Chapter 41

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[A jazz band starts playing and their music can be heard in the background as Vincent begins speaking as it shows the cemetery.]
Vincent: Say not in grief that she is no more, but be thankful that she ever was and though she was taken far too soon, may her enduring light show us a way through this darkness.
[Klaus looks at the painting of the man he watched with Cami when they first met.]
Vincent: Let us mourn as we cannot move on until we do.
Bella rubbed Klaus's arm.
[Klaus, Bella, Hayley and the other mourners walk behind Cami's coffin as the jazz band finishes playing.]
Vincent: And though the pain may at times seem like more than we can bare, make no mistake, we will move on.
Vincent: And even now, the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears, they're saying vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for them.
[The jazz band starts to play again at Cami's wake, mourners are gathered inside and Hayley approaches towards the kitchen where workers are scattered.]
Hayley: Okay, we can't run out of whiskey at an Irish wake, it's like the one rule, okay? Whiskey is important. [Hayley turns around as Bella approaches.]
Bella: Whiskey is important. I'm sure Cami would have appreciated all of this.
Hayley: I hope so. [Hayley catches sight of Klaus nearby stood silently beside Camille's coffin.]
Hayley: How is he? [Bella turns to face her brother with a sigh. Klaus takes a breath whilst looking down at her coffin. Marcel places a rose on Cami's coffin.]
Everyone looks sad.
[Bella's phone is ringing, Bella gets out of crowd and picks up. It's Aya, who is calling from the back of a limousine.]
Bella: I sincerely hope you're calling from somewhere far, far away.
Aya: I think we both know I won't leave until this prophecy is averted. Somewhere out there is an elusive weapon capable of killing an Original. I'm calling to suggest we pool our efforts to find it.
Bella: [unamused] I don't play well with others.
Aya: [sighs] Lucien's witch Alexis left her clues in a rather cryptic puzzle. What if I told you I had the means to put it together? [Bella seems shocked by this revelation.]
[Aya has just led Bella into the room with the pool. The majority of the Sisters are gone, except for Ariane, who is still working by the pool.]
Aya: We've searched for a seer for decades. Ultimately, we have made a rather startling discovery. [Aya turns to the Sisters.]
"They found a seer." Said impressed Layla.
Aya: Ariane, come forward, please. [Ariane stands to her feet and does as she's told. Once she's joined Aya and Bella at the front of the room, she stares at Bella curiously. Bella, on the other hand, seems skeptical of the young witch's power.]
Bella: This is your secret weapon?
Aya: She's untrained, of course, but she's shown a spark of talent. Which, in itself, is unbelievably rare.
Bella: [suspiciously] And what do you want from me?
Aya: Witches like Ariane spend years absorbing all manner of information. They see patterns in the chaos, in part because they view history as a whole. Sadly, we don't have that kind of time. [Aya looks over at Ariane, who continues to stare at Bella as she explains what she plans to do.]
Ariane: Water will act as a conductor, allowing me to enter your mind.
Bella: Absolutely not. [Ariane lowers her hood before stripping off her cloak and holding it out for Bella to take.]
Aya: Think of it as a crash course into your mind, garnering just enough information to answer the only question that matters. [Ariane turns in the water until she is facing Bella again, and she looks at her expectantly as she waits for her to join her.]
"It's a terrible idea." Said Klaus.
"I know, but it's only way. We had to stop the prophecy." Said Bella.
[Bella has joined Ariane in the pool. She's floating on her back as Ariane uses her thumb to mark a line from Bell's hairline to the bridge of her nose before laying her right hand on her chest and closing eyes to absorb Bella's memories and knowledge. Just then, Bella's muscles spasm, and she arches her back and yelps in pain as Ariane struggles to take in her entire life's experiences.]
Bella: Agh! Ahh! [Her memories speed by in quick flashes, including: Mikael beating Niklaus with belt, Bella watching as Klaus returns with Henrik's dead body in the 1001 flashbacks, Bella and Kol doing magic together as kids, Bella torturing Elena Gilbert, Bella's neck being snapped by Elijah while Klaus daggers Kol, Bella dancing with Stefan Salvatore in 20s, Bella seeing Kol undaggered in Vampire diaries, Bella getting daggered by Alexander, Bella watching Lucius trying to kiss Aurora, but Aurora rejecting him, Bella getting attacked by werewolves and Layla's father, Bella seeing Esther's dead body and hugging Klaus in 1001, Bella and her siblings watching as Klaus killed Mikael for a second time, 7 years old Bella is sitting on the floor, leaning on the door, she has her eyes closed and is covering her ears while we hear young Klaus's scream. Bella helping Klaus kill Mikael for the first time, Bella arguing with Esther before Esther takes over her body, Bella, Elijah and Klaus watching as Freya performs the spell to confirm Alexis' prophecy in For the Next Millennium, Bella, Elijah and Klaus meeting with the Guerreras in the 1919, Bella saving Layla, Bella finding out about Kol's death from Layla, Klaus, Elijah, and Bella vowing to stay together "always and forever" in the 100, Klaus giving wooden knight to Bella, and Bella on a date under the stars with Lucien in the 1002, among many, many others that were too quick to catch.]
"You had hard life." Said Layls.
"We all did." Said Bella.
[Finally, overwhelmed by the spell, Bella jerks upright in the pool and yells at the top of her lungs, and Ariane gasps as she recovers as well.]
Bella: AHHHH! [Both Ariane and Bella pant for breath as they try to process what just happened, but Aya impatiently interrupts them.]
Aya: Did you see it? The weapon? [Ariane turns to face Bella, who is now standing in the pool, and looks at her with wide, terrified eyes.]
Ariane: All your family has endured...
"Haven's seen the half of it, darling." Muttered Bella.
Ariane: and yet the worst is still to come. An unending darkness lies before you. A lone figure. A pale horse. A flame that will burn you all. [Ariane continues to look overwhelmed, while both Bella and Aya are shocked by what she's just said. Bella eyes widen in realisation, Bella snaps Ariane and Aya's necks, set them on fire and gets out.]
Elijah looks at Aya's death sadly.
[The second Bella is out, witch comes in and echtingueshes fire.]
"Damn it!" Muttered Bella.
[After a while, Madison calls Aurora.]
Aurora: So? I trust it went well?
Maddison: She was killed. I went into her head. I know what weapon is.
[Klaus has joined Bella in her study, where Bella is explaining what she learned from Aya and Ariane, along with her research into the prophecies.]
Bella: I thought the pale horse might be something Biblical, or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations. But then i remembered Elijah's portrait in a vision was bloodied and Thanksgiving dinner, they were literall, so maybe it's literall, too. Deadly weapon shaped like a horse. [Klaus seems like he realised where Bella is going.]
"Your knight." Said Klaus/Elijah/Kol. Bella nodded.
Klaus: Your knight.
Bella: My knight.
[Bella, Klaus and Hayley are searching through the Hayley's room for the wooden knight. After a moment, Hayley sighs in frustration.]
Hayley: This doesn't make any sense. It was here. I saw it! [Klaus suddenly gets an idea and sighs deeply when he realizes what has just happened.]
Klaus: Oh, I believe you. We're just here a little too late. There is still one person who would know about knight. Aurora.
Bella: How would she know?
Klaus: I told her about that when she saw it in my room, back in 1002.
Hayley: But how did she know it was made from white oak and why now? [Bella closes her eyes and curses.]
Bella: One of her witches might have been there and get memories out of seer. But they would have to seize fire first.
Hayley: It sounds farfetched.
Bella: But only option. No one else knew about the knight.
"It's always drama in your family, isn't it?" Said Davina. Mikaelsons nodded.
[A carpenter is using several large machines to turn the small wooden knight into nearly a dozen wooden bullets, which have been given metallic caps and are arranged on a small platform.]
Everyone glares at Aurora.
Man: I finished the last one. [He hands one of the bullets to Aurora, who looks at it for a moment and smiles in satisfaction.]
Aurora: Fabulous. [The carpenter looks confused before he works up the nerve to ask his question.]
Man: If you don't mind my asking, What animal do you aim to hunt with bullets made of wood? [Aurora smiles at him as she continues to examine her new Original-killing bullets.]
Aurora: Not an animal at all, darling. A monster. An entire family of them.
Everyone looks muderous.
"When i get my hand on her..." said Bella.

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