[At the Mikaelson compound, Klaus has just put Hope in a small playpen, where she lays down on the floor. As he watches her, he pulls out his phone and dials Lucien's number.]
Klaus: I taught you better than to leave your leftovers in the street! My streets.[Lucien, who is stumbling around his apartment due to the effects of his werewolf bite, sighs as he cradles his injured arm. He's using a bluetooth headset so he can have his hands free to search around the apartment.]
Lucien: You'll have to elaborate, mate.
Klaus: Two bodies were found sporting rather memorable lacerations. Are you exorcising your demons by carving up the innocents of New Orleans?
"Seems like it." Said Bella.
[Lucien laughs weakly and leans against the doorway to catch his breath for a moment.]
Lucien: Oh, your family is full of unfounded accusations today. And if I was the culprit, why would you care? We used to make fantastic messes together.
Klaus: [unamused] There is a delicate balance in this city. There are rules.
Lucien: [tries to catch his breath] Ah, and people you care about. You can't afford to have weaknesses like that right now.
Bella glares at Lucien.
[Lucien pushes the door to his bedroom closet open and falls onto his knees on the floor in front of a large trunk.]
Klaus: Speaking of weaknesses, there is a wolf chained to my wall who claims he took a chunk out of your arm. Come see me. I'll give you my blood in exchange for your word that the killings will stop. [Lucien rifles around his trunk, moving aside a sheathed blade, several stacks of books, and what looks like either historical or magical artifacts in search of something at the bottom. He flexes his fingers and looks at the bite wound on his forearm.]
Lucien: I'm afraid your family dog missed the mark, friend. Barely a scratch. No venom breached the skin. [Klaus closes his eyes and sighs in annoyance at losing his leverage.]
"Liar!" Said Bella and threw popcorn at him.
Klaus: You listen carefully, friend-- my city has enjoyed months of relative peace. If that peace is in any way disrupted, the next gruesome murder will be yours! [Lucien, who has found a silver briefcase in his trunk and has pulled it out, chuckles in amusement, which only makes Klaus more frustrated.]
Lucien: Now there's the Klaus I know.[Lucien hangs up on him and takes the bluetooth device from his ear.]
[Lucien, looking worse for wear, has sat down on the couch in his living room. The silver briefcase is open on the table, revealing four vials of a cloudy liquid and a metal syringe. Panting for breath, Lucien draws up some of the fluid from the vial into the syringe before piercing his wound with the needle and injecting the syringe full of fluid into his body, wincing in pain as it burns the wound. After a moment, he breaths a sigh of relief as the compound burns the werewolf venom from his body and allows his bite to heal as though he has just ingested Klaus' blood.]
People look at him impressed and surprised.
[After the break, Hayley walks down the steps with Hope, and Klaus and Bella follow behind her. Freya has broken the shackles from Jackson's wrists, and as soon as she's finished, he rushes toward his wife and step-daughter to give them a hug.]
Jackson: What happened? Is the curse broken?
Hayley: [tiredly] I'll explain later. We're safe... for now.
Klaus: [politely] Good for you. I'll have your bedroom made up. [Hayley glares at him.]
Jackson: [glares at him] The only way that we will stay under your roof is if I'm in a coffin.
Bella: Well... We can arrange that!
Layla and Kol chuckle. Hayley glares.
Hayley: No one is touching Jackson!
Bella: Ok, but explain the terms of your freedom to your pet. [Klaus, Jackson, Elijaha and Freya looked at her surprised. Bella leaves, Hayley glares at her.]
Elijah: What terms?
[At Lucien's apartment, the New Orleans Sentinel journalist is sitting at a table, where she's reading an article she's written about the so-called serial killer. Her hand has been cut, and she drips the blood from the wound into a wine glass for Lucien, who comes over and drinks it on his way back into his trunk to lock up his werewolf bite cure.]
Lucien: Mmm. You're welcome for the tip.
"Asshole." Says glaring Bella.
[The journalist smirks at him as he heads back into his bedroom. Once he's in the closet, he places the briefcase at the bottom of his trunk, but is distracted by a leather-bound journal when he goes to replace the contents on top of it. He picks the journal up and opens it to reveal an old drawings of Bella and Aurora, which appears to be at least centuries old. He runs his finger over the drawing of Bella before frowning and sighing.]
"Of course, he has Aurora's drawing, too." Scoffed Bella.
[Hayley, who has showered and dressed in clean clothes, is in her old bedroom. Elijah gently knockes on the door as he stands in the threshold.]
Hayley: Come in. [Elijah walks into the room.]
Hayley: Jackson's gathering the pack to tell them to go back to their families... what's left of them. [She anxiously clears her throat and runs her hand through her hair, keeping her back to Elijah so he doesn't see how overwhelmed she is. Elijah holds out his hand, which has a set of keys on a key ring hanging from his index finger.]
Hayley: You know, there was a moment at the bonfire last year when I thought we would be okay. That Hope could be raised by a real family.
"They aren't her real family. We are!" Said Klaus.
Hayley: For the first time, I was happy. I hate Klaus and Bella for taking that away from me.
"What about what you were taking from us? Or is everything just about you?" Said Bella.
[Elijah, not knowing what to say, pulls out a red velvet jewelry box and hands it to Hayley.]
Elijah: These belong to you. I recovered them after you turned. [Elijah turns and walks toward the door, but before he leaves, he stops, though he's too self-conscious to face her.]
"So nobel." Said Layla.
Elijah: [emotionally] I thought only of you. Every day, I fought for your return, and... [He pauses, struggling to find the words he wants to say.]
Elijah: ...Searching for a way. [He loses his nerve, and heads for the door, making only one last statement before he leaves.]
Elijah: [shakily] You were not forgotten. [Once Elijah is gone, Hayley pauses for a moment, visibly affected by his words.]
[Jackson, Hayley, and Hope are in Hayley's room. Hayley gently places Hope in her crib. She looks down at her daughter, who is happily playing with a stuffed animal as she lays on her back in her bed, and laughs, happy to be reunited with her. Jackson gives her a curious look.]
Jackson: [smiles] What?
Hayley: [smiles back] I just missed you.
Elijah looks jaelous.
[Hayley blushes and walks over to her bag, pulling out the jewelry box Elijah gave her earlier and handing it to him after she walks over to stand next to him.]
Hayley: These were found in the junkyard. [Jackson opens the box, revealing their wedding rings and the moss agate mineral totem necklace that Jackson gave Hayley on their wedding day. Jackson removes Hayley's ring from the box and sets the latter aside before placing the ring on Hayley's left ring finger. He then takes a step toward her and kisses her, leading Hayley to wrap her arms around his neck and embrace him while they make out.]
Jackson: [happily] Well, you saved us. Again. Which reminds me what terms Bella was talking about?
Hayley: Mmmm. Our freedom comes with a price. Bella wants me to never take Hope away from them in exchange of our freedom.
"Sounds like a fair deal." Said Layla.
Jackson: Everything has price in this town. But, the worst is over, and so just for today, why don't you let me take care of you for a change, huh?
Hayley: [smiles] Okay. Just this once.
[Hayley and Jackson start to kiss again, but break apart only a moment later when they hear Hope cooing behind them. Then turn around to find her sitting in her crib, watching them as she sucks on her pacifier, and the two laugh. Just as they kiss each other one last time before tending to Hope.]
Klaus looks angry.
[Freya is in one of the studies, staring at her blue pendant talisman, which she's holding in one hand while she applies ice to her bruised forehead with the other. After a moment, Elijah comes downstairs to join her, and she puts the necklace in her back pocket before turning to greet him, smiling weakly.]
Freya: I supposed I was misguided to believe Hayley's return would ease tensions in this house.
Elijah: [grins] Misguided. Delusional. Refreshingly optimistic. [He pauses for a moment and stares at his oldest sister.]
Elijah: You're new. [Freya, realizing that something is wrong, becomes concerned.]
Freya: What is it?
Elijah: I received some unsettling information from Lucien Castle. I don't trust the source, but I... trust you.
Freya smiles.
[The scene cuts downstairs to the courtyard, where Freya is preparing to perform a spell on a table while Klaus bleeds into a bowl for her.]
Freya: If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system. If there's a weapon that can kill you, we need to know. [Freya lights a tall black candle and places it in the middle of the table, surrounding it with smaller lit white candles. She takes the bowl of blood from Klaus and sets out three small pieces of paper with Norse runes written on them. The runes spell "Elijah," "Bellatrix," and "Klaus." Freya stares at the black candle in the center, looking nervous, before she dunks her fingers in the bowl of blood to make a connection with Alexis and her visions.]
Freya: [chants] No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. [As she chants, blood starts to drip from inside her right ear, and the house starts to shake. Freya's voice becomes more and more strained, as though the effort is hurting her, and Bella, Klaus and Elijah become concerned.]
Freya: [chants louder] No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. [Elijah worriedly grabs Freya's arm.]
Elijah: Freya? Stop! [Despite Elijah's pleas, Freya is overcome by visions of the prophecy. She sees Elijah's painted portrait in the living room splashed with blood and the beast with large, long, and wickedly sharp fangs roar as he bares his bloody teeth. Suddenly, the pieces of paper with the three Original vampires catch on fire as Freya gasps loudly, her eyes flying open. The flames on the table finally extinguish themselves, but Freya is visibly shaken by the visions she was shown.]
Freya: [grimly] It's true. You have a terrible shadow over you. Bellatrix, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall... [She looks up at her brothers and sister, clearly not wanting to share the next piece of information she gleaned from the visions.]
Freya: ...One by friend, one by foe, and one... by family. [Elijah, Bella and Klaus exchange worried looks.]
Everyone looks worried.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?