[Layla, Enzo and Bella have just walked into the reception area of the office, where Bella closes the door behind them before they approach the reception desk. The receptionist finishes her call and hangs up as she looks at them expectantly.]
Bella: Ah, hello, love! We're here for a spot of "search and potentially destroy." [Bella makes eye contact with the woman and compels her.]
Bella: Where are the areas off-limits to general staff? [The receptionist smiles evilly at them and sits back in her chair.]
Recepionist: You just wait right here... and I'll have someone out here to help you with your inquiry. [She presses a button under her desk, which causes an alarm to blare loudly throughout the building.]
"Vervain." Said Hayley.
[The alarm causes the reception area to go dark and red lights to flash as the room floods with armed guards.]
Guard: Stay right there! [The guards surround Layla, Enzo and Bella, who don't look as concerned as they do inconvenienced as the guards' assault rifles are aimed at them. Layla, Bella and Enzo share a significant look as the guns' laser sights point right at their hearts.]
Layla: Shall we?
Enzo: (to Layla and Bella) Ladies first. [Bella and Layla look at each other.]
Layla: (to Bella) Age before beauty!
Davina, Bella and Layla laugh.
[Bella laughs and storms toward guards, and though they all start to shoot at her, she's barely affected by the bullets as she starts taking out the guards one by one, with Layla and Enzo following her lead and roaring as well. They break some of the guards' bones, snap the necks of some others, and impale them with their guns until finally, Bella throws the last one standing through the glass door of the reception area. Bella gives the guard one last passing look before she, Layla and Enzo make their way through the building in search for clues.]
"You are good team." Said Davina.
"Thanks, Birdie." Said Bella.
[After the break, the scene returns to the building, which seems to be under lockdown. Bella is making her way through another wing when she sees a frantic scientist in a white lab coat rush out of a locked door and almost run right into her. Bella grabs him from behind and snaps his neck before reaching into his lab coat pocket and pulling out the credentials needed to get into the super-secret areas of the laboratory. She drops the scientist's body onto the floor without another word and holds up the key card for Layla and Enzo to see. Checking to make sure the coast is clear, the three make it through the locked door and into a laboratory.]
"It's too easy." Complained Bella.
[Inside the lab, Bella, Layla and Enzo see at least a dozen men and women chained up and attached to IV drips, while the corpse of a transformed werewolf lays in a cage. Bella looks horrified when they take in the scene. Enzo looks like he's having panic attack.]
People look horrified at scene.
Bella: They're all wolves. [She walks over to where a young man is chained up and sees what looks like a breathing mask over his face, only it has two vials on other side full of the same reddish- orange fluid that Lucien put in the new version of the Original vampire creation spell, revealing that he's been harvesting werewolf venom from them. When she reaches out to touch the man, his eyes open, revealing yellow-gold werewolf eyes, and he moans in pain.]
Bella: And they're still alive!
Even Kol seemed disgusted.
[Layla looks equally disgusted by what Lucien has been doing, but when she sees a clear plastic curtain behind her, she turns and opens it to find a dead woman bound to an exam table with lesions all over her face, neck, and chest.]
Layla: This one's a vampire.
"What the hell Lucien had been up to?" Said Bella.
[Layla looks appalled as he turns back to face Enzo.]
Layla: (worried) Are you okay? [Enzo can't hear her. Layla vampspeeds toward him and makes him look at her.]
Layla looks worried. People give Enzo sympathetic looks.
Layla: Enzo!
Enzo: Yes?
Layla: You okay? [Enzo nods, still in daze. Layla kisses him to distract him.]
[Enzo is in the middle of gently removing the werewolf venom- removing apparatus from one of the werewolves' face when Layla and Bella join him.]
Enzo: Help me with this one. [Bella, Layla and Enzo work together to help the werewolf, a middle-aged man, out of his restraints and gently help him sit down before Bella bites her wrist and offers it to him.]
Werewolf: [weakly] No vampire blood...
Hayley feels bad for the man, so does Klaus.
Bella: That's okay. The others drank. Go on. [The werewolf looks at them hesitantly, and Bella nods in encouragement.]
Bella: Go on. [The werewolf reluctantly drinks the blood while Layla brainstorms what they've just learned.]
Layla: He needed their venom. [Enzo looks around, eventually finding a small refrigerator that he opens to find a vial of cloudy white liquid.]
Enzo: He harvested the venom he needed, then reverse-engineered a vaccine. Clever stuff.
Bella: [confused] And her? [Layla jerks her head to the dead vampire woman who is still strapped to the exam table.]
Layla: The dead vampire? [Bella looks at the woman's body for a moment.]
Bella: It was the wolf venom that killed her.
"But why test something you already know?" Said Elijah thoughtfully.
[Layla finds a syringe full of werewolf venom and examines it.]
Layla: Just Lucien testing his cure.
Enzo: [puzzled] Why does he need to test out something he knows already works?
Bella: He was probably planing something else, but it doesn't matter. We will destroy his researches.
Lafayette Cemetery
Vincent: This city has known violence a hell of a lot longer than it's known about our magic. I mean, that's why, all those centuries ago, our ancestors created the Ancestral Well. So that we would have something, some sort of power, so that we could survive in this place. I've come to the realization that our reliance on that power has grown very, very toxic. Right now, our ancestors are living in horror. Right now, our ancestors don't have any peace. And that's why, tonight, we are going to release them. So that every single one of our dead will be free. Once we release the Ancestral Well, our ancestors are gonna know peace, but our power is gonna change forever. Our magic is gonna come from the Earth itself. But there ain't no turning back. So let's go ahead and do this.
"Finally the good regent." Said Bella.
"At first, he didn't want it, but Freya conviced him." Said Emma.
"Good job. Like they say behind every strong man is strong woman." Said Bella to Freya. Freya smiled.
Witches: Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous. Libérez- nous. Libérez-nous. Ansanm non enim liberari pour les morts.
Witches: Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous.
Vincent: Ansanm non enim liberari pour les morts.
Witches: Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous. Libérez-nous.
Vincent: Ansanm non enim liberari pour les morts.
"He destroyed the ancestral wall." Said Davina happily.
[Enzo is pouring gasoline all over the laboratory, including the dead vampire's corpse, while the middle-aged werewolf man watches him. When he's done, he walks over to speak with him.]
Enzo: Go outside and tell the others to keep their eyes peeled for trouble. As soon as this place burns, We'll take you to the Crescents.
Hayley nodded.
Werewolf: [frowns] I'm not from there. One was. He died last week. We're from the seven packs: Deep Water, Malraux, BasRoq, Barry, Poldark... I'm a Paxon.
Layla: [shocked] Wow. They had to look long and hard to find one of you.
Werewolf: They wanted our venom. [He walks toward Enzo and points to the dead vampire.]
Werewolf: They kept... pumping it into her over and over and over again. Then they'd heal her with some drug. Except the last time. They shot her up with something so powerful... there was no saving her. [Layla and Bella look horrified and Enzo looks sympathetic by this information.]
Bella: Go. I'm gonna burn this hellhole.
[The man nods sadly and leaves. Bella, looking furious, reaches into her pocket and pulls out a lighter before lighting it and throwing it at the feet of the dead vampire before she turns and walks away, Enzo and Layla follow her. The laboratory quickly bursts into flames behind them.]
"Problem solved." Said Bella.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?