[Lucien is bound by his wrists in a cellar in the de Martel castle while Tristan viciously whips him across the back.]
Lucien: [in agony] AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHHHHH! [Lucien grips the restraints around his wrists as hard as he can to fight through the pain of his back, which is bloodied and raw from the whip. The sound of his screams has drawn Klaus, Bella and Elijah's attention, and they eventually enter the cellar to investigate. They are horrified by the sight in front of them as Tristan turns to greet them with a smug smile, his face splattered with Lucien's blood.]
Tristan: Have you two come to watch as Lucien receives his punishment? I fear I'm being a touch lenient, given his intentions for my sister. [Klaus, clearly upset by the sight of his friend being tortured so brutally, approaches Tristan.]
Klaus: Why torture a loyal servant? I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.
Tristan: [coldly] One that remains outside your concern. As son of the Count, I may discipline staff as I see fit. Should you take issue, then I'll need to remind you that you are a guest.
Bella: I don't care what you do to him. [Tristan, Klaus and Elijah look at her surprised, Lucien looked hurt and betrayed.]
Bella: (To Lucien) I was there, Lucien. I heard everything you told Aurora and we are over! You can burn in hell! [Bella starts to leave.]
Lucien: Bella, wait... please-- [Bella stops walking, her back turned away from Tristan, Lucien, Klaus and Elijah, her face full of pain and hesistation.]
Girls look at her sympathetically. Kol, Klaus and Elijah glare at Lucien.
[After a second, she continues to walk out without turning back while Lucien screams for her. Tristan laughs. Klaus and Elijah, torn between helping Lucien and exposing themselves, hesitate for a moment as Tristan returns to whipping Lucien. However, Klaus, unable to bear to watch this torture, grabs Tristan by the arm and stops him.]
Klaus: Step away from him! Now. [Tristan, panting from exertion, looks at Klaus in amusement.]
Tristan: I know what you are. Our house servants speak of demons hunting in the night. I, myself, interviewed one such maiden. Quiet pretty. Thus far, the only survivor of these attacks. [Elijah, upset by this news, closes his eyes and sighs as he considers their next move.]
Tristan: I asked what manner of creature had hunted her. She said she was certain it was the Lord Kol, but with the face of a beast. Your entire family sought refuge here, claiming to be noblemen, when, in fact, you are fiends. I can only surmise that you are hiding, which means you're afraid. Somewhere out there, something is even more savage than you.
"Smart jerk." Said Layla.
[Elijah looks anxious, but Klaus, infuriated, grabs Tristan in a choke-hold, causing him to gasp in shock and pain as Klaus' vampire-face comes out.]
Klaus: This is not going to be pleasant.
Tristan: [gasps for breath] Do so at your peril. But, should any misfortune befall me, know that I have instructed my fastest riders to spread word of your presence here. Whomever seeks you would most certainly hear the news. [Both Klaus and Elijah are both panicked by this reaction, and though Klaus just squeezes his throat even harder, Elijah eventually intervenes.]
Elijah: Niklaus, release him. [Klaus continues to squeeze Tristan's throat, but Elijah is insistent.]
"Why would you sire him?" Asked Layla.
"You will see." Said Elijah.
Elijah: Please. [Finally, after a moment, Klaus lets Tristan go, albeit reluctantly, and blinks away his red vampire eyes. Tristan gives them both a smug look as he recovers.]
Tristan: See? We're not so different after all. You wish to protect your family. I wish to protect mine. [Tristan turns away from them and heads back toward Lucien, who is still suspended by his wrists from the walls on each side of him. Tristan pulls a knife out of his belt and grabs Lucien by the hair so his head is pulled back. Lucien gasps in fear, and both Elijah and Klaus watch in horror as Tristan slices Lucien's mouth from ear to ear.]
Lucien: [in agony] AHHH! AHHHHHH!
[Lucien falls limp and hangs by his wrist as blood from his mouth drips onto the ground.]
[Lucien looks upset by the reminder of his torture as he sits in the interrogation room with Cami and Vincent, who both seem horrified by this confession.]
Cami: [stunned] Even after all these years, you continue to reenact your trauma. You're choosing victims who are the contemporary equivalent of the privileged son who hurt you. [Lucien, offended, scoffs at this reaction.]
Lucien: I share a deeply personal tale of woe, one meant to garnish sympathy and inspire kinship, yet all you take away is an admission of guilt.
Vincent: [skeptically] Messed-up new guy comes to town, messed-up new guy is responsible for murders. [Vincent taps the case file on the table for emphasis.]
Lucien: [rolls his eyes] Uh, okay. [He chuckles in exasperation before continuing.]
Lucien: Given that you seem incapable of comprehending a sophisticated solution, allow me to posit an equally simple one. [Vincent laughs heartily at this subtle insult toward him.]
Lucien: These murders are an attempt to disparage my good name, thus poisoning me against the one person I came here to protect-- Niklaus himself. Now, if someone wants to weaken my ability to protect Niklaus, perhaps it's because they themselves would like to see him dead?
"He was always good with words." Said Bella.
[Vincent seems skeptical of these claims, but Cami looks worried that he could possibly be telling the truth.]
[Alexis has just set up ingredients for another spell on a small round table in the living room, and has just lit some candles as Klaus and Elijah watch her with interest.]
Klaus: How much longer is this going to take?
Alexis: Elijah and I can begin now, but just us. Sadly, I've already shown you what visions of yours I've managed to divine.
Klaus: The warning was for both of us-- friend, foe, and family. I'd like to see his, please.
Alexis: [curiously] Since family is one of your concerns, and you two are brothers, are you so sure you want to see what I have to show you?
"I always thought prophecies are stupid. They are never clear and future can change." Said Bella.
[She brushes her hair off of her neck, and both Klaus and Elijah smirk in amusement.]
Elijah: Oh, I never could resist a good spoiler. [The brothers move in toward her, and while Klaus grabs Alexis' left wrist on which to feed, Elijah vamps-out and bites into Alexis' neck with his fangs.]
[In the visions, there is another flash of a page from a spell book, which is covered in unintelligible writing around two pentacles drawn on either end of the page. It then flashes to the Mikaelson compound's living room, where the portrait of Elijah has been splashed with a fount of blood, which drips down the length of the painting and onto the frame. The vision cuts to Marcel, who is on his knees on the floor of what looks like St. Louis Cathedral and wiping at a cut on his face as someone stands over him. Then the vision flashes over to the police department, where Lucien is seen stroking the palm of Cami's hand in the interrogation room, as though he's reading the lines. Cami looks nervous as he does so.]
"This time it was literall and about present." Said Layla.
[Just then, the sight of Lucien with Cami shocks Klaus and Elijah so much that they snap Alexis' neck as they're pulling away from her.]
"Couldn't she see her death?" Asked Hayley.
"That's not how it works." Said Freya.
[Concerned, Elijah gently lays her body down on the table, taking care not to drop her on the candles.]
Klaus: [agitated] Well, at least your visions were specific. It seems Lucien has intentions for Camille.
Elijah: And what of Marcel-- family and friend? Where do his loyalties lie?
Marcel looked hurt at accusation.
Klaus: Find him and question him.
[Klaus turns to leave, and Elijah looks at him in confusion.]
Elijah: And where are you going?
Klaus: I'm going to eliminate an old friend before he gets his teeth into my therapist!
"Cami and Klaus's relationship is so cute." Said Bella.
[Lucien, Cami, and Vincent are still sitting in the interrogation room of the police station.]
Cami: You're an intelligent man, so I won't insult you-- we both know that nothing you say proves anything. So, what I want to know is why you asked to speak to me. Why tell me your story? Is it because I know Klaus, and part of you must still blame him? Maybe you want to make him look bad in the eyes of a friend?
Lucien: [chuckles] Ha! I'm so... [He takes Cami's hand and opens it so it is palm-up, allowing him to read the lines along its length, just like Elijah's vision from Alexis earlier.]
Lucien: Oh, now I know why Klaus is so taken with you-- that delicious, mortal mind framing every moment of your meager lifespan. [Both Cami and Vincent look slightly alarmed by this contact.]
Vincent: [warily] Uh-huh.
Lucien: The truth is, I know you have Klaus' ear, and I need him to trust me. As for your claim that I blame him for my ancient wounds? [Lucien lets go of her hand, and as soon as he does, Cami yanks it away as though she's afraid he may try something. If Lucien is offended, he doesn't show it.]
Lucien: Well, time heals all wounds, and my wounds healed a thousand years ago.
"Yeah, sure." Said Bella rolling her eyes.
[In Flashback, Tristan and Elijah have left from the cellar in the court of Marseilles, and Klaus has just released Lucien from the ropes binding his wrists to the walls. The wounds on his back and mouth are still bleeding profusely, and Klaus hands him a goblet of water.]
Klaus: I brought you water. Drink. [Lucien tries to drink the water, but he spits it out as soon as it touches his wounds.]
Lucien: [sobs] What did he do to me?[Lucien sees his reflection in the water and drops the goblet onto the floor in horror.]
Some look at him with pity. Bella winces.
[Klaus, feeling overwhelmingly guilty, pulls Lucien into a gentle hug.]
Klaus: Oh, I am sorry, my friend. [While Klaus is embracing him, Lucien picks up the blade Tristan discarded earlier and uses it to stab Klaus in the abdomen. Klaus groans in pain and pulls away as he processes what has just happened. When he realizes Lucien has stabbed him, he becomes frustrated.]
Klaus: Are you mad? You know what I am! [Klaus pulls the knife out of his abdomen, the blade still coated in his blood, and holds it to the side.]
Klaus: This rage is pointless, you cannot hurt me! [Lucien tries to wrestle the blade out of Klaus' hand, and when Klaus tries to yank it away, he accidentally slices Lucien's palm open. Lucien groans in pain and opens his hand to examine the wound, but, since Klaus' blood has been introduced into the wound, it immediately begins to heal. Lucien gasps in shock, and Klaus, too, gapes in surprise at this reaction, as he was unaware of this ability. Within moments, the lacerations on Lucien's face and back have healed themselves as well due to exposure to Klaus' blood.]
Klaus: [stunned] My blood... healed you...
"That's how you found out." Said stunned Layla.
[Lucien, horrified, instantly backs away from Klaus in confusion.]
Lucien: I... am like you? [Both terrified and exhilarated, Lucien flees the room, still covered in the blood from his now-healed wounds and gripping the blade he stole from Klaus, while Klaus continues to gape in shock.]
[In the Present day, Lucien continues to narrate his story for Cami and Vincent in voiceover.]
Lucien: [voiceover] Of course, I wasn't-- not yet. Not that it would have mattered, anyway. All I wanted was revenge. [Lucien makes his way into Aurora's chambers, where Tristan and Aurora are talking with their hands clutching each other. When Aurora sees him, she gasps in shock, and Tristan spins to see what has spooked her. As soon as he sees Lucien, the color runs from his face.]
Aurora: [horrified] Tristan!
Tristan: [stunned] How, by all that is damned, are you free? [Lucien, furious, lunges for Tristan, but before he can even touch him, one of Tristan's guards stabs him through the chest from behind with his sword. Lucien gasps for breath one last time before collapsing dead to the floor. Tristan does not seem at all upset by this turn of events, but Aurora is clearly upset by the sight of her dear friend being killed in front of her. The guard stabs Lucien in the back one last time to ensure that he's dead and watches as blood spills from his wounds in a puddle around him.]
"That's how he died. While getting revenge." Said Layla.
"Wouldn't that make his wish to revange grow?" Asked Davina.
"That's why i don't trust him." Said Bella.
"And because he cheated." Said Layla.
"That too." Said Bella.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?