[The two Sisters hold their hands out, one still breaking Hayley's bones while the other tries to remove her heart, but Hayley groans and pushes through it, accessing her hybrid powers as she stands up straight and steps toward them. However, they simply increase the potency of their spell, and Hayley falls to her knees in agony once again.]
Everyone is worried.
Hayley: Aaaah! [Furious at their attempt on her life, Hayley raises her voice to yell at them.]
Hayley: Oh... You want my heart? Then come and get it! [The witches continue to break Hayley's bones to cause her debilitating pain. Marcel vampspeeds toward them, rips their hearts out.]
People breathes out in relief.
[Aurora is still slowly walking around with her gun aimed in front of her while she tries to find Klaus. Just then, she hears the sound of twigs breaking underfoot and spins just in time for Klaus to vamp-speed toward her, break her wrist, and cause her revolver to fly sideways several feet away. Aurora kicks and punches Klaus in the gut before spinning to try to find the gun, only to see nothing but dirt and fallen leaves around her. When she looks back over at Klaus, she sees him standing over her with the gun aimed at her. He cocks the gun and gives her a smug look.]
Klaus: Looking for this? White oak seems wasted on you... [Aurora slowly rises so that she's kneeling upright on the ground with her hands up in the air.]
Klaus: But it will kill you, just the same.
Aurora: [pleadingly] Nik, please. [Klaus quickly steps toward her.]
"Just kill her." Said Bella.
Klaus: You never should've come back.
Aurora: You never should've let me. [Aurora knocks the gun out of his hand at vampire speed before karate- chopping him in the leg so hard that he falls onto the ground. By the time Klaus has recovered from the shock, Aurora once again has the gun and is aiming it at him while he lays on his back on the ground.]
"Shit." Said Kol.
Aurora: I'm sorry. [Suddenly, Bella appears behind Klaus, and they both glare at her ]
Bella: Put it down. [Aurora quickly raises the gun so it's aiming at Klaus before she pulls the trigger, hitting him in the lower part of his chest so hard that he flies back and lands on the ground.]
"Nik/Niklaus!" Screames Mikaelsons. Bella and Elijah are clunching Klaus's hands worried. Klaus looks shocked.
[Bella flips over and looks at Klaus in horror, and Aurora, realizing that she'll surely be killed if she sticks around, vamp-speeds away before Bella can retaliate. Bella chooses to go check on Klaus instead of following Aurora. Bella sees Klaus has lost conscious.]
Everyone is on edge.
[Bella sees Freya.]
Bella: (yells) Do something. Get the pendant.
Everyone looks at Kalus worried. Bella and Freya starts sobbing. Elijah's eyes are filled with tears, so is Layla, Kol and Marcel's.
Freya: It's broken. It won't--
Bella: (teary-eyed) I DON'T CARE! IT WILL WORK. JUST FUCKING DO IT! [Freya cluntche broken pendant and starts spell.]
Freya: Spasiti animam suam. Spasiti animam suam. Spasiti animam suam. Spasiti animam suam. Spasiti animam suam. Spasiti animam suam.
Bella: Did it work?
Freya: I- I don't know.
Everyone looks extremly concerned for Klaus.
[Marcel hears footsteps and hides. Hayley is still recovering from the witches' attack when Aya suddenly shows up. Hayley rolls her eyes at the sight of her.]
Hayley: I thought I smelled arrogance.
Aya: [smugly] I think you meant confidence. But I can understand how the uneducated are apt to confuse the two.
"Couldn't she just fucking die?" Muttered Bella.
Hayley: Yeah? You want to tell me what your dead-eyed drones want with my heart?
Aya: It's nothing personal. I just value my life above yours. [Aya rolls up her sleeve and lunges for Hayley to rip out her heart, but Hayley manages to spin away from her and dodge her attack just in time. She picks up a tree brench and backhands Aya across the face twice in a row with it. However, Aya manages to grab her in a choke-hold and slams her against the tree so hard that she's knocked out.]
"Can't we get a break?" Said worried Freya.
[Before Aya can rip out Hayley's heart, Marcel arrives and grabs her in a headlock while he pulls her hand away from Hayley.]
Marcel: Aya, you take her heart, you start a war. [Aya headbutts Marcel in the face and spins to get in a defensive position.]
Aya: Don't let your association with werewolf trash cloud the opportunity before you.
Everyone glares at her.
[She turns back to the still-unconscious Hayley, but Marcel grabs a nearby brench and swings it at the middle of her back, knocking her down so hard that she collapses onto the ground. Marcel points the end of the brench at her chest.]
Marcel: The Mikaelsons will kill us before you can even light the candles on that spell!
Everyone nodded.
[Aya kicks the brech, which causes it to smack Marcel in the face and give her enough time to steal it away from him and use it as a weapon to hit him over the head before eventually using it to pin Marcel against the tree by the neck.]
Aya: There is no alternative.
Marcel: You're wrong. Give me a few hours to set this thing straight. Or push me out of the way and condemn yourself and everyone else in the Strix to a slow and painful death. I want to be de-linked just as much as you do. Give me the chance to do it the right way. [Aya is clearly not pleased by Marcel's argument, but knows that he's right, so she eventually lets go of him.]
Aya: Bring me a solution by midnight, or I will rip out your heart right before I come back and take hers.
Marcel: Why do you even care? Elijah is at the bottom of the ocean.
"That's what i want to know." Said Layla.
Aya: But prophecy is still in motion, which means somehow, he'll get out and i want to be ready. [Aya glares at Marcel one last time before vamp-speeding away.]
Bella: This isn't happening. Tell me Klaus's in there.
Freya: I can't tell yet. I've been reaching out, but... There's just... nothing. There's, there's nothing there. I think... I think he's gone.
Elijah chokes out a sob. Everyone is crying. Bella is hugging Klaus like Koala. Klaus looks stunned.
Bella: (panicking, her eyes getting blurry with tears) No! No! He isn't not gone! Try again.
Freya: Bella, I did try.
Bella: I am asking you to try again. I know he's in there. Try again!
Freya: Leigheas brotin. Leigheas brotin. I just need some time.
Bella: This is not happening. For a thousand years, my brother and I have walked this Earth. Countless times, death has come for us and countless times, we've denied her. He's not gone! He can't be. He... He can't. [Bella's magic explodes.]
Crying got louder. Klaus smiled sadly.
Freya: Did you see that? Did you feel it?
Bella: Klaus. He sounds so far away. But he's in there. You heard him, right?
Freya: Yes, I heard him. He's somewhere inside, but...
"You are alive. I knew you were." Laughed realived Bella. Everyone looked relived, but they were still worried.
Bella: But what? We can save him!
Freya: His voice sounds distorted, broken, like radio static and I just heard... his screaming.
Bella: Okay he is in pain so what? He had endured more pain than you can imagine, but he survived. He is strong. He can survive. He can. We will save him.
Freya: Finn. I couldn't hear even whisper from him. I couldn't feel him.
Freya looks more sad and cries.
[Bella looks sad, but then her phone rings and she answers "Firefly❤️🔥".]
Layla: (sobbing) Kat and Barty are dead. And so are many others in "Shadow". Like when Kol died. Is Kla-
Layla cried. Bella vampspeed toward her and huggs her.
"Shhh! Kathrine and Barty are okay. We will save them. I promise! We'll fix future." Said Bella, trying to comfort Layla.
Bella: (yelled) He is not dead! [Freya looked at her concerned. Bella regained her cool.]
Bella: Sorry, i'm just stressed. We are working on bringing back Klaus. I'm sorry about Kathrine and Barty. I know they were like family to you. Kol is calling. I have to answer it. [Bella sees "Problem 3🤪🔮" calling and answers.]
Bella: No, Kol. Klaus isn't dead. He is in pendant and we are about to bring him back. Stay wherever you are and be safe.
"You didn't even let me talk." Said Kol.
"Isn't time." Said Bella.
[Bella sees "Wolfie🐺💅" calling.]
"Can't everyone call later?" Said annoyed Bella.
Belal: (To Kol) Sorry, i have to go! I will call you back. [Bella answers Hayley.]
Hayley: Strix tried to kill me and Marcel saved me. Twice. It was about breaking the sire link. Marcel told me that Aya's witches already have a spell to do it.
"Why is whole fucking world collapsing?!" Yelled stressed Bella. Everyone is on edge.
Bella: And how does your heart play into all of this?
Hayley: I'm the only un-sired vampire in history. Apparently, that's the key to making it work.
Hayley groaned.
[Bella sights clearly overhelmed.]
"Where is Hope?" Asked Klaus.
"With Mary. Hayley's mother-in-law." Said Emma.
Bella: The Strix might yet come for you.
Hayley: Let them. I'm not an easy target. They'd be better off trying to find some witchy workaround.
Bella: (concerned) Unless they already have.
Hayley: They need my heart. Or one that's identical to it. [Hayley realizes what is going on at the exact same time.]
Bella: Jackson. [Hayley closes her eyes and sighs deeply.]
"No." Said sadly Hayley.
Hayley: The Unification Ceremony didn't just marry us-- it also made his heart a mirror image of mine. [There is pause of silence.]
Bella: We need to dig it up.
Hayley: Bella.
"Bella is right." Said Klaus.
Bella: Aurora's bullet nearly killed Nik. He is fighting death right now. I amn't risking anymore. I don't give a fuck how tactless it is. Now we are gonna go and solve sire problem and Freya will find a way to save our brother. [Bella gave Freya a look and hung up.]
Elijah sents Bella sympathetic look.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?