[Hayley wakes up, covered in blood and bruises, to find that she and Jackson have been chained up in the back of an auto shop. They're sitting in chairs with their wrists shackled, and behind them are IV bags filled with clear fluid. Hayley immediately begins to break through her restraints to save them, but Jackson, who awakened before her and whose face is beaten and bloodied as well, weakly tries to stop her.]
Jackson: [quietly] I tried that. I tried that. The more you struggle, the more wolfsbane gets pumped into your veins.
[Hayley looks back and realizes that their shackles are hooked up to IV lines inserted into their veins, and that the IV bags behind them are full of wolfsbane-laced water. When Hayley looks down at the floor, she sees that Jackson's pant leg is stained red, and that a huge puddle of blood surrounds his foot on the floor.]
Everyone glares at screen.
Hayley: Jack, your leg. Are you okay?
Jackson: Yeah, they worked me over pretty good. With all the... the wolfsbane in my system, I ain't healing so well.
Hayley: [anxiously] Just breathe. When we get a chance to fight, be ready. [Jackson gives Hayley a sadden look as she continues to try to break free of her chains, despite the increasing amounts of wolfsbane being infused through her body.]
Jackson: Hayley. Hayley, listen. I don't know if I'm gonna get that chance--
Hayley: [cuts him off] Stop. We are gonna get out of here, Jack.
Hayley's eyes are filled with tears.
Jackson: I love you. Okay? I've... I've always loved you.
Hayley: [scared] Don't--
Jackson: When I first saw you, I broke. You broke me, and nothing has ever been the same since. I just want you to know that it was all real. Every moment, every touch, every word.
"From first seeing?" Said Layla in disbelief. Bella sent stinging jinx to her, Layla yelped.
[Hayley looks devastated by how defeated Jackson sounds just as Tristan walks into the room.]
Tristan: How absolutely darling! Or pathetic. I suppose it's all relative. [Hayley glares at Tristan with hatred and continues to try to break out of her restraints as he walks toward them.]
Hayley: You let us out of here, or so help me, I will kill you!
Tristan: [rolls his eyes] Hmmm. Somehow, I doubt it. I've been pondering this moment since you tortured me-- [Hayley tries even harder to break out of her shackles as Tristan stands next to Hayley and stares at her.]
Hayley: UGH!
Tristan: [ignores her] --What's the best way to truly hurt a hybrid? And then it came to me. [Just then, Tristan grabs Jackson by his hair and yanks his head back so he can plunge his hand into Jackson's chest at vampire speed, causing Jackson to groan in pain as Hayley screams at the top of her lungs.]
Jackson: UGH!
"No! No! No!" Cried Hayley. Marcel hugs her.
Hayley: No! NO! [Tristan rips out Jackson's heart, killing him, and Hayley becomes hysterical with fury and grief, desperately trying to break out of her shackles to kill him.]
People look at sobbing Hayley with pity.
[Tristan lets go of Jackson's head and stares in satisfaction as Hayley continues to scream hysterically.]
"We will fix it. It's future. We can still save him and Cami." Said Bella. Hayley and Klaus look more relieved, but still sad.
[Bella and Vincent have just returned to the courtyard of the compound, where they find a horrified Freya clutching her chest with one hand and a piece of parchment in another. She's staring at a small, cream-colored box on the table when Bella, immediately sensing something is wrong, rushes over to her. Vincent, not sure what to expect, hangs back.]
Bella: [concerned] Freya? What's happening?
Freya: [tearfully] A messenger came. Some compelled tourist. He left this... [Freya, whose face is covered in tears, gestures toward the box on the table, and Bella, both concerned and suspicious, gently lifts the corner of the lid to the box while Vincent watches from behind. When Bella sees the bloody heart inside, she immediately shuts the lid and takes a deep breath to prepare for what she's about to learn.]
Bella: Who?
Freya: Jackson. [Bella closes her eyes and sighs for a moment, overwhelmed by this news. Freya holds up the letter in her hand, which has a message handwritten in print.]
Freya: Courtesy of the Strix. [Freya sighs and sits on the couch as Bella takes the letter and begins to read its contents: "Dearest friends, please find enclosed the heart of Jackson. Hayley's will follow unless you meet me at Coltrane's Autoshop, 1268 Adderly in the ninth. Kind regards, Tristan." Bella sighs, exhausted by the shocks she's received today.]
Everyone glares at letter.
Bella: So, unless we meet their demands, Hayley will be next. [Bella looks furious as she begins to brainstorm their plan.]
Everyone looks at Hayley worried.
[Hayley, who is still sobbing after Jackson's death, has been left alone in the room with his body, which is still sitting chained up in the chair next to her. She looks over at him and is overwhelmed with grief once again.]
Hayley: [tearfully] Jack, I'm so sorry. I never should have brought any of this into your life. I was so selfish. I never met anyone who was always just there for me. You let me feel what it is to be loved. [Hayley becomes choked up and begins to sob again before she continues.]
Hayley offscreen is sobbing, too.
"It wasn't your fault. He knew what he was getting into when he decided to marry you." Said Bella.
Hayley: But I will make them suffer for this, I promise you. I will make all of them suffer.
[Klaus has just dragged Cami back to the compound, where he has shoved her into the study, though she struggles against him.]
Cami: Let go of me!
Klaus: [sighs] I'm afraid I don't have time to be delicate. [Klaus lets go of her and walks away, but when Cami rushes to follow him, she's thrown backward by an invisible barrier.]
Cami: [annoyed] What the hell?
Klaus: I had Freya create a boundary spell. [Cami only becomes more furious at this answer.]
Cami: Klaus--
Klaus: I'm off to save the mother of my child, and to do so, I must face those with a distinct advantage. I cannot wage war if I am worried about you, and I will not entertain any thought of letting you die.
Cami: [growls] You have no right to do this!
"She's right." Said Layla.
Klaus: I will be back long before you starve. In the meantime, if the pain should get too great, I suggest you stop this foolishness and feed. [Klaus gestures toward the coffee table, where a wine glass full of blood has been left for her.]
Klaus: Type O-negative. Just a hint of copper aftertaste. Trust me, you'll learn to love it. [Klaus once again turns to leave, but Cami, furious by what he's done, shouts after him.]
Bella sights.
Cami: This is the same as force-feeding me! [Klaus ignores her, but Cami continues to yell at him.]
Cami: Klaus! If you care about me at all, you won't do this. I will never forgive you. [Klaus turns to look at her and sighs sadly, making it clear that he isn't really enjoying it.]
Klaus: I'm just going to have to risk you never forgiving me. I'll never forgive myself if I let you die. [Klaus turns and walks out the door, leaving an angry and betrayed-looking Cami behind.]
Klaus looks down.
Cami: No! [In the living room, Klaus has just joined Bella, Freya, and Vincent so that they can begin to set up their plan of attack against the de Martels.]
Klaus: Two Original vampires and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants? I'm rather looking forward to it. [Vincent gives Klaus an exasperated look.]
Vincent: Keep in mind that I'm mortal, and, as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing. So, let me go to the covens. I can propose an alliance. They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on...
Bella: There's no time.
Freya: There never is. But, before we rush into battle, let's keep in mind that Tristan may be the very foe to lead you to your doom. Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold? Elijah's on the run. I will not lose the two of you, as well. [Bella looks momentarily uncomfortable, but quickly covers it up.]
Bella: Elijah's safe. [She looks over at Klaus hesitantly.]
Bella: Nik, perhaps you should stay...
Klaus: [scoffs] And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child? No, I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan de Martel, of all people.
Vincent: Intention's got nothing to do with it. As long as Tristan de Martel has the Serratura and your baby's mama, the advantage is all his.
Bella: Well, then we should take that advantage from him. [Freya seems to realise what she's planing and she and Bella look at each other smirking.]
Freya: (to Klaus) We're gonna need something that belonged to his sister.
"The best sister duo!" Said Bella and winked at Freya. Freya laughed.
[Aurora is dozing in the backseat of an SUV when she suddenly stirs awake. She notices the Strix associate of Tristan's sitting next to her, but before she can ask what they're doing, the vampire injects her in the neck with a prefilled syringe of medication that makes her groggy and sedated. She groans in pain and rubs her throat before passing out again. After a moment, the Strix guard and driver see that Vincent is standing in the middle of the road ahead of them. Vincent opens his arms wide and casts a spell.]
Vincent: [chants] Sispann la agresè. [In the SUV, the guard turns to address the driver as he keeps his eyes on Vincent.]
Strix Guard: Run him down. [The driver nods and presses down the gas pedal to go faster, but after Vincent watches them for a moment, he twists both of his wrists inward, causing the SUV to violently flip over and roll down the road at least a dozen times. Once the vehicle finally loses momentum right next to where Vincent is standing, the Strix guard and driver groan in pain as they kick open the doors to pull themselves out.]
Freya is staring at Vincent. Bella notices it and smirks.
[The Strix vampires then start to walk toward Vincent menacingly as they pop their broken bones back into the correct positions, but before they can even try to lunge for Vincent, Bella appears and stakes them both in the heart simultaneously. Bella doesn't even watch as the vampires collapse and die, she simply shrugs and buttons up her coat while Vincent looks at her with an impressed expression.]
Vincent: Nice timing! [A furious Klaus has just pulled Aurora out of the wreckage of the SUV, and she looks up at him with a smile, still high and dazed on the sedative she was given a few minutes earlier and unable to stand on her own two feet.]
Aurora: Oh, my love. I knew you'd find me. [Aurora strokes Klaus' face, but he just scowls at her hatefully before dragging her away.]
Everyone glares at Aurora.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?