Chapter 26

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[In the living room downstairs, Hayley is fighting Aurora and has just punched her in the face so hard that the impact causes her to spin away from her.]
Aurora: Ugh! [Aurora doubles over as she recovers from the blows.]
Hayley: I'm gonna ask you again-- where is Elijah? [Aurora, whose nose is bleeding, wipes the blood off her lips before giving Hayley an impressed look.]
Aurora: You're quite strong... for an infant. [Freya, annoyed, thrusts her hand in front of her and casts a powerful pain infliction spell on Aurora, which causes her to scream in pain and clutch her head.]
Aurora: AHHH! [Freya clenches her hand into a fist, which only increases the agony Aurora is experiencing.]
"You should burn her iternal organs. It hurts more." Adviced Bella.
"I'll keep it in mind." Said Freya.
Aurora: RAGHHH! [Aurora musters up all the energy she has and fights through the pain long enough to vamp-speed toward Freya and shove her into the nearby wall, which distracts her enough to stop the spell. Aurora then lunges for Hayley and backhands her across the face, angering Hayley so much that she starts to fight with her again. Aurora blocks her punches and twists Hayley's arm back before kicking her in the stomach. While Hayley is recovering, Aurora shoves Hayley backward into the wall opposite of Freya, and she laughs triumphantly.]
Aurora: Ha ha! [When Aurora lunges for Hayley again, Freya jumps forward and casts yet another pain infliction spell, this one even more powerful than the previous one. Aurora clutches her head and groans in pain, nearly falling to her knees from the force of it.]
Aurora: AGH! [After a moment, Freya releases her from the spell, and Aurora pants loudly as she recovers.]
Aurora: Uh! Huh! [Suddenly, Aurora starts to giggle loudly.]
Aurora: Woo! Hahaha! That actually hurt. Haha!
"She's crazy." Said Davina.
"Nothing new." Said Layla.
[Freya and Hayley look amused and baffled by how exhilarated Aurora seems to be as a result of their attacks.]
Aurora: Oh, I have't felt pain since the 1700s! Kind of tickles! [Suddenly, Aurora's smile falls slightly, and she looks at Hayley and Freya coldly.]
Aurora: And for that, I'm gonna make you suffer. [Just as Aurora lunges for them, Hayley grabs Aurora by the hair and yanks her head back.]
Aurora: [yelps] Ahh!
Hayley: How about a werewolf bite, you psychotic little bitch?
"Go, Hayley!" Cheered Bella.
Aurora: [giggles] By all means! If only I can laugh in your face when Nik heals me. [Hayley angrily knees Aurora in the stomach before shoving her at vampire speed across the room, where she's thrown against the far wall.]
Aurora: UH! AH! [Freya smiles at Aurora condescendingly.]
Freya: Maybe Klaus would heal you, but I doubt he would heal your brother. [Freya turns to Hayley.]
Freya: Maybe you should bite him instead? [Hayley looks back at Aurora.]
Hayley: Hmm!
Aurora: No one should dare harm my brother... Seeing as you're all going to need him if you want your precious Elijah back. [Freya and Hayley glare at Aurora furiously at this revelation. Aurora circles around the girls in a menacing fashion.]
Aurora: You see, while I did ensure that Elijah was dropped in the ocean, I don't know precisely where. I had some old friends do it for me... and then I killed them.
[Back upstairs, Tristan continues Aurora's explanation for Klaus.]
Tristan: Aurora has procured the exact location of Elijah's watery grave in two sealed envelopes. Hers contained the latitude... [In the living room, Aurora once again picks up where Tristan left off.]
Aurora: And Tristan got the longitude.[Tristan continues the story for Klaus in Elijah's study.]
Tristan: Thus, each of us has one half of the coordinates you need to find your brother.
"Very smart." Said Layla.
[Aurora continues the story for Freya and Hayley in the living room.]
Aurora: X marks the spot! [Tristan walks around to face Klaus as he finishes the explanation.]
Tristan: Assuming, of course, you keep us both alive. [Klaus scowls at Tristan furiously.]
[Downstairs in the living room, Aurora stops in front of Freya and Hayley and smiles smugly at them.]
Aurora: So, tell me, girls-- who has the advantage now? [Freya rolls her eyes, and Hayley looks as though she'd like to murder Aurora on the spot.]
[The scene cuts back to the courtyard, where everyone has gathered back at the dinner table following all of the information the Mikaelsons have just learned.]
Lucien: [exasperatedly] Longitude and latitude. Lovely. [Lucien sits down next to a very unhappy Freya at the table as Tristan looks over at Aurora with a satisfied smile.]
Tristan: Well, despite our differences, I believe great strides were made today.
Aurora: [pleased] Mmm. [Tristan holds up his glass toward Aurora, who lifts her own and taps it against his in cheers for their victory in the first battle. However, Bella looks at Klaus, who looks very displeased and is pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, stands as he replies to Tristan's remarks.]
Bella: [coldly] Tristan, I can't murder you at this very moment, but I could just as easily tear your organs out and feed them to your sister.
"Do it!" Said Kol.
[Surprisingly, Klaus quickly joins the conversation in order to mediate, though he's still visibly angry at the de Martels. Freya looks at him with displeasure.]
Klaus: Bella! These are our guests.
Aurora: [smiles] Nik, it's so sweet of you to defend us. [Klaus pauses for a moment before he stands to his feet.]
Klaus: You know, I doubted my sister's wisdom in bringing us all together today, but she was right. [Aurora, amused, stares at him with an affectionate smile, and Tristan, believing that Klaus will be taking his side, looks pleased.]
Klaus: We must confront the harsh realities we all face and make difficult choices to ensure our collective survival. [Klaus lifts his glass in toast, and Tristan and Aurora both echo the gesture happily. However, Freya, Lucien, and Bella all look irritated and annoyed by where Klaus seems to be going with his speech, and only raise their glasses out of politeness and the fact that they're too tired to argue with him. Klaus takes a drink before sitting down his glass and walking over toward Bella.]
Klaus: And I have every confidence that my choice... will be the right one. [Klaus, who is now standing next to Bella, smiles at Tristan for a moment. Tristan is so distracted by the fact that he believes Klaus to be on his side that he is unable to react when Klaus vamp-speeds toward him and grabs him by the chin before snapping his neck.]
"Yeees." cheered Layla.
[Aurora, appalled by Klaus' actions, stands to her feet with a gasp and glares at him, clearly feeling furious and betrayed. However Klaus just scowls at her in response.]
Klaus: Were you anyone else, the servants would already be mopping your blood from the floor. If you do not bring my brother home, Tristan will die slowly, and in tremendous pain. [Aurora glares at him mutinously.]
Elijah smiles at how hard his family is trying to find him.
Aurora: You betray me after all your promises of love?
Klaus: [furiously] I meant to keep those promises! It was you who shattered them when you took Elijah! [Klaus lunges for her, stopping just inches away from her face and sneering at her murderously.]
Klaus: Now I have your brother-- a brother for a brother. I want Elijah back.
"Fair trade." Said Marcel.
[Aurora sneers back at him and leans closer to his face to whisper in his ear.]
Aurora: You will regret this. [Aurora, angry beyond belief, turns and storms away, shoving the dinner table to the side as she does so.]
Aurora: UGH! [The table is now a mess and covered in spilled food, wine, and flowers from the flower pots that were knocked over by Aurora's tantrum. Freya looks at Klaus with incredulous anger.]
Freya: After everything today, you just let her go?
Bella: Aurora should be easy enough to control. We have Tristan now. [Klaus turns to Lucien, who looks understandably terrified by this turn of events.]
Klaus: Lucien, you will take me to Camille, and you will surrender the medallion, or you will meet an end so cruel, the devil will weep.

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