I think she might be more amenable if she's forced to watch as I tear you limb from limb. [Tristan, slightly nervous about this threat, does his best to remain calm.]
Tristan: You could torture me, but even if my sister decided to return yours as a result, Elijah's coming back would be marred by The Strix, who would descend upon the city like a plague of locusts, killing whomever stood in their way.
"Aaand?" Said Layla.
[Klaus considers this for a moment before shrugging again.]
Klaus: Violence is unavoidable, then. Well, I tried! [Klaus lunges for Tristan, who quickly stands up and stops him.]
Tristan: Think, Niklaus. All these threats, this needless escalation of violence? We play into the worst possible outcome of this prophecy. There's a better solution. [Klaus gives Tristan a cold look.]
Klaus: What might that be?
Tristan: We cannot prevent fate, but we can but we can take control of it. [Tristan takes a step closer to Klaus.]
Tristan: Keep your siblings alive by helping me seal them away. Let them fall-- only for the year-- and leave yourself free to stand guard over them. If you care for them at all, it really is your only choice. [Klaus, not happy about Tristan's suggestion or his tone, glares at him.]
"That is doing exactly what prophecy said." Said Davina.
[Meanwhile, Lucien and Bella are in Klaus' art room, where Lucien is pouring himself and Bella a drink as Bella stares at him menacingly.]
Lucien: No doubt you're angry... Rightfully so. For what it's worth, I was horrified by Aurora's thoughtless actions, love. But, I assure you, Cami will be fine, provided I'm allowed to leave here with my head intact.
Bella: [unamused] Give me Camille and the medallion, and then we may consider the future of your head. [Lucien confidently smirks at Bella.]
Lucien: Bella, love, We both know you won't kill me.
Bella: (amused) Do we know?
Lucien: We do. You had all the time to do it, but you didn't. [Lucien walks toward Bella.]
Lucien: Because you still love me.
[Lucien and Bella are face to face now and Bella looks stunned by his response and tries her best to not step away.]
Bella: I- I don't love you.
People look at her sympathetically.
Lucien: You do and i love you, too. Our love will never crunch. [Bella's mind drifts to flashback when Lucien gives her flower crown. Bella gulps nervously.]
Bella: I hate you!
Lucien: You don't. [Lucien caresees Bella's face. Bella takes shaky breath.]
Everyone look at her with pity.
Lucien: I missed you.
Bella: [bitterly] Not as much as Aurora. I'm sure.
Lucien: I love you. I- I was confused. I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I--
Bella: Your apologies mean nothing to me, Lucien. I don't trust you or your apologies. Your words doesn't have value anymore. I am not making same mistake. Now kindly remove your hand from me, before i do it for you! [Lucien looks hurt and takes his hand off Bella.]
"You are so amazing and strong." Said Layla.
[Downstairs in the ball room, Freya is pacing back and forth with a lit sage smudge-stick, allowing the smoke to waft around the room. Aurora's body has been moved and propped up against the nearby wall. After a moment, Aurora's eyelids begin to twitch, and she takes a deep breath as she starts to come to. When she finally opens her eyes, she hums as she starts to remember what happened.]
Aurora: Mmmm...
Freya: Took you long enough. [Aurora takes notice of the smudge-stick in Freya's hand and smiles.]
Aurora: Oh, are we to play a fun game?
Freya: [smiles] Actually, yes. [Freya holds up the burning sage in her hand.]
Freya: And now that my spell has made it so that no one can hear what happens... [As if on cue, Hayley walks into the room and stares pointedly at Aurora.]
Hayley: We're gonna have a lot of fun.
"This is the side of you i like!" Said Bella.
"When i torture people?" Asked amused Hayley.
"One you are fighting for your family. Or your love in this situation." Said Bella. Hayley blushed.
[Aurora gapes in surprise at Hayley's entrance.]
Aurora: Hayley! The mother of Niklaus' child. Ooh, I was really hoping I'd get to meet you.
Hayley: [glares at her] Feeling's not mutual. [Aurora isn't the least bit bothered by this rejection.]
Aurora: Oh, okay. So, then what, pray tell, are we doing here? [Hayley and Freya, standing side by side, stare at Aurora with serious expressions.]
Hayley: You're gonna tell us where to find Elijah, or we're going to kill you.
Elijah smiles.
Aurora: Oh! [Aurora chuckles in amusement as the two girls smile smugly at her.]

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